LMAO, you my dude GHIMS.

Damn why can't Da One Man Rockband get any love? Dude is so unintentionally funny.
LMAO, you my dude GHIMS.

Damn why can't Da One Man Rockband get any love? Dude is so unintentionally funny.
@TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek
I will be back on Twitter in about an hour to get into further details about our concept for #wrestlingrevolution.
5 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

It's time to revolt guys.
@TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek
I will be back on Twitter in about an hour to get into further details about our concept for #wrestlingrevolution.
5 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

It's time to revolt guys.
Originally Posted by casekicks

I agree 1000000% with that statement..I only watched TNA once in a blue moon until I recently got back into wrestling..At the Lockdown PPV i got a grab bag with some older dvd's in it, and I gotta say the product now compared to even 2 years ago (which is how old the newest vid i got was) is night and day..And you are right about Joe..Dude is a beast in the ring and has really good skills on the mic, but yet he's nowhere near the HWC picture..Makes no damn sense to me..
Its safe to say both of promotions need to step it up and lay off the stuff.

Originally Posted by casekicks

I agree 1000000% with that statement..I only watched TNA once in a blue moon until I recently got back into wrestling..At the Lockdown PPV i got a grab bag with some older dvd's in it, and I gotta say the product now compared to even 2 years ago (which is how old the newest vid i got was) is night and day..And you are right about Joe..Dude is a beast in the ring and has really good skills on the mic, but yet he's nowhere near the HWC picture..Makes no damn sense to me..
Its safe to say both of promotions need to step it up and lay off the stuff.

Potential Sticking Point With CM Punk's Contract Renegotiations
In an update to an earlier report concerning CM Punk's future with the WWE, I have learned that a major issue in the negotiations of CM Punk re-signing with the company is the trademark of his name.

As of now, Vince McMahon and the WWE don't own the name CM Punk. They would like him to sign over the rights to the name which appears to be a hold up in a quick agreement between both sides to continue working together long term.

It appears that CM Punk would like to remain with the WWE but wants to be sure he looks out for himself. As one source told me, "Punk knows that WWE is the secure place for him to be at this point in his career but is a smart business man."

CM Punk is one of the few wrestlers who was well established on the independent circuit and kept his ring name when being signed by the WWE. It is common the WWE gives the performer a name change so they do have ownership and rights to their WWE identity. Bryan Danielson's name being changed to Daniel Bryan is a recent example.

Source: WrestleZone
Potential Sticking Point With CM Punk's Contract Renegotiations
In an update to an earlier report concerning CM Punk's future with the WWE, I have learned that a major issue in the negotiations of CM Punk re-signing with the company is the trademark of his name.

As of now, Vince McMahon and the WWE don't own the name CM Punk. They would like him to sign over the rights to the name which appears to be a hold up in a quick agreement between both sides to continue working together long term.

It appears that CM Punk would like to remain with the WWE but wants to be sure he looks out for himself. As one source told me, "Punk knows that WWE is the secure place for him to be at this point in his career but is a smart business man."

CM Punk is one of the few wrestlers who was well established on the independent circuit and kept his ring name when being signed by the WWE. It is common the WWE gives the performer a name change so they do have ownership and rights to their WWE identity. Bryan Danielson's name being changed to Daniel Bryan is a recent example.

Source: WrestleZone
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Potential Sticking Point With CM Punk's Contract Renegotiations
In an update to an earlier report concerning CM Punk's future with the WWE, I have learned that a major issue in the negotiations of CM Punk re-signing with the company is the trademark of his name.

As of now, Vince McMahon and the WWE don't own the name CM Punk. They would like him to sign over the rights to the name which appears to be a hold up in a quick agreement between both sides to continue working together long term.

It appears that CM Punk would like to remain with the WWE but wants to be sure he looks out for himself. As one source told me, "Punk knows that WWE is the secure place for him to be at this point in his career but is a smart business man."

CM Punk is one of the few wrestlers who was well established on the independent circuit and kept his ring name when being signed by the WWE. It is common the WWE gives the performer a name change so they do have ownership and rights to their WWE identity. Bryan Danielson's name being changed to Daniel Bryan is a recent example.

I don't blame C.M. one bit for this. He's looking out for himself...
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Potential Sticking Point With CM Punk's Contract Renegotiations
In an update to an earlier report concerning CM Punk's future with the WWE, I have learned that a major issue in the negotiations of CM Punk re-signing with the company is the trademark of his name.

As of now, Vince McMahon and the WWE don't own the name CM Punk. They would like him to sign over the rights to the name which appears to be a hold up in a quick agreement between both sides to continue working together long term.

