Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

That 6 teams chamber match will be crazy.. but mad uncomfortable if you have to wait in the pod with your tag team parter..
- We noted before that longtime WWE seamstress Sandra Gray left the company a few weeks ago. She has been replaced by indie wrestler 22stylez 22stylez , who is also the fiance of NXT Women’s Champion Sasha Banks. He has been making ring gear for wrestlers for some time now, even doing gear for some of the NXT talents. He’s on the road with WWE for the next three months and will be working with the main roster.

- WWE may be hiring fourth generation talent Cedric Rougeau, son of former WWE star Jacques Rougeau Jr. The 6-foot-7 and nearly 300 pound wrestler and his father talked with WWE officials for about 20 minutes before the May 4th RAW in Montreal. They both left before RAW started.

The feeling is that Cedric has good size and speaks English & French fluently. Because of the influence of Pat Patterson, WWE officials do like the idea of a Montreal-based Superstar, even though they have that covered with Sami Zayn.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
:lol: i like how you casually threw that first paragraph in like it was real news. :rofl:
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How do you feel about physical education in school systems?... Should there be more in combination with dietary course?...
I get tired of being the only teacher to tell kids that they don't need to be drinking SUnny D, Taki's, and Hot CHeetos for breakfast. We need a nutrition class badly man. I am going to propose it to the city.

They take health but it is BS honestly.
bruh..there aint never a down time at in-n-out tho. Its always packed at every damb one of em. 

i cant speak for shake shack, but will try it the next time im out in vegas. Theyre bringing one to LA too right?
It is just a burger man. Yall hype that place. And I am sick of the 5 Guys vs. In and Out discussions. It is dumb. Both places are cool. In and Out's fries were weak though.
Too much?... :lol: never... I just don't watch WWE anymore...
fair enough. And Ambrose just starting winning matches again. Can't do finishers when you're getting pinned. Lastly congrats to all of y'all that went to the ROH/NJPW shows. If/when the next time arises and they are ever in my state i have to go. I'm trying to see NJPW. Or next year I'll just go to Japan and see it there. Dead serious. Wife wants to go Japan as well...
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I'm going to be all over the footage from last night :lol:... Literally right behind Corino and Kelly...

For those there... Anyone else notice the thick af brown girl collecting ring gear?...

You talkin bout Mandy Leon?? Me & my boy took a pic with her after the show lol
My friend also told me Veda Scott walked by me but I aint see her :smh:

Nice pics @JayPesoz
I met Maria , Nakamura & Okada :smokin
The lighting on the Okada pic is trash tho cause I aint have my flash on smh. A NJPW camera man took a pic of me with Nakamura. Cool moment
- We noted before that longtime WWE seamstress Sandra Gray left the company a few weeks ago. She has been replaced by indie wrestler 22stylez 22stylez , who is also the fiance of NXT Women’s Champion Sasha Banks. He has been making ring gear for wrestlers for some time now, even doing gear for some of the NXT talents. He’s on the road with WWE for the next three months and will be working with the main

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