Wrestling Thread May 21-27 | 5/27 WWE Superstar® Brock Lesnar Appears at UFC 146, Meets w/ Dana

Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

People tend to forget its entertainment.
Would you consider burning the US flag entertainment?
It's just like when Miz interrupted the National Anthem.  Finlay lost his job over it.  The National Guard (one of WWE's big sponsors) was really pissed.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

WWE’s revolution was finally revealed…by accident due to THQ posting this on their website, then taking it down shortly after. So, basically, The Revolution is WWE ’13 if you watch this video that was posted to YouTube right after it was posted on THQ’s website.

so they really aren't trying to make this game look better huh?
looks the same every year - no visual improvements at all, cmon now - technology these days - look at MLB the Show or Max Payne - they look so good and yet WWE is putting out ps2 worthy games
Wasn't that the first time they've been to Brazil? I could see how degrading a country's flag the first time being there could get him in trouble with the police if they didn't really understand the situation.
The fans don't seem to be that upset though, I would have expected them to throw !@#$ at Jericho.

Work or not that's !!++#* up 
Just starting Impact now.  The opening segment was awesome.  Here's a condensed version of it.  I'm sure you can find the full episode on Youtube somewhere.
Updates on Jericho
-- It is against the national law to desecrate the flag in Brazil (unlike the US where such a law would be unconstitutional). It is a misdemeanor level offense in Brazil.
-- Chris Jericho was escorted out of Brazil after an incident where he stomped on and then kicked a Brazilian flag out of the ring at the show in Sao Paulo. Desecrating the flag is grounds for incarceration, so it was either hit the bricks or hit the clink. He was in Ecuador last we heard. He apologized immediately before being escorted out of the ring. WWE also apologized to the Brazilian government last night. WWE.com reported that he'd been suspended indefinitely by the company. He has been pulled from a number of future dates, though he is still listed for No Way Out. The latest we heard internally last night is that he's most likely off the PPV.

-- It should be noted that unlike in the Fit Finlay incident last year, this was something Jericho did on his own and not something he was advised to do by an agent. Finlay was fired after he arranged a segment on a house show where Miz, to get heat, interrupted the National Anthem, and there were members of the National Guard in attendance who were extremely unhappy.

-- On his Twitter late last night he wrote: Just for the record I love Brazil and wish we could've spent more time here. Beautiful country!

-- WWE.com quoted him as saying, "I made a bad judgment call in the course of entertaining our fans in Brazil. I apologized to the people in the crowd for showing disrespect. It was a bad move. I did it with the fans' entertainment in mind and I’ll accept the consequences for that."
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

I don't really watch TNA. Like ever.

I did catch impact last night and the Joseph Park recap vignettes looks like it's actually a pretty cool story line.

Joseph Park has been AWESOME.  It's amazing that a guy who has played a hardcore freakshow under a mask his whole career has this much charisma.  His facials and acting are great.  And it's the perfect pair with him and Bully Ray.  I think Bully is the best heel in all of WWE or TNA right now.  He has no redeeming qualities and he seems like a guy who would seriously beat your !%#.
I can't wait to see how the Joseph Park/Abyss storyline plays out.
i got this from the forums but if Jeff came back, would he immediately be as a big a star on the caliber of Punk and Orton and that crew? You know, the second fiddles to Yahn

it was obvious he was the Michaels of the Hardy pair, but i havent been following his TNA run at all and the facepaint throws me off. is this guy still a big player in 'rasslin despite all his personal setbacks?
I would think so. I'm by no means the greatest "smart" ,but I think he would generate a buzz simply because he's been gone a while. And we all know WWE fans will eat up any sort of prodigal son return. I mean... Dude was a major face (at least for kids and women) in the WWE for years, even before his rise to the main event.

My question is would the WWE ever take him back?

i got this from the forums but if Jeff came back, would he immediately be as a big a star on the caliber of Punk and Orton and that crew? You know, the second fiddles to Yahn

it was obvious he was the Michaels of the Hardy pair, but i havent been following his TNA run at all and the facepaint throws me off. is this guy still a big player in 'rasslin despite all his personal setbacks?

