Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results


Yeah, Neville has been booked great since his arrival. Wonder how far he can go.

Don't know if he'll ever be WWE WHC. I can def see him being a multi time IC Champ. If the Big Gold was still around I'd say that too.
Sorry :lol: me and my boy were arguing where to eat he wanted this taco place in st.marks that's bomb but I wanted to cross that bridge into bk. we had an all out debate on the streets :lol:

:lol: all good homie.

And yeah me and boy do that sometimes :lol: I remember one time it took us like a good hour before we finally agreed to get hoagies or something
I tried to make pizza once. Failed miserably at it :lol:

Half the pizza ended up being straight crust :smh: :lol:
I've actually have only eaten pizza from 2 spots when i've been in the city. The cheap slices from a 2 Brothers pizza location which are damn good for the price and that artichoke pizza place. The artichoke pizza was ok but the crab meat pizza was way better. The slices are big but the prices suck. It was like $4.25 for a slice.
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