Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

Man, just caught up with 20-odd pages. It was crazy at the Reds game last night. You could hear the pyro, etc from Raw inside the ballpark. PA guy played quite a bit of WWE theme music, which most of the crowd was oblivious to. Gonna try to watch Raw tonight.

jdcurt2 jdcurt2 Glad you had a good time man.

My homie that used to work for the magazine hooked me up huge. I collect autographs, and particularly love to have oddball folks on baseballs. He also collects autographs, and has learned the hard way that it's wise to always have a baseball or 2 on you if you plan on going to a game. On his way out of the hotel to meet me at the stadium, he ran into my pale skinned goddess and got this beauty for me...

View media item 1530267

Dope man. :smokin

I also collect autographed stuff. Have a ton of Reds autos.
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I got in a legit argument with someone about this. mayweather wouldn't stand a chance. and that's taking nothing from him. but come on

I mean may is 5'9 180lbs soaking wet, lesnars like 6'4 300 + lbs. It won't be as easy as you think. money will have that man swinging all over the place.
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I got in a legit argument with someone about this. mayweather wouldn't stand a chance. and that's taking nothing from him. but come on

I mean may is 5'9 180lbs soaking wet, lesnars like 6'4 300 + lbs. It won't be as easy as you no money will have that man swinging all over the place.

come on. it would be too easy. Brock is a trained fighter as well. and them shots Floyd takes on the forearms from 150 pound dudes would hurt from a dude Brock's size. and a nice punch he's going night night. Brock is too big.
come on. it would be too easy. Brock is a trained fighter as well. and them shots Floyd takes on the forearms from 150 pound dudes would hurt from a dude Brock's size. and a nice punch he's going night night. Brock is too big.

Floyd got the speed Brock wouldn't catch him as easy as you think. This ain't wrestling he can't just come at him full speed
Can't use Big Show as a measuring stick for Floyd beating him cause Zach Gowen also beat him.
Nakamua, Okada & Tanahashi signing autographs and taking pics with fans at the ROH x NJPW show and my lazy self forgot to take out money smh. Hopefully they do it again tomorrow
Question about liquor stores. Do prices of bottles vary depending on the part of the town something is bought in?

The more wealthy a neighborhood is the higher everything is?


Would something like henny ciroc or goose be more expensive in urban areas since that is what we drink more of?
idk about type of hood, but I've seen different prices at different stores in the same hood. talking 12 bucks for x bottle of wine at one spot and 15 at another.
Question about liquor stores. Do prices of bottles vary depending on the part of the town something is bought in?

The more wealthy a neighborhood is the higher everything is?


Would something like henny ciroc or goose be more expensive in urban areas since that is what we drink more of?

Probably a mixture of both.
Question about liquor stores. Do prices of bottles vary depending on the part of the town something is bought in?

The more wealthy a neighborhood is the higher everything is?


Would something like henny ciroc or goose be more expensive in urban areas since that is what we drink more of?

Bottles are priced higher in good neighborhoods. Henny black goes for $40-$45 in da heights but they charge me $50 ever since I moved downtown.
Came across an erotic story a chick (or dude, idk) wrote involving Jojo and DX.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

All foods that the difference between above average and very good is slim.

Tacos have no place to be mentioned with pizza
Question about liquor stores. Do prices of bottles vary depending on the part of the town something is bought in?

The more wealthy a neighborhood is the higher everything is?


Would something like henny ciroc or goose be more expensive in urban areas since that is what we drink more of?

In Maine, and at least a couple other states... Liquor prices are regulated, and are the same no matter where you go, same sales and everything...

All foods that the difference between above average and very good is slim.

Tacos have no place to be mentioned with pizza

This is very true, the difference on a burger could just be salt pepper and few seconds on the grill.
Pizza>>>>> tacos.
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I don't get it either man. But then again I am sure you would pay for a picture with Alicia Fox or Rhonda Rousey

Not paying for a picture with anybody. I meet Ciara, Lindsay Logan at my old job didn't even acknowledge them like they were celebrities. They bleed just like me. Picture me rollin
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