Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

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:smh: :lol: you guise

I need something to watch. This playoff game is boring.
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Man the cakes on that Paige Stratus lookin chick do look nice tho..yoga pants or not. Def not flat back there.

Now THIS on the other hand(one on the left)...


Is flat. Karruche got more cake than that, b.
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Man the cakes on that Paige Stratus lookin chick do look nice tho..yoga pants or not. Def not flat back there.

Now THIS on the other hand(one on the left)...


Is flat. Karruche got more cake than that, b.

Daaaaayyyyyyyyuuuuuuum :rofl:
So, NXT is tomorrow night and they ran a video package on Uhaa Nation last week as a teaser. Anyone seen him perform in Dragon Gate? I'm trying to find some of this guy's best work. I have a friend who's been in my ear about him for the past year whenever we talk wrestling.
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