Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

on another note. my girl just told me she's taking me to mania for my bday. I kind of feel bad because if I go I'm sitting in great seats. maybe I'll pay for a part of it. but my bday ain't until November so I don't know why she told me now haha.
do not go to chickies. terrible food that sits under heat lamps all day. they are basically a food chain. philly is filled with 100990994747373 great places to eat and drink. chickies isn't one. south philly tap room is a good choice not the best but a pretty good one

That was prob the best match of last night. Much smoother than their first match, Cole was holding his shoulder by the end of the match tho smh

The show was great. Night started off with ROH chants and then New Japan chants. Red shoes ref came out, he gotta huge pop. Loudest ive ever heard for a ref :lol:

First match on the card was Gedo against Delirious. Cool funny lil match. Gedo won using a low blow while the ref was down.

Next match if I remember right was Roderick Strong vs KUSHIDA. This was a great match imo. Strong picked up the W. The crowd around me was funny. Ppl started a This Is Awesome chant in the beginning of the match and then afterwards another part of the started chanting This Is Alright to mock the chant :lol:

Then the 3 way tag team match between the Young Bucks, The Addiction & The Kingdom started. All teams have tag belts so I thought this was kinda cool. Young Bucks gotta loud pop, the other teams had lukewarm ones. Thought ppl woulda been louder for The Addiction. Match was cool. Maria was NOT there to many of our disappointment which led to a Where Is Maria chant :lol:
Matt Taven then answered the crowd and said shes at home with a dumb look on his face lol. Young Bucks picked up the W

Next match was Michael Elgin Vs Naito. Naito gotta good pop while Elgin got booed lol. This was a sloppy match on Naitos part. Someone tried to start a USA chant in the crowd :smh: :lol:
Elgin is Canadian tho lmaooo
Intermission was next

First match after the intermission was ReDragon vs Tanahashi & Jushin Liger. This was match was ok, it coulda been better. Tanahashi & O Reilly had a funny spot where they were both overselling a punch. Liger ate the pin on this one. Afterwards got the loudest ovation of the night along with a Liger chant. Next was Adam Cole vs AJ Styles. This match like I said before was the best match of the night. Coles promo at the beginning of the show was good too. Main event was the Briscoes vs Okada & Nakamura. Great match as well. Everyone showcased their talents. Mark & Nakamura had a comedy spot where Mark tried doing some karate kid stuff :rofl:
Nakamuras pop was crazy. Okada picked up the w for his team with a Rain maker on Mark Briscoe

Awesome night of matches. Im sure I missed certain parts of the show in this post. I sat on the East section in row 4 seat 20. Seats were cool except for the camera guy being in the way sometimes. Lighting was VERY bright and oh yea if anyone is coming tonight bring money cause the ATM dont work & theres no reentry smh
do not go to chickies. terrible food that sits under heat lamps all day. they are basically a food chain. philly is filled with 100990994747373 great places to eat and drink. chickies isn't one. south philly tap room is a good choice not the best but a pretty good one

For non locals maybe, but I doubt Celtics Pride is going to be yelping where to go. Crab fries, some cheesesteaks to fill up but they arent that good in there, which I agree and some beer and peeps are straight. You should hit up a cheesesteak spot after the show for the drive back. You're from Maine celticspride34 celticspride34 ? Damn, that was a good drive to come down here. Detour near LGA tonight and Ill have a nice L ready for ya.
do not go to chickies. terrible food that sits under heat lamps all day. they are basically a food chain. philly is filled with 100990994747373 great places to eat and drink. chickies isn't one. south philly tap room is a good choice not the best but a pretty good one

For non locals maybe, but I doubt Celtics Pride is going to be yelping where to go. Crab fries, some cheesesteaks to fill up but they arent that good in there, which I agree and some beer and peeps are straight. You should hit up a cheesesteak spot after the show for the drive back. You're from Maine celticspride34 celticspride34 ? Damn, that was a good drive to come down here. Detour near LGA tonight and Ill have a nice L ready for ya.
true I just think chickies is trash. that's my opinion. don't go to Genos or pats for a steak. straight trash tourist traps. jims got the cheese steak game on lock but they close early I think. for a 24-7 place phils or Oregon steaks is the way to go
they are the same haha the owners are runnin a racket. my family works at Genos. the money they make would make you sick if I said it. it will sound made up
Tidbits from the Bryan book coming

theres a LOT of praise for William Regal. If you didnt like the guy before reading this book, you will. Regal calls Bryan "like my son" at one point.
Theres a lot of ROH talk in the book, but mostly just listing and describing matches. Almost no talk of backstage politics or anything juicy.
-DBry was only vegan for about 3 years. He had to stop due to soy intolerance.
before Brie, Bryan rode with Ted Dibiase Jr and Shaemus
NXT was almost totally unscripted for the rookies. All their reactions were genuine.
Bryan loved working in England, and wouldve stayed if hed gotten paid better
Very little talk of CM Punk. One gets the impression they werent all that close. Bryan writes merely one sentence about his walkout.
Vince hated the jacket Bryan wore before his street fight with Punk. He screamed at the ref over the headset to make him take it off and never wear it again
Vince regularly did promo classes with the rookies, and was very hands on. He made Bryan work the most in his promos.
-bryan found out about his 18 second match from Jericho, who was snooping around the producers timesheets
the first time he and Brie tried to have sex, they were intrrupted by a drunken Shaemus and Ted Dibiasie, who jumped on the bed after letting themselves into Bryan's unlocked hotel room
the book ends right after WMXXX! so theres nothing about his long time off since then
that being said, throughout the book Bryan talks about the many MANY injuries hes had, how he has lied to doctors, and constantly returned too soon...
do not go to chickies. terrible food that sits under heat lamps all day. they are basically a food chain. philly is filled with 100990994747373 great places to eat and drink. chickies isn't one. south philly tap room is a good choice not the best but a pretty good one

For non locals maybe, but I doubt Celtics Pride is going to be yelping where to go. Crab fries, some cheesesteaks to fill up but they arent that good in there, which I agree and some beer and peeps are straight. You should hit up a cheesesteak spot after the show for the drive back. You're from Maine celticspride34 celticspride34 ? Damn, that was a good drive to come down here. Detour near LGA tonight and Ill have a nice L ready for ya.


Btw who is going tonight on here? Ill be in the West section

First row... South...
My phone probably gonna die... I'm the fat white guy, big beard, longish hair, bullet club shirt, world series red sox backwards... With a goofy white dude in a white Patriots snap back...

Hit me up...
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