It appears that CM Punk would like to remain with the WWE but wants to be sure he looks out for himself. As one source told me, "Punk knows that WWE is the secure place for him to be at this point in his career but is a smart business man."

CM Punk is one of the few wrestlers who was well established on the independent circuit and kept his ring name when being signed by the WWE. It is common the WWE gives the performer a name change so they do have ownership and rights to their WWE identity. Bryan Danielson's name being changed to Daniel Bryan is a recent example.

I don't blame C.M. one bit for this. He's looking out for himself...
What do people like in Orton? He's boring in the ring (VERY limited move set) and he's awful on the mic. Seriously, what do you like in him?

I have wondered this myself, since it is not just the kids and women that like him, but also men who appear to live in their mom's basment as well.
What do people like in Orton? He's boring in the ring (VERY limited move set) and he's awful on the mic. Seriously, what do you like in him?

I have wondered this myself, since it is not just the kids and women that like him, but also men who appear to live in their mom's basment as well.
After being so happy on Sunday after ER with the change, I am going back to not watching wrestling again.
After being so happy on Sunday after ER with the change, I am going back to not watching wrestling again.
Originally Posted by mjmoney23

What do people like in Orton? He's boring in the ring (VERY limited move set) and he's awful on the mic. Seriously, what do you like in him?

I personally like him better as a heel. 
And I live in the attic. 
Originally Posted by mjmoney23

What do people like in Orton? He's boring in the ring (VERY limited move set) and he's awful on the mic. Seriously, what do you like in him?

I personally like him better as a heel. 
And I live in the attic. 
been out of this thread for a min but

Spoiler [+]
ah man thats some bs smfh. my dude christian...was so happy for him
been out of this thread for a min but

Spoiler [+]
ah man thats some bs smfh. my dude christian...was so happy for him
Via Twitter-

(Read it like a timeline..in reverse bottom to top)

TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

In the past 24 hours I've secured aproduction location, a premium placement with +@@@+%!$# to stream worldwide& a DVD deal for the season.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

To that end, I've reached out to afew Hollywood production designers I know to get on board.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

I'm talking about losing the pyro,creating new looks from a staging and production point of view and presenting anew looking product.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

ECW's appeal - beyond the blood andlanguage - was the fresh feeling compared to stale, safe products. They hadmodern day characters.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

Moreso, I'm not interested in hiringguys that are on every other show. It's time for fresh, new characters thatfans can invest in early.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

So this will be wrestling as ifShawn Ryan or David Chase or the like booked it and plotted it.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

Would THE SHIELD or JUSTIFIED everdrop storylines the way WWE does? No. Not even close. The writers would befired if that happened.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

Tired of angles starting and thennever going anywhere? Or being ditched or forgotten outright? That won't happenhere.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

Given my background in film, I'm asucker for real three act structure. Set ups, payoffs, and strings thatactually play out in a story.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

We're looking at a 12-13 episodeseason culminating in the season finale, in this case your"supershow" event.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

Characters will rise, fall and twistand turn just like Don Draper or Dexter, only the stories are told with classicwrestling concepts.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

That means that just like DEXTER orMAD MEN, you're going on a season long journey with a clear beginning, middleand end.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

Forget comparing yourself to networktelevision shows. We're actually going to break, plot and produce it that way.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

It means that I'm taking the televisionseason format and applying it to the wrestling model.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

What does that mean?


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

The wrestling you get from #wrestlingrevolutionis going to be wrestling if it were broadcast on HBO, AMC, BBC or FX.

TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

So in looking at the realities ofthe wrestling marketplace, and the idea of crowd-sourced funding for somethinglike this, here's the deal:


@WardenSevenTNA apes the WWE model. That's why they haven't been able to break out of thatshadow. Too similar to the established product.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

Those shows are generallywrestling-heavy and cater to the hardcore workrate crowd.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

On the flip, you have ROH andDragonGate and the like. All nice people with hardworking talent on the roster.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

The advantage of DEXTER, MAD MEN andthe like is that they are SEASONAL shows. That means they have defined runs ontelevision.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

They can pretend all they want, hireall the ex-staff writers they want, but they are fundamentally a differentanimal.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

WWE is a year round televisionproduct. That is NOTHING like the structure of a show like MAD MEN, DEXTER orWALKING DEAD.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

The reality is, that isn't the case.For a variety of fundamental


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

But the fact is that while WWEclaims that they aren't wrestling, they're written on par with TV shows likeDEXTER or DR WHO or what not.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

