Wrestling Thread May 11-31 | 5/29 Elim Chamber Pred Contest AND Extr Rules & Payback Contest Results

shoot interviews are great. but if you ask 10 wrestlers to tell the same story you'll get 10 different stories.
it amazes me that that dope Rosenberg has cheap heat. he knows nothing about wrestling and is such a dweeb.

I'm gonna just email wwe story lines from now until forever until I get hired
it amazes me that that dope Rosenberg has cheap heat. he knows nothing about wrestling and is such a dweeb.

I'm gonna just email wwe story lines from now until forever until I get hired

who do you want to see as IC champ? who do you think is best for business as IC champ?
Watching vengeance 2002 and just finished nobles match. :pimp: man nidia doe... Got a sawft spot for Puerto Ricans.
it amazes me that that dope Rosenberg has cheap heat. he knows nothing about wrestling and is such a dweeb.

I'm gonna just email wwe story lines from now until forever until I get hired

who do you want to see as IC champ? who do you think is best for business as IC champ?
a heel world champ means the ic champ SHOULD be a baby face. I would give it to Ziggler. the dude is super over. and deserves a run with it. but I see them giving it to sheamus. which makes no sense.
dean Ambrose should get it. but he's currently involved in the world title match. Ambrose is the most under utilized guy right now. he can only do what they tell him to do. they need to figure something out and not miss the boat on him. many had him as the star of the shield. and it's not like he has disappointed. he's just not getting the stories he deserves.
dean Ambrose should get it. but he's currently involved in the world title match. Ambrose is the most under utilized guy right now. he can only do what they tell him to do. they need to figure something out and not miss the boat on him. many had him as the star of the shield. and it's not like he has disappointed. he's just not getting the stories he deserves.

I wouldn't mind seeing Bray get the IC strap..They gotta do something to lift him back up..Vince is dropping the ball on so many talent wrestlers right now in favor of muscle/the same old thing..
what up. let's talk rasslin.

who's the next break out big man? wwe relies on them larger than life guys. I'm takin s-a-w-f-t

Dylan Mile that they got stashed away in NXT if he works on his in ring. They're super high on that dude down there.

But really it SHOULD be Harper...
Give Neville the title IMO. I feel like Ziggler gets the IC title every other month and does nothing with it.
Harper is working 5 minute filler matches. and being used as throw ins to 6 man matches. smh. you would think with 3 hours every Monday and 2 hours? on Thursdays they would have so many intertwined elaborate story lines with guys having passionate reasons to get in the ring and settle stuff. and enough time to work all the guys and girls into the card

but no why do that. why not just have the same tag match every single week and have the same cena promo every week. it's a joke. I don't even know why o watch it anymore. it gives me anxiety.
dean Ambrose should get it. but he's currently involved in the world title match. Ambrose is the most under utilized guy right now. he can only do what they tell him to do. they need to figure something out and not miss the boat on him. many had him as the star of the shield. and it's not like he has disappointed. he's just not getting the stories he deserves.
He needs to cut more promos, srs
Happy Rowan and Harper are back together. They need reunited the whole fam. Bray needs to be in the top title pic.
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