Jeff is a huge star. Despite his Victory Road misfortune and other bumps in the road I think his heel run was pretty good. His current face run his has been good. He's really stepped it up in the ring and it appears that he's staying out of trouble.

I would love to see Punk/Hardy again. I think it would be a huge draw.

More from this guy..


What's the writer's reaction when faces get booed and heels get cheered?

I think its just part of the business. Also the writers are well aware that there are smark cities and mark cities, so they have a good idea of the kind of reaction certain things will get in certain places.Occasionally they're completely wrong though. Many of them expected Zack Ryder to get heavily booed at Surivor Series because "New Yorkers hate Long Islanders" but they couldn't have been more wrong.

I was wondering if there was any mention of the IWC when ideas were thrown around? You mentioned they are kind of anti-smark to an extent. I guess I am just curious if any attention is paid to some of the consensus that some people are clamoring for online and the smark community in general or if they pretty much have their own ideas and could care less what the internet/smark community is clamoring for?

I think they have their own ideas, until the possibility to make money rears its head. Like when an entire arena is chanting YES YES YES -- they go ahead and make a new t shirt.

But like I said the writers are wrestling fans themselves. They love a great Tyson Kidd match as much as the next smark, but they also know that putting him on RAW against Heath Slater is gonna make the ratings nosedive for that segment.

does wwe plant fans or have they stopped doing that?
what do wrestlers do after the show? do they just pack up belongings, travel to airport for next city or stay around?

There's plants occasionally. Like when Sheamus was thrown through the barrier by Mark Henry. The people around the area where Sheamus landed were all locals or FCW guys. The little kid in the audience who R-Truth talked to a few months ago was a plant. Those are the only instances I remember. When they fight through the crowd, that's real. But when a fan is given an opportunity to talk into the mic, I doubt they would ever do that without a plant.

I don't really know what they do. It depends I guess. They might go out for food and drinks or just back to their hotel rooms. Wednesday is the travel day for most crew, so I think they usually have a night's sleep before heading back to the airport for the next show. If there's a string of house shows in one area, they'll travel by bus or rented cars. Orton, Cena and Punk have their own huge tour busses. I don't know if anyone else does. It's all commercial flights though. Nobody is on the company jet but Vince, Hunter, Laurinaitis, and maybe a few top producers and such.

With the tag division in pathetic shape, Brian Gewirtz suggested to throw Tyson Kidd and Heath Slater together as a tag team and call them The Rock and Roll Kids. We all kind of laughed about it but he even pitched it to Vince. Vince didn't go for it.

There was brief discussion of some wilder ideas, like making Mason Ryan gay or giving Alex Riley a long-term storyline where he fakes having cancer to get sympathy from the crowd. Both of these never made it anywhere.

Kaitlyn was supposed to be the third heel diva to join Beth and Natalya in the divas of doom. They even went so far as to have her turn on AJ at Smackdown, but due to poor planning the segment was really poorly done. Kaitlyn, Beth and Natalya didn't really know what to do and it didn't look good so it was edited out of the show and planned to be re-done the following week. However some other Diva drama came up backstage or whatever, leading to the whole division being kind of in the doghouse in Vince's mind. Vince ultimately decided there didn't need to be a third heel diva at all, and broke up Divas of Doom soon after before deciding to push Tamina.

Ziggler and Swagger breaking up was teased at first, but Vince told us to drop it and keep them together.

There was talks for a long time of Layla returning with an eccentric fashion-centered gimmick in the style of Lady Gaga, but obviously that didn't happen.

When Punk was feuding with Del Rio we had an idea of having Del Rio cutting a promo, when someone dressed up as a WWE ice cream bar comes out from the back. Del Rio assumes its Punk and beats him up, but then tears off the costume to reveal that its Ricardo tied up with tape over his mouth, and it was just a scheme by Punk to mess with Del Rio. It didn't make much logical sense and never made it to air.