You will never beat WWE atspectacle, operational machinery or marketing machinery. That's the cold, hardtruth.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

The reality is that in order to dothis the very model of the wrestling business needs to be reimagined. It's theonly way this will work.
Via Twitter-

(Read it like a timeline..in reverse bottom to top)

TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

In the past 24 hours I've secured aproduction location, a premium placement with +@@@+%!$# to stream worldwide& a DVD deal for the season.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

To that end, I've reached out to afew Hollywood production designers I know to get on board.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

I'm talking about losing the pyro,creating new looks from a staging and production point of view and presenting anew looking product.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

ECW's appeal - beyond the blood andlanguage - was the fresh feeling compared to stale, safe products. They hadmodern day characters.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

Moreso, I'm not interested in hiringguys that are on every other show. It's time for fresh, new characters thatfans can invest in early.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

So this will be wrestling as ifShawn Ryan or David Chase or the like booked it and plotted it.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

Would THE SHIELD or JUSTIFIED everdrop storylines the way WWE does? No. Not even close. The writers would befired if that happened.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

Tired of angles starting and thennever going anywhere? Or being ditched or forgotten outright? That won't happenhere.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

Given my background in film, I'm asucker for real three act structure. Set ups, payoffs, and strings thatactually play out in a story.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

We're looking at a 12-13 episodeseason culminating in the season finale, in this case your"supershow" event.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

Characters will rise, fall and twistand turn just like Don Draper or Dexter, only the stories are told with classicwrestling concepts.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

That means that just like DEXTER orMAD MEN, you're going on a season long journey with a clear beginning, middleand end.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

Forget comparing yourself to networktelevision shows. We're actually going to break, plot and produce it that way.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

It means that I'm taking the televisionseason format and applying it to the wrestling model.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

What does that mean?


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

The wrestling you get from #wrestlingrevolutionis going to be wrestling if it were broadcast on HBO, AMC, BBC or FX.

TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

So in looking at the realities ofthe wrestling marketplace, and the idea of crowd-sourced funding for somethinglike this, here's the deal:


@WardenSevenTNA apes the WWE model. That's why they haven't been able to break out of thatshadow. Too similar to the established product.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

Those shows are generallywrestling-heavy and cater to the hardcore workrate crowd.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

On the flip, you have ROH andDragonGate and the like. All nice people with hardworking talent on the roster.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

The advantage of DEXTER, MAD MEN andthe like is that they are SEASONAL shows. That means they have defined runs ontelevision.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

They can pretend all they want, hireall the ex-staff writers they want, but they are fundamentally a differentanimal.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

WWE is a year round televisionproduct. That is NOTHING like the structure of a show like MAD MEN, DEXTER orWALKING DEAD.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

The reality is, that isn't the case.For a variety of fundamental


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

But the fact is that while WWEclaims that they aren't wrestling, they're written on par with TV shows likeDEXTER or DR WHO or what not.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

You will never beat WWE atspectacle, operational machinery or marketing machinery. That's the cold, hardtruth.


TheFightingGeek The Fighting Geek

The reality is that in order to dothis the very model of the wrestling business needs to be reimagined. It's theonly way this will work.
- According to Dave Meltzer, the original plan for Extreme Rules was for Alberto Del Rio to win the World Title and then lose it to Randy Orton on Smackdown two days later. The change was made to Christian either the day before or the morning of the show.

- In addition to what is already out there, Michelle McCool is said to be dealing with various injuries including a broken toe, torn joint capsules, and a torn MCL. The idea is, since her and Undertaker want to spend time together and they have enough money, there is no reason for her to continuing as a TV character.

- TNA will be officially changing its company name to “Impact Wrestling
- According to Dave Meltzer, the original plan for Extreme Rules was for Alberto Del Rio to win the World Title and then lose it to Randy Orton on Smackdown two days later. The change was made to Christian either the day before or the morning of the show.

- In addition to what is already out there, Michelle McCool is said to be dealing with various injuries including a broken toe, torn joint capsules, and a torn MCL. The idea is, since her and Undertaker want to spend time together and they have enough money, there is no reason for her to continuing as a TV character.

- TNA will be officially changing its company name to “Impact Wrestling
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by mjmoney23

What do people like in Orton? He's boring in the ring (VERY limited move set) and he's awful on the mic. Seriously, what do you like in him?
Venom mjmoney23 is comin' fo' you *#@@!!


He is simply a peon.

mjmoney23 probably rubs one out when he see's Mason Ryan's spray tan.

Piss off.
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