Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results


Them chesticles man...
They are fake

Your avatar > Everyone in WWE not named JoJo, Layla, Naomi
I know they're fake DC, would still motorboat

And not gonna argue with the 2nd sentence :pimp:
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This dude Adam pages finisher :wow: picks them up like an Alabama slam and does a reverse tombstone
First time in God knows how long I'm watching NXT when it airs and not like 2 days later
For the 4278th time, Summer is great from the neck down. Would give her the lexington, and would watch her take the lexington on camera.
She looks like a combination Trish and Paige

She calls herself a role model but she is in some sex pants and a bra on national TV. But she is a teacher

The teachers now man :smh: Ms. Kyna Bate-Boyle my English 7th grade teacher......I mean she was so bad at the time not even BET Uncut can get my attention.... damn!
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