A few of us wanted Cody to go absolutely bat***** psychotic after his mask was destroyed and be more of a loose canon character I guess like how Dean Ambrose is. Instead he went back to being regular heel Cody. I'm not sure why.

There were some plans to have Drew McIntyre feud with Sheamus by having Drew bully sheamus with a picture of him as a little fat kid. There was also a lot of background with them because they wrestled together in the Indys but it never got off the ground.

Hunico introduced Primo and Epico and Camacho and the initial plan was to form a stable, but Vince was concerned that it was too gang-like and racist and split them up pretty quick.

At the time I left, the idea was for Zeke's losing streak to culminate in a heel turn, but that's yet to happen.

There was an idea to having something that makes the Usos stand apart -- one idea was that Jimmy could be really smart and Jey could be really stupid.

They were considering doing a relationship between a face Diva and a heel superstar. I believe the frontrunner was Kelly Kelly with Wade Barrett, but that never happened.

Don't know much about Orton. I get the impression that he too is a joker that messes around with people, but pretty reserved like his on screen character. The only thing I saw him do backstage at Survivor Series was take pictures with a family that was brought backstage for some reason. Also I heard a story from some random RAW/SD where Orton was waiting in gorilla to go out for his match up next, right behind the curtain. In gorilla is usually Vince, Triple H, the agent of the match, sometimes Stephanie and a writer or two if they're not busy doing something else. Anyway Orton's getting ready to go out, and he turns his back to everyone and starts peeing in a trash can in gorilla. Triple H is like "Randy what the hell are you doing?" and he just shrugs and says "I always get the urge to pee before I go out."
My question relates to the Cranky Vince account on twitter, because apparently it's been accurate about things at certain times and people have been saying it could be someone on the writing team. Was it ever discussed around you?

Yes I first learned about it while working there and we would laugh about it all the time because Vince can be like that sometimes. He says "GODDAMMIT" a lot from what I hear. However the consensus is that its probably a former writer, because they know a lot of stuff only insiders would know but it doesn't really match what's currently happening in real time. So I think it's just an ex-writer guessing.

And I'm pretty sure the account pre-dates me working there.

Also, a better Vince story in my opinion, after talking about how Vince has almost no time to keep up with pop culture, including seeing movies, and almost anything whatsoever you'll see referencing something modern was a writer and not Vince:

Do you know what movies Vince HAS watched? He's had to at least seen a few with his family or something.

YES! Vince has definitely seen Gladiator hahaha. I know because Brian told us a story from Hunter. Apparently Hunter Vince Steph and whoever else in the family was watching Gladiator on cable and Vince said something like "What is this? This is really good!" and Hunter's like "....are you serious? Vince this is Gladiator. We've watched this like 20 times."

The Punk shoot was before I started, but I did ask about it. My understanding is that a writer wrote most of it (and had to fight REALLY hard to get it on the air. and also had to fight REALLY hard for Punk to win the championship and walk out at MitB) The writer and Punk then went over it and Punk put his own spin on it and changed things a bit, which is how promos usually go. However the specifics of what was scripted and what Punk improvised I don't really know.

You're encouraged to introduce yourself and meet everybody, but everything was so hectic and everyone so busy that I was very hesitant to interrupt most people. I only approached guys who were standing around and not doing much at the time. I was told that even if you think no one is paying attention to you, it doesn't go unnoticed when you fail to introduce yourself. That being said I did shake the hand of many of the agents including Dustin Runnels, Arn Anderson, and Bill DeMott who gave me the nicest warmest smile and greeting I could imagine.

Speaking of the Rock, when someone of his stature comes back can they pretty much dictate what they want to be doing? I guess w/ the Rock it's a yes b/c he's as big a star as they could hope to get in the ring, but how about guys like Jericho? Do the writers have much say at all in those situations?

Jericho wanted to come back specifically to put Punk over at Wrestlemania, and he had the light jacket made on his own and probably didn't need anybody's approval to wear it.

Big stars like Rock and Jericho spoke to Brian Gewirtz directly on his cell phone, so I don't know much about the content of their conversations beyond what Brian told us.

