Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

wcw clearly didn't know what they had haha. they let the radicalz walk. Jericho walk. let Austin walk. gave kevin Nash the book. I said it here before. if that company would of had a legit booking team and someone with heymans passion to be great they would of slaughtered WWE
Man WCW had wrestlers...Malenko Raven Saturn Jericho Wild Pegasus Eddie G Thunder Liger Ron Misterio Flair Sting Hollywood Hogan The Outsiders etc they needed someone to truly harness all that potential and make it great consistently.
I think the days of giants in wrestling are gone. Smaller athletic guys have taken over the scene. Ppl dont enjoy seeing giants in the ring wrestle unless theyre athletic and entertaining. We havent had a big man like that since prob the Undertaker or The Big Show when he first debuted in WCW
but in all the dumb **** wcw did. they never involved a ****** as the son of the chairman. or had a dancing giant on a kiss cam.
They had a nearly endless supply of money, and let the wrong wrestlers take it with those awful contracts :smh: There's so many outright blunders in WCW, it's a damn shame
wcw clearly didn't know what they had haha. they let the radicalz walk. Jericho walk. let Austin walk. gave kevin Nash the book. I said it here before. if that company would of had a legit booking team and someone with heymans passion to be great they would of slaughtered WWE
True. Who remembers when Flair went to the mental institution after he got his head smashed(by mr perfect i think) between the door and steel cage?!? :lol: :rofl:
I think the days of giants in wrestling are gone. Smaller athletic guys have taken over the scene. Ppl dont enjoy seeing giants in the ring wrestle unless theyre athletic and entertaining. We havent had a big man like that since prob the Undertaker or The Big Show when he first debuted in WCW
yes I'm glad everyone feels that way......

except for Vince
they needed that Phil Jackson type dude to align the stars. they legit had the greatest pool of talent from across the world. from lucha to Europe. it's insane. they just couldn't put it together. way too much time on the main event. not that that isn't the money maker but they sent the cruiser weight/mid carders out there and just said yo go give us 20 minutes against this guy with no direction. now to think about it it's basically what every match has become in wwe.

but imagine if they put the effort into the whole roster that they did with nWo ( in the beginning before it basically involved the whole roster). who knows what would of happened.

Vince just always knew what the crowd wanted back then. and he capalized on it. props to him. everyone gives him **** now. but at one point he was a genius haha. that era of wwe gave everyone what they wanted. wcw did that by accident and then didn't know what to do when it happened. they were so use to just being second that once they took over they still played the game like they were down 10 points.

wwe exaggerates in those docs but I do believe that they were too obsessed with killing wwe when they should of been focused on getting better. just because you are number one doesn't mean you should take your foot off the gas. and I believe that's what truly started the decline.
What up boys..I miss anything tonight?..I was at the Cincy Reds game with my dad..We was right behind home plate, got to drink a couple beers, ate about a pound of cheese fries, and the Red Legs won..Great night..Need to get a wrestling fix, so tell me if I need to catch up on anything..
What up boys..I miss anything tonight?..I was at the Cincy Reds game with my dad..We was right behind home plate, got to drink a couple beers, ate about a pound of cheese fries, and the Red Legs won..Great night..Need to get a wrestling fix, so tell me if I need to catch up on anything..
What were you wearing? Gonna watch the replay to see if I can see your weeble wobble *** on TV
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