Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

I can never mention Austin without mentioning Rock, and vice versa. They're too synonymous for me to separate one from the other.

Also, don't agree about the Young Bucks being overrated, but I do agree that doing 47 moves = / = automatically a good match.
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WWF Mt. Rushmore would be Hulk, Stone Cold, Rock and Andre. Although their heads would be etched on the cheek of a Triple H mountain.
replace andre with ric flair
Ok I went off topic idk where I was going with that but what I was originally trying to say is its really cool that cena doesn't get too big to bury these guys and instead tries to elevate them and that's something I don't think any of those other guys did. But then again he hasn't lost to any of them either so idk I probably sound as dumb as you think I am

Bruhman, Cena has buried damn near as many people as Trips (j/k that's an impossibility)..Rusev and Bray are just the latest..And while I'll agree he's given some guys a nice rub by being in programs with them, he never quite seems to let them get over in a way that will truly help their careers, or WWE's future..

And Hogan was never known to put anyone over, unless he was getting the belt/main event right back at the next big ppv..Austin has put plenty of people over (but not to the extent of say a Ric Flair or Randy Savage)..Rock has put tons of people over IMO..

And just so you know I think everyone ('cept me and celticspride34 celticspride34 are dumb)..So don't feel bad..

Megapowers handshake gif...

Not one of the best wrestlers of all time, but Jesse Ventura surely transcended the sport & has become a household name imo like Hulk Hogan.

Ventura is a household name agreed... But I wonder how many things you rattle off before "wrestler" comes up... With Austin, Hogan and Andre, Wrestling is #1... Rocky its #1 or #2... Ventura's got : governor, actor, Navy seal, conspiracy nut, and general nut...
I can never mention Austin without mentioning Rock, and vice versa. They're too synonymous for me to separate one from the other.

Agreed... That's why I would include them as a single entity on the WWE Rushmore...

WWF Mt. Rushmore would be Hulk, Stone Cold, Rock and Andre. Although their heads would be etched on the cheek of a Triple H mountain.

replace andre with ric flair :smokin

Naitch is easily on wrestling 's Mnt Rushmore... He has to buy ticket to see VKM's Mountain though...
Austin and Hogan were bigger than Cena by far..And Austin is the biggest of them all..He took the industry to a place that I don't think will ever be seen again..Between ratings, ppv buys, merch, and main stream attention there is none bigger than Austin..
If there were ever a WWE/F Mt Rushmore, it would be Hogan, Austin, Rock, and HBK or Bret.
no undertaker?
Austin and Hogan were bigger than Cena by far..And Austin is the biggest of them all..He took the industry to a place that I don't think will ever be seen again..Between ratings, ppv buys, merch, and main stream attention there is none bigger than Austin..

If there were ever a WWE/F Mt Rushmore, it would be Hogan, Austin, Rock, and HBK or Bret.

no undertaker?
Taker was loyal but he was never billed as the top guy tho.
theres only one man at the top and thats hogan brother...he has anti shovel capabilities and did his thing in like 4 different wrestling companies.aint no rushmore just one big *** statue of hogan 
 semi serious tho 

anyway knicks need this lotto tonight 
Just caught Raw from last night..

Best part was not Kevin Owens.

It was Prime Time Players washing everybody!
Bruhman, Cena has buried damn near as many people as Trips (j/k that's an impossibility)..Rusev and Bray are just the latest..And while I'll agree he's given some guys a nice rub by being in programs with them, he never quite seems to let them get over in a way that will truly help their careers, or WWE's future..

And Hogan was never known to put anyone over, unless he was getting the belt/main event right back at the next big ppv..Austin has put plenty of people over (but not to the extent of say a Ric Flair or Randy Savage)..Rock has put tons of people over IMO..

And just so you know I think everyone ('cept me and celticspride34 celticspride34 are dumb)..So don't feel bad..

No offense taken.

Regarding the match, what's the point of bringing in a guy most of the fans don't even know to lose on his debut?
anaL talking in and out of her accent was :lol: :lol:

That divas match....talk about letting the steam out of any Naomi title reign. Such an underwhelming DQ. No slight to Paige, but I even face palmed seeing her just cause you know she's gonna win the title again before Naomi even gets it. Wouldn't complain at all if this was Cameron or Lacey Von Erich getting screwed out of title chances.

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Mt Rushmore: Hogan Andre Bruno and Flair

Bruno can't be over Austin..Bruno was far too regional to be on the all time Mt. Rushmore of wrestling..Hogan, Andre, Austin, and Flair were global..Bruno was not..Matter of fact I'd put Thesz, Dusty, Savage, Taker, and Harley on there before Bruno..
Wwf Rushmore

Big Andre
Big Hulk

No way Cena is on THAT list. He n is legendary but nowhere near the goat man. Tiki you must have been born in the 90s
Wwe Rushmore:

Pat Paterson

American wrestling Rushmore

Buddy Rogers
Dory Funk Sr

Maybe Buddy deserves to be there, but Dory (while a true legend and beast in the ring) can't be on there before Harley Race..
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