As for the cryptic promos, the writing team had nothing to do with them. The producers or whoever films the titan tron videos and stuff like that takes care of all vignettes. Like Jericho said, there was no hidden meaning behind it (I was annoyed by that as well). It was just meant to be creepy and keep you guessing. Most likely it was all written and produced by one guy in the company, so any intended messages or meanings in it are his own. Jericho just knew coming back that it was 2012 and he wanted to play off the "End of the World" theme.

General opinions on the following from people backstage.


Maxine -- not talked about much, but recognized as one of the best talents on NXT. I'm sure she'll be on TV weekly in a year or two.
Hawkins - respected for being good at his position. He's a good jobber because he bumps well and makes guys look good.
Ambrose -- Wasn't really a point of discussion at the time I worked there. I don't remember his name ever coming up.

I have a good one- are there any wreslters/talent NOT on TV now that were hyped/discussed/planned?

Good question, but no one really comes to mind. Of the FCW group, I know there's high expectations for Husky Harris and Bo Rotundo as well as Richie Steamboat. One writer based out of baltimore was friends with Calvin Raines so he's been rooting for him. I think Seth Rollins is looked down on a bit as an indy darling, but it's not serious. The Baltimore based writer also watched TNA pretty regularly, and often said he wished WWE raided them for talent. Specifically Bobby Roode and James Storm.

Next question- what is the tag division to WWE? when you said those 2 together i assumed it was for tagging not singles comp.

No it was for singles comp. I don't really watch TNA often but those two haven't been tagging for a long time.

What's the opinion on Christian?
Pretty much like the (IWC)'s. Though its acknowledged that he's getting older and is probably best served to put over younger talent at this point in his career.

The writers don't usually have strong feelings for or against any particular guys. They're just characters in the fiction that they're writing.Although some guys have a reputation for being crappy ringworkers, like Mason Ryan and Zeke Jackson. But on other people opinions are usually mixed. For example I never gave a crap about Ted Dibiase, but one of the writers really liked him for some reason. Though ultimately it all just comes down to making a good show.

What's more important is what Vince thinks about wrestlers. He's the one that approves everything and makes last minute changes.

Were you ever in on any NXT discussions, such as when the season would actually end or anything interesting related to the show?

NXT is written every week by only two writers, and they pretty much have free reign to do whatever they want, so they had a lot of fun with the whole Maxin/Bateman/Curtis soap opera.
I remember people questioning when the season would end. At one point the 100th episode in Las Vegas was supposed to be the end, with Bateman and Maxine getting married, but it kept going after that for some reason.I don't know much else, but the road team writer that worked on NXT was always praising Bateman, Maxine and Curtis for their talents and enthusiasm. They all loved working together.You gotta remember that although NXT and Superstars are just web shows in America, they do air on TV internationally and actually pull good ratings in some parts of the world.

Did you guys ever discuss Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak during your time there?

Not really. It was common knowledge in the office from the day I started that it would be Triple H vs. Undertaker again and that Triple H would lose again.

What was the general consensus on Wade Barrett and Jack Swagger at the time?
Again, let me reiterate that the writers don't really play favorites or have strong feelings for or against anybody in particular. They realize that they're responsible to serve all the characters on their roster, with first priority being the talented ones who can work storylines and draw. So when Barrett was doing nothing for a while in early September, there came a point where they said "Alright, we're not using Wade to his full potential." The Barrett Barrage became a story, Wade got a win streak and was pushed back into the limelight for a time until his injury.

Swagger is complicated. I got the impression that nobody had much faith in him on the mic, and though his character is obviously stale and has degenerated to jobber status, at the time that I was at WWE the roster was very thin. People kept getting injured and no new stars were coming in. So we kind of needed someone in Swagger's position -- a big guy who looks like a serious competitor but can be beaten to make someone else looks good. And like I said earlier, Vince had no intention of splitting up Ziggler and Swagger, so a face turn was not in the cards for the time being.

