Wrestling Thread July 5-11 | 7/11 TNA Victory Road - RVD vs Hardy vs Anderson vs Abyss | Heyman?

i don't know if the mystery opponents are the wgtt. shelton's no compete expires july 22. hopefully, its not the nasty boys or the outsiders. 
people say jbl, which would be hilarious. haha. daniels would be nice, his release never made sense to me anyway.
people say jbl, which would be hilarious. haha. daniels would be nice, his release never made sense to me anyway.
Originally Posted by CaptainCrown

i don't know if the mystery opponents are the wgtt. shelton's no compete expires july 22. hopefully, its not the nasty boys or the outsiders. 
lol@ the nasty boys
Originally Posted by CaptainCrown

i don't know if the mystery opponents are the wgtt. shelton's no compete expires july 22. hopefully, its not the nasty boys or the outsiders. 
lol@ the nasty boys
no preview for tonights ppv
Sorry for no preview. Had a wedding this weekend and just got home.

Douglas Williams retained the X-Division Title over Brian Kendrick after both men fell from the Ultimate X structure, and then Williams locked in a choke submission. Kendrick's arm dropped three times and the ref called it off.
Sorry for no preview. Had a wedding this weekend and just got home.

Douglas Williams retained the X-Division Title over Brian Kendrick after both men fell from the Ultimate X structure, and then Williams locked in a choke submission. Kendrick's arm dropped three times and the ref called it off.
From WrestlingObserver:

--Regarding Paul Heyman and TNA, here's what we know.  In Orlando, a lot of the TNA talent is of the belief that Heyman is coming in, although many have been of that belief for weeks or months.  There have been talks with Heyman for months now, and he was the surprise that fell through last month and is the surprise that unless something happens at the last minute, will fall through again tonight.  TNA wanted him badly on tonight's show to start the ECW invasion angle.  Heyman was in New York as of last word and had not agreed to any deal as of a few hours ago.  As of last word, there were a lot of very major issues that would need to be worked out and it would be hard to believe they could be in a few hours.  The company is under very major pressure to make moves to turn things around which is why they are pushing for this deal. 
Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Originally Posted by chino905

Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Can someone PM me a stream?

Thanks in advance

the atdhe website has a good link up.
Thats the one I was tryin to use at first, but it wasn't working, but I got it up now

post it y dontcha
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