Wrestling Thread June 8-14 | 6/12 Smackdown - CM Punk is the New World Champ, Punk vs Jericho

Speaking on face MVP not being as great as heel MVP:

The WWE honestly doesn't know how to build up faces anymore. MVP was great as a heel, and because of how good his character was, people started to cheerfor him. So the writers try and turn him face and start have him acting completely didn't, when all they had to do was keep him the exact same characterbut feud with heels and have him direct his old attitude and cockiness towards heels. You don't have to change a character completely to turn him face.Look at Stone Cold, The Rock, and John Cena before he came to Raw. All started off as heels but people loved their characters, so when you just have them actas if they were a heel but direct their actions towards heels instead of faces, then you have a great face. There is no need to change their attitude to makethem nice and friendly, people enjoy cheering for badasses.

Thankfully over on Smackdown the writers understand this and John Morrison is the same exact character but he makes fun of heels instead of faces.
Speaking on face MVP not being as great as heel MVP:

The WWE honestly doesn't know how to build up faces anymore. MVP was great as a heel, and because of how good his character was, people started to cheer for him. So the writers try and turn him face and start have him acting completely didn't, when all they had to do was keep him the exact same character but feud with heels and have him direct his old attitude and cockiness towards heels. You don't have to change a character completely to turn him face. Look at Stone Cold, The Rock, and John Cena before he came to Raw. All started off as heels but people loved their characters, so when you just have them act as if they were a heel but direct their actions towards heels instead of faces, then you have a great face. There is no need to change their attitude to make them nice and friendly, people enjoy cheering for badasses.

Thankfully over on Smackdown the writers understand this and John Morrison is the same exact character but he makes fun of heels instead of faces.

That is what kills me, the complete change of a character. I understand a face will be a bit more corney, but the general persona of the character shouldALWAYS stay the same. See the forced fed John Cena and new MVP.

As for the Mysterio rumor, it has been dismissed. It was said to be based off of him missing the tapings last week. Turns out that was planned so he couldrest his knee. It seems that this rumor is done for the time being.

I dont know what to think of the Batearsta injury. I can see him having somthing wrong with the arm, but also failing the drug test. Very strange situtationto say the least.

Coming off the tests from the past weekend, it seems that some big names might be getting suspended. Lets make some predictions on who is stealing Paul andDave's stashes!

I am going with............Swagger, Kennedy (well he would have failed it anyhow) and maybe Jeff the Meth again.
^I'm going with The Brian Kendrick, Paul Burchill, and Ricky Ortiz. Random names, but they seem like they would be on that list
This whole PG13 that the WWE is doing is horrible. I remember when cable t.v. was cable t.v. they need to let these wrestlers go and do what they do best. Whyhave someone named MVP be such a nice guy, the MVP's i know are all cocky individuals and thats what MVP need to be. I feel that what HHH did sounds wrongif he gets the title but was also at the same time a wise move. It allows for the U.S title to now become a legit title as there are so many superstars who cancompete for it adding variety to matches. They should also build MVP up this way and begin to throw him into the heavyweight title scene. The WWE is doing justfine on ECW and Smackdown but for soemreason just cant seem to get it done right on RAW becasue they have so many mid carders who they fail to build butcontinue to bury. They need to give one guy th etitle and let him hold thta down for a few months so that they can develop the mid carders, becasue this canlead to the common feud where the Heavyweight champ being undefeated for so long calls out nayone in the back to stop him developing into a feud with lets sayMVP or Matt. If the WWE is able to develo peither guy into mainevent status the other will follow thus giving us two more guys on the main event scen addingmore spice to the title.
In case you guys were still wondering
As reported on WWE.com on Monday, June 8, 2009, WWE Superstar Umaga (Edward Fatu) has been released from his World Wrestling Entertainment contract.

However, consistent with the practice of announcing wellness policy violations, it should be noted that Umaga's termination was due to his second violation of the WWE Wellness Program and his subsequent refusal to attend a rehabilitation facility.
Wow Umaga.
Update on Re Mysterios situation

Earlier this week, there was a rumor floating around backstage at RAW that Rey Mysterio had given his notice to quit World Wrestling Entertainment. Adding fuel to the fire was the fact that Mysterio dropped the WWE Intercontinental title to Chris Jericho at Sunday's Extreme Rules Pay-Per-View and was not present at Tuesday's WWE SmackDown tapings.

