Wrestling Thread May 21-27 | 5/27 WWE Superstar® Brock Lesnar Appears at UFC 146, Meets w/ Dana

John, if you were SO concerned with beating Laurinaitis last night, then you should have just beat him.  I don't need to hear you crying because you were a cocky prick and beat the hell out of the guy over and over and never chose to finish him.  You freaking let him out of the STF twice you moron.  No one should feel sorry for you.
And his excuse that Big Show was going to beat him anyway if Laurinaitis was in jeopardy?  So where was Show when Cena had him TWICE in the STF????
People Power scooter 
  Much better than a full body cast
Possible broken clavicle?  They must be pretty awful doctors if they can't tell if he has a broken bone.

Laurinaitis doesn't get heel heat.  He has go away heat.  Kind of like Vickie Guerrero.
Wait, if Laurinaitis re-hired Big Show on Saturday, then shouldn't he be fired for interfering last night?
So Show was a legitimate $%$*+ last week.  It wasn't part of the plan.  Terrible.  He should have said it was an act to swerve Cena.
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

The new job squad..

Looks like Nexus v2.  Only now it's with 4 guys fans care even less about.  Great.  Cena can obviously beat all four of them by himself anyway.
Orton and Del Rio lose last night.  So now they have a #1 contender match for the World Title.  WWE's main events are so damn stale.
Cole can try to cover it up that it was a verbal agreement on Saturday, but moron Laurinaitis clearly said he signed Big Show on Saturday and it included a very large bonus.
It would help if you won a match every once in a while for us to believe that you're the best in the world.
is Jericho leaving or staying?  I don't get the Orton beatdown if he is leaving unless they plan to have a match at Wrestlemania next year 
Originally Posted by Peep Game

So is Kane a face now, or it even matter?

*flips back to Laker rape*

Doesn't matter.
I really hope when Raw moves to 3 hours that these 90 second garbage matches go away.  I know that's wishful thinking.
I still don't understand why Brock Lesnar is suing. Didn't he quit?

Do all wrestling from India come from Punjabi?
Originally Posted by hymen man

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

lawler with the unnecessary comment, hope he gets fired

Dude is such a clown with the racist comments.

Unfortunately, those comments are probably coming straight from Vince.
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

Christian better put on a trenchcoat and start coming out to some Rob Zombie.

Missed the Lawler comment. What'd he say?

Someone about Mahal's turban looking like a rat tail.
I strongly disagree that Kelly Kelly is one of the 100 most beautiful women in the world. She's hot but nowhere near top 100. Hell, not top 1000.
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert


Officially the worst RAW in a long time.
You must have missed last week's show.
I wouldn't say this week's show was all that bad.  It was just a show. Nothing happened (I'm in the middle of the main event right now).  Boring and forgettable.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

– Cody Rhodes appears to be taking a hiatus from the squared circle after losing the WWE Intercontinental Championship to Christian on Sunday at Over the Limit. He stated Monday afternoon via Twitter, “Time off.â€
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

So no more Lord?

Obviously, it was the Lord surname that was preventing him from getting over as a monster heel.
I didn't even notice this until you guys brought it up.
Sorry, but it's the gimmick, not the name.
Sheamus no sells a kick to the head.
Keep telling us that this is a 1st time ever match.  3 on 2 handicapped lumberjack match.

I can come up with a lot of 1st time ever matches too.

How about a 6 on 1 ladder match.  How about a 7 on 3 Texas Tornado Rules Pipe on a Pole match?  How about a Divas Elimination Chamber Match?  Just because something is 1st time ever doesn't mean it's a good idea.
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

I am intrigued now..

I'd care if WWE hadn't screwed us so many times in the past.  There is one thing you can count on with WWE.  Their hype videos are 1000x better than their actual product.
Originally Posted by StillIn729

is Jericho leaving or staying?  I don't get the Orton beatdown if he is leaving unless they plan to have a match at Wrestlemania next year 

Jericho is definitely leaving.  I just don't know if it's permanent or just a hiatus.  Fozzy is touring the UK in June and I believe they are touring in the US late in the Summer.  Though the UK tour is relatively short, so it's possible he may just disappear from TV for about 3 weeks with no explanation.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

TBK with zeke as a bodygaurd was way too good
......lets not forget that he was heavyweight champ for a few seconds

I loved that gimmick but when it comes down to it, Kendrick is a screwup.  I doubt he'll be back in WWE.
When was he champion though?  I don't ever remember this.
This show tonight just made me dread the 3 hour shows even more.
Cena/Otunga - Short squash

Orton/Del Rio - DQ

Bryan/Kane - DQ

Christian/Mahal - Only match of the night that had a finish and went more than 4 minutes.  No drama as to who would win though.

Beth/Kelly - Divas match

Main Event - No Contest

All I ask for is ONE quality match a night with an actual finish.  I don't understand why we can't have this.
Kendrick won the belt in the Championship Scramble match at Unforgiven in 2008 I think. It didn't last long though. 

I'm pretty sure Jericho is booked through Summerslam, then he has a tour at the end of August into September, then he is supposed to come back in October. 
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Kendrick won the belt in the Championship Scramble match at Unforgiven in 2008 I think. It didn't last long though. 

I'm pretty sure Jericho is booked through Summerslam, then he has a tour at the end of August into September, then he is supposed to come back in October. 

Ah, I see.  It was the WWE Championship in a scramble match, so he never actually was recognized as WWE Champion.  What a stupid gimmick match that was.
Fozzy is touring the UK the first two weeks of June, so he probably won't be involved at No Way Out.
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