Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

So who's going tomorrow... We gotta meet up... I'll have plenty of cookies for all...

And brownies?? :nerd:

That's a good idea. I'll email em :lol: dead serious bro. I'll PayPal you if you can come through

Lol I emailed & tweeted them for mines and I gotta response back saying they take a certain amount of time to make and then ship to the US. And imma try to. My Paypal is dumb when it comes to accepting money from ppl tho smh, you can ask @iHust1e But im sure we work out a simple trade or something. I'll let you know tomorrow for sure tho
Not sure how to feel about Bray turning face..

Afraid of what it means but curious as to how it will turn out.

EDIT: Separating my daily meds, word to John21st :smokin
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- WWE officials are looking to sign another round of new talents, some indie wrestlers, in July. While it’s a challenge to bring in too many new talents at once, WWE feel it’s easier for new talents to adapt to the new lifestyle if they’re surrounded by many others going through the same things. Due to this, WWE is looking to sign new groups of talents every three or four months.

- King Barrett, who is considered to be injury prone, was recently seen nursing his shoulder backstage, which caused obvious concern. A source noted that it was nothing serious.

- There is said to be some concern within WWE due to recent RAW viewership numbers with some dreading the less-watched summer months coming up. One source remarked that WWE has no steam right now. There’s also a feeling that WWE is in dire need of someone to take the reigns as a megastar. Some feel it’s just the same “B+ players” featured each week, causing the WWE TV product to rough to get through.
- We noted last week that people within WWE had been vocal about how Dean Ambrose wasn’t being used right by company officials. Word is that it was a top Superstar and a well-known producer that were speaking out. It should be noted that Ambrose never said anything about being underutilized but it was his peers that stressed how WWE was missing the boat with him. A week after the speaking out, Ambrose was added to the Payback main event, a move that doesn’t seem coincidental.

- There was some confusion at last week’s RAW regarding the injury to Sami Zayn to the point where some people were questioning whether or not the injury was legitimate. All signs point to the injury being real but there was skepticism at first.
- The decision for Daniel Bryan to vacate the WWE Intercontinental Title was made on May 8th after Bryan and WWE officials received MRI results on his shoulder. WWE had been hoping Bryan would be back in action by later this month but that was ruled out when they got the MRI results.

Bryan is not scheduled for this week’s SmackDown tapings but is still scheduled to work Sunday’s Payback pay-per-view and next week’s WWE TV tapings, possibly working an angle to start the process to crown a new champion.

Source: PWInsider
Product sucks because no one has direction, Kane and big show are featured too prominently, and guys have been buried for years and therefore never developed.
Btw that ROH x NJPW show was great. The pop for Nakamura, Okada & especially Jushin Liger was crazy

The NXT ppv is tomorrow too right?
And brownies?? :nerd:
Lol I emailed & tweeted them for mines and I gotta response back saying they take a certain amount of time to make and then ship to the US. And imma try to. My Paypal is dumb when it comes to accepting money from ppl tho smh, you can ask @iHust1e But im sure we work out a simple trade or something. I'll let you know tomorrow for sure tho

Hmm trade huh...? I got a Owens shirt 3XL that I was gonna use as a jizz rag if you want it... :nerd: @CelticsPride34
- There is said to be some concern within WWE due to recent RAW viewership numbers with some dreading the less-watched summer months coming up. One source remarked that WWE has no steam right now. There’s also a feeling that WWE is in dire need of someone to take the reigns as a megastar. Some feel it’s just the same “B+ players” featured each week, causing the WWE TV product to rough to get through.
The IWC is a gift and a curse b word to Blueprint 2
and maybe this will cause wwe to hit the panic button and resort back to what got them them mega bucks. boobs beer and raunchy women degrading theirselves. or maybe great angles and black and white characters instead of everyone being stuck in that grey area. no one has direction at all. every feud is month to month for the most part and is nothing more than "hey let's fight at the PPv"
Epsilon @WWEBigE

After we defeat a couple lazy Millenials at #Payback, we will ELIMINATE any doubt that we are the champs you yearn for. #EliminationChamber
Cesaro ‏@WWECesaro 2m2 minutes ago

Cesaro retweeted MOJAHED JOBRAN[emoji]8482[/emoji]

That's your fan base #NewDay. Can't wait for you to rikes on suday #PhD

MOJAHED JOBRAN[emoji]8482[/emoji] @WWEMojahed

@KiddWWE @XavierWoodsPhD @WWECesaro @NatbyNature nwe day will rikes at #Payback this suday

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the #PhD got me lol
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