To update the situation, sources are now saying that a nagging knee injury is what led Mysterio to miss Tuesday's tapings. He informed WWE last week that he wanted to rest up his knee this week, so talk of him leaving the company appears to be unfounded.

Mysterio's program with Chris Jericho is getting rave reviews from WWE management and it's expected to continue when he returns.

Stay tuned as we try to confirm this story.
Originally Posted by YardFather

Speaking on face MVP not being as great as heel MVP:

The WWE honestly doesn't know how to build up faces anymore. MVP was great as a heel, and because of how good his character was, people started to cheer for him. So the writers try and turn him face and start have him acting completely didn't, when all they had to do was keep him the exact same character but feud with heels and have him direct his old attitude and cockiness towards heels. You don't have to change a character completely to turn him face. Look at Stone Cold, The Rock, and John Cena before he came to Raw. All started off as heels but people loved their characters, so when you just have them act as if they were a heel but direct their actions towards heels instead of faces, then you have a great face. There is no need to change their attitude to make them nice and friendly, people enjoy cheering for badasses.

Thankfully over on Smackdown the writers understand this and John Morrison is the same exact character but he makes fun of heels instead of faces.
Remember Randy as a face with Maria? That %%@$ was HORRIBLE. He barely got any pop from the crowd at all

Thank god, Management came to its senses and put him back as a heel
This should make some NTers happy.

Cole's Job On Thin Ice?

WWE Chairman Vince McMahon has made it very noticeable that he has shut up Michael Cole during this past Raw. There where periods of time where he didn'teven get a full sentence in for almost 5 minutes. The call was made by Vince himself, who is not a very big Michael Cole fan. Vince was yelling in Cole'sheadset during the opening segment on Raw for Lawler to do all the talking. As most of you know WWE is hiring new announcers, and the company wouldn't besurprised if he got demoted.

Source: ewrestlingnews.com
It would be cool if the Big Show took the strap that way they can do soemthing else with HHH and Orton. This will allow Miz and Cena to battle @ Summerslam aswell as MVP and DX taking on Legacy and Orton.
Best decision Vince has made in a while, by turning the volume down on Michael Cole. He sucks. He should stick to hosting WWE 24/7 On Demand. Move Matt Strikerto Raw, and continue to have MS do ECW.
hope they get rid of him altogether....or jus do the backstage interviews....he has me yearn for the return of the ugly hermaphrodite
^You never heard of when he slapped the $#$+ out of one of the OVW dudes when he laughed at Boogeyman when he wasn't supposed to? I'll never forgetthat.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

^You never heard of when he slapped the $#$+ out of one of the OVW dudes when he laughed at Boogeyman when he wasn't supposed to? I'll never forget that.

the OVW dude he slapped was santino marella..
Originally Posted by d0nt w0rry about it

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

^You never heard of when he slapped the $#$+ out of one of the OVW dudes when he laughed at Boogeyman when he wasn't supposed to? I'll never forget that.

the OVW dude he slapped was santino marella..
Cornette doesn't play. Too bad WWE let him go after the Santino incident, because that man knows his wrestling.

Yay to Vince slowly phasing out Cole. He's terrible on play-by-play, but I wouldn't care if he was demoted to backstage interviews. Remember when hewould talk to The Rock and then Rock would ask Cole to hold his new T-shirt, and then proceed to throw it over Cole's head? Good times, man. Good times.

I also wouldn't mind Big Slow winning the belt. If Orton isn't getting it back, at least put it on someone who isn't Omega H or Cena.Unfortunately, he hasn't done anything to even deserve a title shot, much less the belt, so The Omega One will be a 14-time champ by the end of the month.That'll put butts in the seats. Yawn.
Yeah Big Show would at least be a nice change of pace. As much as he's disliked by the Wrestling Thread regulars..it'd be different.
Santino recently challenged Jim Cornette to a shoot fight, but JC said he doesn't have to acknowledge a jobber with a drinking problem.
Originally Posted by KingJay718

Santino recently challenged Jim Cornette to a shoot fight, but JC said he doesn't have to acknowledge a jobber with a drinking problem.

That's hilarious. The Prince of Polyester spitting that verbal ether as always.
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