Quick story about Swagger. On the muppets episode of RAW after he lost to Santino, Swagger kicked the glass beaker out of frustration. It flew into the barricade and smashed on a little girl and her father. WWE took them backstage to check on them and apologize, they met a bunch of superstars and Swagger apologized personally. The father left extremely satisfied with the professionalism of the company and a potential lawsuit was avoided.

did cm punk play a part in getting anybody pushed? like beth or bryan?
how much stroke does cena have backstage, can he change vince's mind like hbk used to?

Punk - No. The Divas division is an absolute mess, and there's hardly any rhyme or reason to why someone gets pushed. Bryan's been pushed probably just because ever since turning heel he's getting huge fan response.
Cena - A lot. And yes probably.

any tales about cena that contradict what his real life persona is generally known as(nice, classy guy)?
what's everybody's take(vince's in particular) on dirtsheets and the smark audience? do they try really hard to keep a lid on stuff and put out false stories? do they do things sometimes just to appeal to the smark audience?
Cena in real life (from what I've heard as I've never met him) is sort of silly and likes playing jokes on people and messing with people. He's a lot like the Thuganomics character (minus the rapping) and loves Jack Daniels.

Smarks are seen as a minority that usually shouldn't be listened to -- which from a business standpoint is sort of true. Dirtsheets are sort of laughed at because they're wrong all the time. Most of what's on dirstheets is just news aggregated from press releases or superstar twitter accounts. A small portion is speculative stuff about backstage stuff and most of that is total BS. Dirtsheets are an ad-revenue based business so they do what they gotta do to get eyes on their sites - including making stuff up. I think if there were real insiders, surprises like Brodus's debut or Brock's would be spoiled well in advance.

As for the last question, as much as the writers may hate to admit it they are smarks themselves, so they get a kick out of some smarky things. For example Santino's joke a few months ago about repealing the rule instated by Jack Tunney about not allowing reptiles at ringside. That came straight from Brian Gewirtz because he always thought that was a funny rule. Most non-smarks wouldn't get that reference at all.

why was bryan losing so much when he was mitb, did he do something or was it another one of vince's random phases?

biggest complainer in the locker room? by complainer i mean prima donna attitude who makes things harder for everyone, complaining about everything given to him/her.
what are each of the divas like, who you've met or seen interacting with someone else? what's the take of people like vince or whoever else you might have heard on the whole kelly sleeps around story that got out? any tales of sexual harassment/misogyny?

general consensus on jim ross? did undertaker ever swing by backstage in that time period? any other injured/inactive ppl who did the same? did you interact with any of them?
Bryan was just kind of a boring character as a face, so I don't think there was much incentive to keep him winning. Besides he always had the briefcase, so it didn't really matter how much he lost.

The biggest complainers are probably the Divas, and rightfully so. They always wish they were getting more TV time and longer matches and I can't blame them. Daniel Bryan as I stated before complained a lot about the girlfriend story with AJ, but I bet he ain't complaining now.
The divas all seem very nice and friendly. I only managed to introduce myself to AJ backstage at Survivor Series. She was sweet and introduced herself as April. Beth, Natalya and Alicia walked by me on a few occasions backstage and smiled or nodded professionally. I don't know anything about the Kelly Kelly rumors.

It's clear that Vince has something against JR, but nobody knows why. Vince got a big kick out of any opportunity to embarass JR on TV, but Jim is always a good sport about it. I remember nobody wanting to be the one that gets on the phone with JR because he'll talk your ear off for two hours. I think some people think JR was a better EVP of Talent Relations that Laurinaitis is.

I think Undertaker was backstage at a Raw in Texas just to say hi to people. He was bald with a long grey sort of wizard beard, which I was really hoping he'd have at Wrestlemania but no dice. I didn't see him as I didn't travel, but I heard it from the writers who went.

How much were dirthsheets discussed? And from your time there was there any evidence there of people who may be the mysterious "sources" that are always mentioned in dirsheet articles?

>No idea who the "sources" were. I wondered that a lot while I worked there. It certainly wasn't anyone that I worked with on the writing team. Could possibly some dot com guys or crew people that got second hand knowledge of upcoming storylines. Most of what's on the dirtsheets is made up bullcrap though. Very rarely does a true backstage story make it out. When you hear something like "The original plan was to have so and so win, but a last minute change..." that's almost always completely wrong.

what did WWE have planned for Kharmas run? Was their a goal or just keep her squashing everyone?

