Wrestling Thread May 21-27 | 5/27 WWE Superstar® Brock Lesnar Appears at UFC 146, Meets w/ Dana

Appreciated as always DSK.

Boss Barrett smashing Alicia Fox? 

So jelly.
Ziggler definitely is going to get his day. Now that we know what happened with him...whats the deal with Cody and will they ever bring Brian Kendrick back?
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

News and notes were a great read, muchos gracias senor. Now go get yourself banned.

It's almost like telling someone to off themself.

"$#!##. Go get DSK'd"
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

News and notes were a great read, muchos gracias senor. Now go get yourself banned.

It's almost like telling someone to off themself.

"$#!##. Go get DSK'd"
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

News & Notes
WWE officials contemplate having Daniel Bryan challenge for BOTH WWE and World Heavyweight Title on the same night.

WWE officials are very high up on Daniel Bryan and believe it or not, there has actually been talk about him challenging for both the WWE Championship and World Heavyweight Championship at an upcoming pay-per-view.


Dolph Ziggler requests meeting with Triple H and The Executive Vice President of Talent Relations & Permanent General Manager of RAW + Smackdown because...
A source recently informed us that Dolph Ziggler requested a meeting with Triple H and John Laurinaitis several weeks ago. In it, Ziggler pointed out the lack of main event and upper mid-card heels in the company. Apparently he pitched an idea to break away from Vickie Guerrero and Jack Swagger to focus on becoming WWE’s next big heel. Our source pointed out he wasn’t complaining about his position but just wanted to see what he needed to do and pitched an idea to make him a stronger heel.
Since the meeting, Ziggler has had his push turned up and pumped down. However, what happened at this week’s TVs was very telling. For those that missed it, Ziggler & Jack Swagger went under to Jimmy & Jey Uso on this week’s WWE Superstars. While Dolph didn’t take the pin, the job was clean going into their match for the WWE Tag Team Championship at Over the Limit on Sunday.

The feeling is this was WWE’s way of letting Ziggler know they didn’t want his input and “knew what they were doing.â€
- A lot of people within WWE are talking about how the company has went back to having pretty much no direction in the storylines. The feeling is that things were looking up after WrestleMania 28 when Brock Lesnar returned but with the People Power era and the push of John Laurinaitis, things have started to go back downhill.

- A fan suggested to Randy Orton on Twitter that he deliver his trademark punt kick to Chris Jericho’s skull after Jericho hit him with 3 codebreakers on Monday’s RAW. While Orton is sure to exact revenge on Jericho, he won’t be skull punting any time soon:

“The punt has been banned. ‘Concussional’ awareness.â€
- Sucks when wrestlers who obviously should be getting pushed take that initiative, only to get "tested".
- Barrett & Fox??? Ain't even mad

- I was already getting the feeling that Mark Henry would lean towards retirement, and if that's true, I'm glad he was able to end on a relative high note.
He was one of the very high points of the WWE for awhile.
- I swear that part about the 3hr change is like loads of other cancerous work environments

- I'd obviously be hyped for an MVP return, but instead of the awesome heel gimmick he had, I have a feeling he'd be saddled with his rapping face gimmick
he had for a good 2 weeks before he asked for his release.
I still have that entire Owen Hart Raw on vhs..Mizzark doing that poem gets me everytime..
Quite a few possible great matches if MVP returns:

MVP/Jericho(if Jericho sticks around after his tour)
Bring him back WWE! Then bring back Shelton so that Blackdown can begin once again.
In 98 WCW was hitting on all cylinders. Even a fun 2 min Goldberg squash was awesome at the time.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

In 98 WCW was hitting on all cylinders. Even a fun 2 min Goldberg squash was awesome at the time.

careful, 4w might get u suspended for posting anything WCW, especially anything related to THE ICON STING.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

careful, 4w might get u suspended for posting anything WCW, especially anything related to THE ICON STING.

I'm not done with Sting yet. I'll get back to that later, though.

But honestly Goldberg squashes are fun to watch.

Ryback's matches? Not so much.

Goldberg was a great idea by WCW..How they ended his streak and booked him afterward was a joke..But nobody can deny the impact Goldberg had on the wrestling industry..He definately wasn't equal to SCSA in terms of popularity or merch or ability to draw money, but he was for sure one of the top 5 reasons the Monday Night Wars were so amazing and why WCW was able to do huge cable numbers..
[h3]A Former Writing Assistant Speaks[/h3]
Posted byScott Keith

(This may or may not be legit)
Hey Scott,

So on the WWE board at GameFaqs.com, there’s a poster who worked as an assistant for the writing team from September to December last year and is giving away some neat insights about the day-to-day workings of the writing process and some tidbits on some of the stars and personalities. It seems legit; the detail of his work was pretty, uh, detailed, and he posted a pic of the office he worked out of and a couple of the one-sheets from the shows. Some of the information is obvious (Cena and Orton have backstage pull on their angles, etc.) but there have some some interesting things he’s revealed (Sheamus was the planned Rumble winner since the previous summer and not a last-second swerve as a result of Chris Jericho, D-Bry being against pairing up with AJ). I’ve gleamed some of the better bits from the topic and thought I’d pass them along since a common cry on the Blog of Doom is “What are they thinking?â€
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