Wrestling Thread June 2-15 | 6/12 WWE Releases 10 Talents, JTG Still Employed


best betrayal since the barbershop window.

how can you say it was predictable and then say well i didnt think it would be rollins,even if you saw the heel turn coming,definitely didnt see it coming from rollins,i think that was the good an unpredictable part imo

It's easy..It's pretty much been known that 1 of the 3 was going to turn sometime in the near future..Most speculation was that it would be Ambrose, so that's who I thought it would be..It was a totally predictable segment..Go back and watch when dude gets in the ring with the chair..All 3 of them pretty much give it away that he's gonna use the chair on the other 2..So that, my good man, was how it was predictable..
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Loved that swerve tonight. Great ending, just wished it was Ambrose instead of Rollins... Ambrose needs the evolution more to get over than Rollins does.
For a minute I thought Alicia Fox's tracks were showing, but that was just her headband. Enjoyed her and Aksana washing Nikki though.

Harper mic time :pimp: who knew a guy who pisses on his shirt before putting it on could be so eloquent?
I hope in the next WWE 2K game that they allow Eric Rowan's mask to be equiped during the match and as damage is done to his face the mask can be knocked off. Much like how Vega's mask could be knocked off in the Street Fighter 2 series.

You are such a mark sometimes.
He doesn't even wear his mask while wrestling , why would they put that in the game.
It's easy..It's pretty much been known that 1 of the 3 was going to turn sometime in the near future..Most speculation was that it would be Ambrose, so that's who I thought it would be..It was a totally predictable segment..Go back and watch when dude gets in the ring with the chair..All 3 of them pretty much give it away that he's gonna use the chair on the other 2..So that, my good man, was how it was predictable..
i noticed that two

Rollins stayed behind as the other two walked toward the ropes

dead giveaway
C'mon DC, you mean to tell me you was really shocked and didn't see that swerve comin?..
I was shocked and I didn't see a swerve coming.

We knew the Shield would eventually break up but as of late, we were put to sleep with the breakup talk. We hadn't heard it in a minute.

So yea man, they got me Cases of Kicks
Hate that the shield might dead BUT if this leads to a D bry vs Seth match at a Major PPV I'm all for it
Hate that the shield might dead BUT if this leads to a D bry vs Seth match at a Major PPV I'm all for it
Yes Sir!. First thing that came to mind.

Cesaro and Rollins too.

Cena and Rollins too. We know those two get the job done.

AMbrose and Rollins too.

Not really lol. Just think it's stupid way to go about it.
Beg to differ.  Time to start building these guys as upper midcard singles guys.  I can't take much more of SuperCena in every main event feud due to a lack of viable draws.

I agree but not in THIS way.
Let's just give it time to play out.  WWE could completely blow this like they have plenty of things in the past (Orton still hasn't recovered from that burial at the hands of the shovel during his 1st title run), but I would rather them build a guy who doesn't NEED the crutch of being aligned with HHH to succeed (Ambrose), but rather a guy who can take the ball and outshine 90% of the roster in the process.  I want to see future Rollins/Danielson PPV main events more than any other combo on the roster at the moment.  That's my main hope for this all.  We shall see.

Who is running their Twitter??
You are such a mark sometimes.
He doesn't even wear his mask while wrestling , why would they put that in the game.
He sometimes starts off matches with the mask on man. ANd he has had it smacked off before. Do your research before you hop out there Bomani
Easy to say that AFTER the fact man

Man, my wife who very rarely watches wrestling was watching the last segment (waiting for me to turn over the remote) and she said "That guys gonna hit the other two with that chair"..
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