By the time I started Kharma had already left for several months for her pregnancy, so I don't know what they had in mind long term. They were probably playing it by ear and seeing what kind of reaction she got.I remember hearing about her miscarriage way before it made it to the dirtsheets. Like months before. When we'd try to find out when she'd be back, the answer we'd get would basically be that she's on an indefinite personal leave until further notice.

Was the idea of unifying, getting rid of, or bringing in new titles ever discussed?

Not really. There was a little talk on when the design of the WWE belt would change, and I heard that it would soon after Wrestlemania, but believe it or not -- they actually have to meet with Mattel to decide these things. Again the writers have nothing to do with this process or these decisions.

Did you ever come across arguments, confrontations, or that general feeling you get when two people just don't like each other?

Not among wrestlers. I heard that Cena and Rock aren't huge fans of each other, but they're professional about it... Gewirtz doesn't like Paul Heyman because of some history they have. I hear the Divas all mostly hate each other and are very catty and competitive because Diva TV time is so sparse. Don't know much else.

What was it like when it came to writing the stuff for Punk? I know you said he had alot of say, but was it just like they write something up for him and then see how it sits for him?

What were the discussion on the long term plans for Cena(I guess up to Wrestlemania)? Did they just make it up as they went along or was there a clear goal they were going for?

What happened with Drew Mcyntire? Any/everything you might have heard about him and he plans for him.

Yes basically. Almost all promos go like that. Someone writes them and then goes over them with the talent who puts their own spin on them. Some people, like Daniel Bryan mostly just say word for word what's written for them.

I remember in January after coming back from a meeting one of the writers says "Vince wishes wrestlemania was tomorrow. We're there already with him and The Rock." So the Kane feud was basically filler till March. However there was no intention of putting the title on him at the time I worked there. They intended to keep it on Punk for a long time after hot shotting it around so much mid last year.

I don't really know what happened to Drew. There was some plans to have Teddy removed as GM of Smackdown after several heels complained about his incompetence and bias an whatnot. Drew was supposed to be among this group after his losing streak, but that storyline went another direction. Right now your guess is as good as mine as to why he's not being used.

[*Were there any indications that Miz would eventually be in the unusual spot he's in now?[/*]

Not that I remember. Awesome Truth was broken up because of Truth's wellness policy violation, and he was brought back as a face because they thought they could sell some Little Jimmy merch.

I got the impression they didn't really know what to do with Miz a lot of the time. I don't know much about his situation now. Maybe Vince is pissed at him. I'm sure the writers couldn't care less and don't have any vendetta. It's a bummer though, because I'm personally a Miz fan.
What's the general feeling on gimmick PPVs like Hell in a Cell and TLC. Do the other writers wish they would save those matches for feuds that justify them?

I'm sure some of them do, but its completely out of their hands. It's ultimately (I'm assuming) a business decision. Giving each PPV a gimmick makes it special and gives you a reason to buy, unlike the generic ones where buyrates can vary wildly based on feuds. They probably want to create some sort of predictability in their business model. For example there's already low expectations for any December PPV because people usually splurge on Survivor Series and then save their money for holiday shopping and the Royal Rumble.

I think it's cool that HHH and Steph were nice to you and some of the folks. For as much as the IWC want to paint them as some sort of scheming villains, I rather prefer that they, and everyone who makes the decisions at WWE, are just good, normal people doing what they love.

That's certainly the impression I got. Triple H gets a ton of undeserved heat. I've never heard of him changing feuds purposely to get more attention, or burying guys because of a vendetta against them. I don't think he gives a crap. He has a day-to-day job at Titan Tower as head of Talent Development. He's there every day in a suit and tie. His concerns these days are with developing FCW talent and bringing them up in the best way possible. And when Vince has a crazy idea, Triple H is often the voice of reason in the meetings. In my time there I got the impression that the storylines will make much more sense when Triple H inherits the reigns. The IWC should consider him a friend, not a foe.

