Wrestling Thread May 24-30 | 5/27 TNA iMPACT! | Anderson vs Styles | Hardy vs Wolfe

Originally Posted by Captain Charisma85

And where is my man 'retrogearsolid' at? If Abraham Washington is named Raw GM then that means Raw and SmackDown! will both have black GMs, "BlackDown!" May be a reality after all!
I was hoping for Abe too, but it wasn't to be now that The Hitman is in charge.I can't be mad at that. I've made my peace that Blackdown isn't happening any time soon. Vince can say he's trying to push black dudes, but I'll believe it when I finally see two brothers as the world champions.
He won!!!! Holy @#$%. They gave him a title. I expected him to lose. His reign won't last tho
Black wrestlers that don't have racist stereotypical gimmicks???!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm outraged!!!!!!!!!
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