Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

HBD guise. 

i baked you a cake @brendasdeadbaby
:pimp: As a Cali native i get tired of the Cali slander.

:lol: how many matches is EC going to be. If only 1 title is getting defended.

EC Is going to end up horrible because they will try to force matchups. And it will be 30 minutes of solid action (maybe). 2 hours of Bordem.

With nothing but IC on the line, it's a pointless PPV already.

Could have made it work with more planning. But this is WWE.
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Tag belts will be in the EC as well... 3 teams... That should be fun....

Can you imagine how lucky the people feel who bought good tickets thinking it was a house show?...
WWE World heavyweight championship wouldn't be defended in the elimination chamber..

What would then? Hasnt it always been the WWE/World Heavyweight belt?


Tag team

edit* just read this aint eem a ppv, just a network special. Makes sense now. 

Damn shame that WWE world heavyweight championship not defended in the elimination chamber with all of these challengers for the title..
finally got around to watching that finn balor documentary showing what was happening weeks before he joined up with the wwe
2 PPVs this month is silly as hell, and another of many lame cash grabs by the WWE. They're just diluting and devaluing things once again.

The "Roman Reigns Likes Nickelback" sign :lol:
Good let Ambrose take 3 pins on Sunday. The man sucks but ya love him cause he's an Indy hero. That comeback clothes line makes me cringe every time.
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