The only thing is that Triple H vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania 28 was locked in stone, and no one was gonna tell Vince or Triple H otherwise.

How far ahead did the team plan for?

Tough question to answer. Like I said they had a very skeleton idea of the major feuds and matches all the way through to Wrestlemania. They always work backwards from the PPV card to book the Raws and Smackdowns inbetween, so they always know what the end goal is. As far as specifics of matches and promos, that's usually a week by week basis, with the team planning one week ahead of real time. Some feuds that were story-heavy, like Cena vs. Kane, would sometimes have "grids" which is basically a chart with four columns representing the four weeks until the next PPV. Writers were encouraged to work in that grid style, keeping in mind how one week relates to the next, rather than winging it week by week.

But it varies big time on a case by case basis.

what's the backstage consensus on john cena as far as you know? what about complaints his critics have like selling, cheesy promos and 5 MOD predictability and what he said that he was not going to change for anybody? do ppl consider him lazy?

iyo is there really anybody who could have worked hard in and out of the ring like cena does if they were given the same push?
what did gewirtz say to you when he was scolding you, what happened
 Anybody who calls Cena lazy doesn't know the first thing about him. The guy is a freakin workhorse and model employee. Him saying he's not changing for anybody is just his character right now. It doesn't mean he'll never turn heel ever ever ever. As far as complaining about his cheesy promos, millions of people love them so the WWE doesn't give a crap. And this is just speculation, but I believe he used to limit his moveset in the ring to limit the risk of injury -- since losing Cena to injury would be a huge wrench in everything. However I think he's been doing much better in the last couple of years than in the late 200s.

I think Miz and Sheamus are two guys who are willing to do anything WWE asks of them, in the ring and out. You'll notice whenever there's a wrestler on a talk show or doing some kind of promotion, it's usually one of them because they're just good at it and willing to do it. Guys like Punk and Orton would never want to do these things.

I was scolded about boring stuff. Like I said I wasn't very good at the job and made lots of little mistakes, like missing things in the notes or forgetting to send emails or sending them to the wrong person, etc. It's a very very detail oriented position and I'm not a very detail oriented person. In my eyes, if you get from point A to point B, who cares about how you got there, but WWE has a very specific and strict way of doing things that they expect you to adhere to. Little things like the formatting of documents. Writing "Segment One" instead of "Segment 1" and things like that.

From your experience did the "Vince likes big guys" rumor turn out to be extremely true, or slightly exaggerated?
Vince likes money, and he thinks that when people see a huge guy like Khali or Mason Ryan or Big Show, that there's a level of attraction and spectacle with that that makes it easier to make money.

So yeah, unless they're REALLY good, Vince doesn't want to fill his roster with guys who look like any random dude on the street. He's oldschool to a degree and wants wrestlers who look like wrestlers.But ultimately, Vince likes money.
who loves the hell out of Twitter?

Probably the producers who think it's a smart way to get word out about the product. Not sure. But they do twitter because it works. During Raw every week, everything that happens on RAW trends worldwide on twitter. It can be a fun way to join the discussion with other people watching RAW.

What idea of yours were you the most upset about them turning down?

Probably turning Swagger or Miz face. Or bringing up Brad Maddox. I pitched an idea for a love triangle between AJ, Zack Ryder and eventually AJ's "old boyfriend" played by Brad Maddox. This was way before the AJ/Daniel Bryan storyline.

Any word on Layla?

How did Hunico became popular?

Layla was absent with her injury the entire time I was working there, but her name was brought up as a candidate for the third heel Diva to join Nattie and Beth, even though she doesnt look "pin-up strong" at all. Then there was talk of bringing her back as a Lady Gaga-like character but that didn't happen either. (Unfortunately. I thought that would've been quite unique and cool).

Good question about Hunico. I think it was at a Smackdown taping where there were a number of heels in the ring cutting a promo. During a commercial break, Vince told them via headset to give the mic to Hunico, just to see what he could do on the fly without warning. Hunico cut a good promo off the top of his head and that really impressed Vince. I think he's been in Vince's good graces ever since. Not sure if that answers your question or not.

