Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

us title yeah i dont mind that not happening but the whc title i would've liked to have seen that. seth in a chamber would be cool.
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Man, just caught up with 20-odd pages. It was crazy at the Reds game last night. You could hear the pyro, etc from Raw inside the ballpark. PA guy played quite a bit of WWE theme music, which most of the crowd was oblivious to. Gonna try to watch Raw tonight.

@jdcurt2 Glad you had a good time man.

My homie that used to work for the magazine hooked me up huge. I collect autographs, and particularly love to have oddball folks on baseballs. He also collects autographs, and has learned the hard way that it's wise to always have a baseball or 2 on you if you plan on going to a game. On his way out of the hotel to meet me at the stadium, he ran into my pale skinned goddess and got this beauty for me...

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firing up thisblack cherry soda
while firing up this raw right now,couldnt watch last night.crowd hot for ambrose of course.
ending makes neville look strong,how ya feel about his booking so far,think hes been looking fantastic.but hes performing also which is good for him.yes lack of mic skills but hes too good 
yea i see triple h aint playin that sucka **** when it comes to his nxt homies.but cant blame ,dudes can go 
Yup his in ring work speaks for itself. That 450 off the barricade? :wow: Just wish he'd lose the cape and arm cuffs lol
lol nahh vince cant let triple h win fully he had to give him some aspects of da mighty mouse gimmick 

here we go...match of the night.kane vs reigns 
,dude with the bald head and big beard in the crowd is tooo hype lol 
lol dude in crowd " kane you dont have to do this" lol 

thank god they didnt subject us to an actual match 
I'll be eating a special cookie in your honor since I cant go down to my hometown.

I feel underwhelmed with that ROH/NJPW show. Shouldve given us different wrestlers and a Time Splitters tag match vs that RDK faction of Sabin,Daniels, and Kazarian.
an ntwter underwhelmed by something roh/njpw ?? blasphemy

somebody lemme try some of these special cookies ya talk so much about,ive had edibles but was never really a fan.ya joints seem decent enough to try tho
an ntwter underwhelmed by something roh/njpw ?? blasphemy

somebody lemme try some of these special cookies ya talk so much about,ive had edibles but was never really a fan.ya joints seem decent enough to try tho

hahaha, it just seemed like they couldve sent over different wrestlers like Goto, Sakuraba, etc. They pretty much sent over the same wrestlers from last year. Wouldve been cool to promote a Tana/Nakamura and a Tiger Mask/Liger match for just American audiences or even Tiger Mask and Liger vs the Young Bucks vs reDRagon vs Time Splitters. Last year's match of Liger and Cole was so so, we all knew that Liger wasnt going to beat Cole that night.
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ending makes neville look strong,how ya feel about his booking so far,think hes been looking fantastic.but hes performing also which is good for him.yes lack of mic skills but hes too good 

I just wish he would lose the cape or stop struggling to take it off
i wouldnt even go as far to say tone down raw. you can build up ppv's more by not having guys fight on raw leading up to their ppv match. there's no differential from the ppv and raw from a wrestling standpoint. you see the same matches over and over again. it's stupid.

Last year's Payback main event

This year's Payback main event
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Really hope we get some sort of swerve on Sunday. Would be dope to see it live...
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