Wrestling Thread June 8-14 | 6/12 Smackdown - CM Punk is the New World Champ, Punk vs Jericho

So far there are only 4 legit Tag Teams: The Hart Foundation 2.0, Pricele$$, Carlito & Primo & Benajmin and Hass. I feel that they really need to taketime out and focus on titles other than the Heavyweight Belts becasue that way they can have longer more sensible feuds. I mean THey rush through titleexcanges relatively quick not allowing a camp to develop nor a decent feud. I feel they should focus on one Heavy Weight Champ for a few months that would helpfor a long feud to develop. They should also develop the tag titles and make that more interesting to watch. They should also use ECW for what its worth andhave more Table, Ladder & hardcore matches. THey should try to also develop wrestlers to become main eventers through the use of titles such as theintercontinental and U.S belts. This would allow for all shows to become more stronger and watchable. I just really feel what they are doing in raw doesntrequire 2hrs. They are taking away fro mwhat Monday Night Raw used to be. Its no longer enjoyable when its too darn predictable.
Props to everyone contributing to this thread.

At first, I didn't like Vickie Guerero's character, but over time, she grew on me, and I looked forward to seeing those curves of hers, and hercatchphrase (EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME!
) drew tons of heat
. Nonetheless, thank you Vickers.

HHH is back, and is already in the WWE Title picture?
I will never say HHH's name in the same sentence as HBK, Undertaker, Steve Austin, Bret Hart,Ric Flair, Sting, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, or even an upper mid-carder like Scott Hall/Razor Ramon , Chris Jericho, among other main event and upper mid-cardworkers, because it's a joke how this guys wife and daddy in law are holding the book, and he's built as some cyborg. There's no objectivity.It's gonna be darker days in the WWE, when he attains more creative influence as he ages, Vince begins to exit (ala George Steinbrenner).

Smackdown > Raw. I'm looking forward to hearing CM Punk's first proclamation as World Champ.
I can't wait to see how Smackdown plays out now with Punk, Edge and Hardy. If they give Punk a long, lengthy reign I could see him dropping the belt toTaker at the Royal Rumble.

And for Raw...why didn't they just have a mini-tournament, culminating at The Bash? It would give some fresh new faces, which they supposedly want, someexposure and we'd get some great new matches. Of course the Main Event would be RKO vs Triple H, but at least the 3 weeks before it would be awesome.
Yeah it would they are just milking HHH they need to give him a break and just have him fued, its like the man cant do anything if he doesnt have the title.They should throw a curveball and have MVP or Matt end up as champs or as ocntenders. IT seems that Raw with out Shawn has only 5 main eventers and that issad.
I was flipping around on ECW last night during halftime and commercials of the NBA and NHL games. From what I saw, it seemed like a pretty good show. HartFoundation continued to look strong. Tony Atlas looked hilarious like YF said. I wonder what they have planned for Bourne since he isn't in the mainevent picture in ECW, and he can only wrestle Mark Henry so many times. And Tommy Dreamer looked so ridiculous in a dress shirt, jeans, and loafers. Iunderstand this look might work for other guys, but it doesn't for Tommy.
They have nothing for Kane according to the dirt sheets. So they've been sending him on promotional tours while they develop some storylines for him.
lol, Kane hasn't been doing anything since that thing he had with Kelly Kelly that was never mentioned again. Poor guy, always jobbing/getting stuck incrap storylines.

Heel CM Punk potentially telling Jeff that he's better than him because he's drug and alcohol free is going to be all sorts of awesome. Hype levels forSmackdown this week are rising.

I just picked up the Macho Man DVD. Cannot wait to fire this up later.
Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

lol, Kane hasn't been doing anything since that thing he had with Kelly Kelly that was never mentioned again. Poor guy, always jobbing/getting stuck in crap storylines.
Katie Vick
Being afraid of the See No Evil release date
Dating Lita
The Fake Kane
"Torturing" Rey Mysterio Jr.
Kidnapping Kelly Kelly

Just off the top of my head to name a few.
They should have had him in Raw he could have added some type of spice or placed him ECW and borugh back barbed wire matches and explosives as well as infernomatches.
They should have Kane face CMP since he did deafeat him last time they met. They could also bring him back as a monster wher ehe just takes out certainsuperstars in each brand violating the brand rules leading him to a feud with members of each brand. They can have him feud with Jericho and tie in his pastwith the undertaker to lead to the undertaker and Jericho starting a feud re uniting th ebrothers of destruction for 1 more time.
The thing with Kane is that while he deserves to be a top guy, he's been clowned on so bad this past decade that nobody will ever take him seriously as aworld champion.

Katie Vick was the angle that got the ball rolling with Kane's decline. Everything else after that threw more dirt on to the grave. When The Omega Oneburies you, you're buried for life.

AquaGrape has some pretty good ideas for storylines, but unfortunately, they all make good sense, which is why we'll never see anything like that from theWWE.
I agree. WWE writers have soiled Kane's character bad. Remember the storylines with Kane, X-Pax, and Tori? Or the storylines where Kane was teamin'with Hurricane Helms.

Also, not to be a total buzz kill, but from the looks of the SmackDown results for Thursday, CM Punk isn't runing heel.

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I have a feeling Punk will slowly turn heel over the next couple of weeks. If the writers are smart, they have to turn Punk heel because there is no better way to get a crowd reaction from his title win over Hardy. But what am I saying? That would make too much sense and thus, won't happen.
They may have Kane feud with Ziggler becasue they will just do soemthing random. Unless now the CMP is champ he spits somethign in regards to being extrem as achampion and KAne being the former ECW champion comes down to show him exterme and they some sick match up.
How many title reigns do you think EgoH would have if he never married Stephanie?

Being realistic, I would say 2-3 max.
Anti-HHH heads...this is probably gonna piss you off, because supposedly...

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MVP was gonna win the WWE Championship on Monday and get a short reign, but HHH stopped it and suggested it should go to him or Cena instead..
Nah, that amount is too low. You have to remember that he was trading the belt back and forth with the Rock in 2000, so he already had four legit title reignson his resume. When I say legit, I mean no backstage BS or sticking it in Steph's pooper for an auto-belt bonus. When he tries, Omega H can put on a decentto good match, I also admit that he can work the crowd on the mic. He's also a roided freak, which is +500 affinity points when it comes to Vince, soI'd say he should be a seven, maybe eight time champion if he didn't marry in to the family.
man i can't stand the fact HugeHumanHormones is already back n in a title match he's gonna be 14 tyme champ by summerslam.

like i say every week now ecw sd! tna superstars roh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>raw

hart dynasty is the truth.
these guys will be champs one day. i think they need 1 more member but teddy hart is such a eff up
I'm going to take that news with a grain of salt, but if true, then Omega H is a giant douche. The main event scene on Flaw is already stale, and he wantsthe belt to go the two most stale main eventers instead of giving someone new a short run. Typical.
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