How did you all decide that Hunico would be fake Sin Cara? Did you all like his portrayal of Sin Cara better than the actual?

Not sure who made this decision. Probably Hunter I would guess. I think in general people like Hunico better than Sin Cara because Hunico came up through our own farming system and is very familiar with the WWE style. Sin Cara as has been brought up many times before had a lot of trouble adapting to the American style of wrestling.

Also he was a bit of a +@$!, as he would often complain of some nagging injury. His neck or his shoulder or whatever. There was always something with him.

But he's a god in Mexico, and we just started going to Mexico a few times a year, so to have anyone else but Sin Cara play Sin Cara on a permanent basis would get them eaten alive. I think WWE still feels theres tons of money to be made off Sin Cara, but I'm a big Hunico fan personally.
I know, I know, I am a day late.

Jerimacbk (
) presents: TPT (Throwback Picture Thursday's) .. Volume 2
Spoiler [+]

Andre the Giant & Ultimate Warrior

(caption I found reads) Ric Flair

Curt Henning "Mr. Perfect"

Iron Sheik & Cyndi Lauper

Lawler & Jeff Jarrett dressed as clown (supposed to be Doink, I'm not sure)


Austin and HHH (look at his nose all squished in

Dusty Rhodes, random child fan, & Andre the Giant

The Road Warriors

Nikolai Volkoff

Brian Lee as Fake Undertaker, Paul Bearer & The Undertaker

Hall, Benoit & 'Taker


The Undertaker as "The Commando" (one of his first in-ring persona's)

early Undertaker

Bearer & Undertaker


'90s Undertaker pic


I haven't watched TNA in a minute but Bully Ray. 

Dude has really put in work on his body and gimmick the last few years. Props to him
Bully Ray is by far the best thing TNA has going for it right now..If they were smart they'd put him in a feud with Bobby and have him win the belt..After he won the belt, they could put him into any angle, with any person, they wanted..Bully needs atleast 6 months with the strap..
Lookes like Jericho is suspended for 30 days according to wwe.com, now I wonder with the time off will they push the Fozzy tour up in those 30 days and then come back for a solid run.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

There was brief discussion of some wilder ideas, like making Mason Ryan gay or giving Alex Riley a long-term storyline where he fakes having cancer to get sympathy from the crowd. Both of these never made it anywhere.

NO KIDDING^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

When Punk was feuding with Del Rio we had an idea of having Del Rio cutting a promo, when someone dressed up as a WWE ice cream bar comes out from the back. Del Rio assumes its Punk and beats him up, but then tears off the costume to reveal that its Ricardo tied up with tape over his mouth, and it was just a scheme by Punk to mess with Del Rio. It didn't make much logical sense and never made it to air.


A few of us wanted Cody to go absolutely bat***** psychotic after his mask was destroyed and be more of a loose canon character I guess like how Dean Ambrose is. Instead he went back to being regular heel Cody. I'm not sure why.

Current FCW Divas Champion Raquel Diaz (Shaul Guerrero) debuted a new look at last night’s FCW TV tapings, one that may have been previously discussed for Layla on WWE’s main roster. There were rumors over a year ago of WWE doing a character similar to pop star Lady Gaga with Layla. Diaz debuted a new blonde look with new make-up at last night’s tapings and a group of friends in attendance noted that it reminded them of Gaga.

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

There was brief discussion of some wilder ideas, like making Mason Ryan gay or giving Alex Riley a long-term storyline where he fakes having cancer to get sympathy from the crowd. Both of these never made it anywhere.

NO KIDDING^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

When Punk was feuding with Del Rio we had an idea of having Del Rio cutting a promo, when someone dressed up as a WWE ice cream bar comes out from the back. Del Rio assumes its Punk and beats him up, but then tears off the costume to reveal that its Ricardo tied up with tape over his mouth, and it was just a scheme by Punk to mess with Del Rio. It didn't make much logical sense and never made it to air.


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