Wrestling Thread May 7-13 | 5/13 TNA Sacrifice - Best Wrestling PPV This Year, Catch the Replay

On a serious note that sucks that he is getting divorced.

But, time to bring out *%%hole CENA. Straight up jump down from the apron and take your shirt off and give it to a lady who is in attendance with her son. Be a Richard. Wink and blow kisses at the ladies right before the FU. So much heat if he started flirting with someone as he slaps on the STF on someone.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

John Cena Files for Divorce
The Miami Herald reported today that John Cena has filed for divorce from high school sweetheart Liz Huberdeau, saying that the marriage is irretrevably broken.

Huberdeau, who signed a pre-nup when the two were married in 2009, has hired Raymond Rafool, the Miami attorney who represented Linda Bollea in her divorce.  Linda ended up with 70% of the marital assets coming out of the divoce.

Cena, said to be worth $18 million, according to the story signed a pre-nup which even gave him the right to take back all gifts and presents.

Rafool noted in the story that while the two were only married three years and there was a pre-nub in place, that she supported him in their goals for 14 years.

The paper also quoted an unnamed source saying this will dwarf the Hogan divorce for nastiness.
Very interested to see what demons John has in his closet.....
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

John Cena Files for Divorce
The Miami Herald reported today that John Cena has filed for divorce from high school sweetheart Liz Huberdeau, saying that the marriage is irretrevably broken.

Huberdeau, who signed a pre-nup when the two were married in 2009, has hired Raymond Rafool, the Miami attorney who represented Linda Bollea in her divorce.  Linda ended up with 70% of the marital assets coming out of the divoce.

Cena, said to be worth $18 million, according to the story signed a pre-nup which even gave him the right to take back all gifts and presents.

Rafool noted in the story that while the two were only married three years and there was a pre-nub in place, that she supported him in their goals for 14 years.

The paper also quoted an unnamed source saying this will dwarf the Hogan divorce for nastiness.
Very interested to see what demons John has in his closet.....

Cena you dog!!! Now I cant even boo or root against him. HE CAN EVEN TAKE BACK THE GIFTS

I dont get the 'she supported him in their goals for 14 years' part though. What does that have to do with anything when a prenup is in effect? She signed it, its valid, theres no kids, how can this possibly get ugly?
Meaning she was bringing home the bacon whilst he chased his dreams and now she wants that back plus some serious interest.
I was thinking the same greg. I thought they had a kid together, but apparently they don't. Cena should be able to get away clean.
Not mand at all
Looks like John is gonna Super Cena his way through this divorce.

Smart man.
WWE.com announced that Truth in Paradise Vs. All American Show Offs (should be their name imo) will have a title match at Over The Limit.

I would have liked for Primo and Epico to be a part also and make it a triple threat tag team match since they haven't got their rematch yet.
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert


Didn't know Superman had cake like that.

Really? 18 mil sounds very low to me.  I bet there are other "private" assets.

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I really do wonder what was the bottom line that led to divorce. Was he on the road too much? Was he smashing divas left and right? Or does he have a dark side we don't know about?

Interesting. Just a month or so ago she was at Raw. Now its over. Shame.
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