Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

The WWE loves over saturating things, going for quick cash grabs instead of actually quality.
John Cena hit a pretty nice Michinoku Driver on Neville and didn't use that awkward looking springboard Stunner again. Adrian Neville's explosive strength is incredible with how effortless he suplexed Cena during that match. Anyone hear about that GoFundMe campaign to get Kane some in ring gear that just reached it's funding goal? :rofl:

wth :rofl: :rofl:
Hi guys. Was Raw worth the watch? I only saw the last match. Is there really another PPV in 2 weeks? [emoji]128565[/emoji]
Raw was aight.

Cena/Neville & Big E/Cesaro were the main highlights for me.

Tamina's super kick is still vicious man.

And :x :x :x :x @ WWE wasting Elimination Chamber on wack *** Corpus Christi...they are the absolute worst crowd for wrestling man :lol:

Still...IC Title Chamber & Tag Title Chamber :wow:
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Repped. Also I didn't know RAW was only 90 minutes on Hulu. Much better than 3 hours, my attention span. :lol: I love elimination chamber but they're overdoing it with all the PPV's. Imo they should be lowering the number.
I've been contributing to Peter Gammons' website lately, GammonsDaily.com, it isn't a paying gig or anything special, but I do like the idea of writing for a wider audience and being associated with a legend. Good resume fodder and it's basically the same thing as me writing on my blog instead it just hits a different audience. Hopefully this leads to a paying job somewhere down the line.
Of course a Mets fan would work for free for a Red Sox Homer :x

Keep at it though! Good job!
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:rofl: :lol: i've always liked the red sox honestly. whether it was pedro and manny growing up, or my disdain for the yankees :lol:

thanks fam. hopefully this leads to something paying soon. much rather contribute stuff to GD at my own pace than BR and being scumbagged by their exploitive behavior. feel like there's more prestige being associated with Gammons, even if it's just the open sourced section of the site—they tweet my articles and i need the social media exposure that comes from it.
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god WWE is the worst. why the hell not?

Do you truly want to see 5 up and comers eat an Attitude Adjustment from John Cena in the Chamber? Good call WWE.

It'd be overkill after a Fatal 4 Way to then add another 2 competitors to the WWE WHC scene. I want no parts of Migos, Best Heel in the Business, Lunatic Fringe, Ramen Wayans, Corporate Kane and the Big Slow. Good no!.

Unless they'd give J&J Security a shot at the Gold. I'd allow it.
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