Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

^Though I agree he's eating the pin Sunday, wouldn't it be such a WWE move to kill Rollins' steam and win the title, after all this time of Dean losing and being fairly directionless :lol:? I'd like to think even this company wouldn't do something like that
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man i'm legit sad that itami wont be in the triple threat match next week. woulda been match of the night
dean needs a new finisher. the first dirty deeds was better than this variant DDT

I hated the original only cause everybody sells it differently, but liked it cause it was a move rarely seen in the WWE. i hate this version of the Dirty Deeds just cause that'll always be McIntyre's Future Shock to me
Damn that one chick has some history behind her being related to Magnum T.A. and Tully Blanchard
- Plans haven’t been finalized for the two Elimination Chamber matches set for May 31st on the WWE Network yet but the Chamber for the WWE Tag Team Titles could see six teams instead of three teams as some have speculated – The New Day, Tyson Kidd and Cesaro, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan, The Prime Time Players, either The Lucha Dragons or Los Matadores and either Curtis Axel & Damien Sandow or The Ascension. WWE officials had been debating whether to go with six teams or less.

The working idea is that both wrestlers on each team would be put into a pod together and released at the same time. The match would be fought tornado style with every Superstar in the ring at once.

Regarding the Chamber for the vacant WWE Intercontinental Title, it will likely include Neville, Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler and King Barrett with two other Superstars.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
- We noted before that Chris Jericho will be wrestling Finn Balor at the WWE live event in Tokyo on July 4th. Jericho requested this match because he wanted to work a bout that would be special to the Japanese crowd.

Jericho was originally scheduled to face Hideo Itami but asked for Balor when Itami got injured. Speaking of Itami, he will still be going to Japan at the end of this month to do promotional work for the tour.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
- We noted before that longtime WWE seamstress Sandra Gray left the company a few weeks ago. She has been replaced by indie wrestler 22stylez 22stylez , who is also the fiance of NXT Women’s Champion Sasha Banks. He has been making ring gear for wrestlers for some time now, even doing gear for some of the NXT talents. He’s on the road with WWE for the next three months and will be working with the main roster.

- WWE may be hiring fourth generation talent Cedric Rougeau, son of former WWE star Jacques Rougeau Jr. The 6-foot-7 and nearly 300 pound wrestler and his father talked with WWE officials for about 20 minutes before the May 4th RAW in Montreal. They both left before RAW started.

The feeling is that Cedric has good size and speaks English & French fluently. Because of the influence of Pat Patterson, WWE officials do like the idea of a Montreal-based Superstar, even though they have that covered with Sami Zayn.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
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