Wrestling Thread Nov 21-27 | 11/24 Happy Thanksgiving to NTWT!

ok cool, will be changin punks attire to the macho mans

i will change cenas and put fatigues on him

miz with the gold wm28 attire

taker with black/purple or black/grey
man i want a wrestling game where you can make everything from the ground up. seasons, storylines, matches, characters, logos, etc. why hasnt anyone made something like this currently?

and i think goldust cody program would be pretty entertaining but NOT for a title. goldust belongs nowhere near a title...
Originally Posted by Essential1

Alright so I thought I'd share a few of CM Punk's Attires that I was working on in Superstar Threads...  (It's tough to get the exact match because on occasion it's different attires... And one's fake, one's real, so it will look different anyways...)
Was bored so I thought I'd share for anyone who wants to try them out.. If you do tell me what you think
Good stuff man, I thought I was the only one who liked to do this. Maybe we can try and do this on a week to week basis getting the attires as close to current TV. Last year my Miz alt attires were
Originally Posted by Peep Game

brasilianmami wrote:

i thought NTSuperShow was tonight?

Yea same here. You remember the real main event though right?

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THE show stealing match on any card.
Just a random thought playing the game, the "Spinner" Championship belt doesn't actually look too bad if it was more flush like traditional wrestling belts.  that's all
IN the it begins promo with the child he says
"Come my people and shut thy doors about thee
For a power shall come to punish the meek for there iniquities"
This is a secular, revised version of Isaiah 26:20-21
"Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee:
hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.
For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity:
the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain. "
For christians the lord is Jesus Christ- a
When Jericho came back in 07 the message said SAVE US Y2J
In the last comeback there were biblical references i.e 2nd coming
If jericho comes back as a heel he would "punish" those who wronged him fans,wrestlers
This is why I believe (hope) it's Jericho
Originally Posted by NobleKane

man i want a wrestling game where you can make everything from the ground up. seasons, storylines, matches, characters, logos, etc. why hasnt anyone made something like this currently?

and i think goldust cody program would be pretty entertaining but NOT for a title. goldust belongs nowhere near a title...

all of my gripes with this game come from these points.

i know that no game will ever be perfect but like a said a few months back i want complete, total flexibility in my wrestling game.

Noble, the closest you'll get would be wrestling simulators that you dl online. Like Fire Pro Returns and Extreme Warfare Revenge they both have really good communities but you don't actually control your wrestlers.

it's more like a simulation. 

GHIMS you can change their colors, not their attire. You can't remove or add anything to their attire, so no fatigues for cena. Only thing i was able to do is change the color so it looks like he has cargo pants on. 

but even then, he'll still come out with the red shirt and hat during his entrance.
*Grabs mic, nut-nicks the recently returned Kevin Kelly, to which The Rock comes out of no where, asks him if he likes Thanksgiving pie, but quickly says It Doesn't Matter!, Rock Bottoms him, we never see Kevin Kelly again, Rock exits and doesn't return until WM28*

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Attention, ladies and germs. Jeribkmac wishes you all a Happy Thanksgiving. However, you should all be thanking your lucky stars for ME.

NTSuperShow was supposed to be today, and not even a mention of it in the last few weeks
? What kind of COO is GHIMS? Yeah, I'm talking to you.

You've hyped up PPVs, live appearances, video game promotions, and has anything come out of it? Nothing. 4Wrestlings cats have done a better job at booking events than you.

GHIMS with the

Notice how each and time I come and speak to NTWT, I get at someone else? I'm marketing my brand, that's all it comes down to. I have my first NTWT match lined up for NTSeries, if and when that ever happens.

It's real simple asshats.

Whether you like me or not, or ignore me as a conspiracy..
.. ,

I'm here to stay. My first match will be a classic. I will walk out of NTSeries with the I.C. Title, and make the final pinfall for Team NTDown.

You'll be seeing more of me soon. 1/2/12

*Exits arena, goes to eat Thanksgiving dinner with all the Jeriholics of the world.*


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, the COO cracks are all in good fun. Obviously I know WWE '12 just came out, things for NTSeries will be happening soon I assume.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by NobleKane

man i want a wrestling game where you can make everything from the ground up. seasons, storylines, matches, characters, logos, etc. why hasnt anyone made something like this currently?

and i think goldust cody program would be pretty entertaining but NOT for a title. goldust belongs nowhere near a title...

all of my gripes with this game come from these points.

i know that no game will ever be perfect but like a said a few months back i want complete, total flexibility in my wrestling game.

Noble, the closest you'll get would be wrestling simulators that you dl online. Like Fire Pro Returns and Extreme Warfare Revenge they both have really good communities but you don't actually control your wrestlers.

it's more like a simulation. 

GHIMS you can change their colors, not their attire. You can't remove or add anything to their attire, so no fatigues for cena. Only thing i was able to do is change the color so it looks like he has cargo pants on. 

but even then, he'll still come out with the red shirt and hat during his entrance.

Nah you can control your wrestlers in FPR. It's just that most people prefer to simulate the matches..because they produce better results.
After playing for a couple of hours with my friends im finally getting used to the control system of wwe12, I beat del rio with Barret to become the champ
And after losing like 5 matches online i finally beat someone i was mad happy i saved the ending 

Game looks solid now and good looks on the attire change, Ima make punk into the macho man attire. 

Add me on psn: Ratmachine53 

Oh and championship Scramble aint no joke if you got people that could play
Veintisiete has officially been nominated to be the first official member of NTWT to be created in the game.

For a template, you may use any of the following:

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I finally played WWE 12 and the game is definitely dope.

I can fully appreciate the game yet, because I still haven't gotten acclimated to the new controls.

The WWE 12 developers should have added the practice arena from SvR 11 to WWE 12 where we could practice each move individually because I don't know what the hell I'm doing most of time.

The in game tutorial helps but it would make getting adjusted to the new control scheme easier if you could practice the moves.
RTWM %#!$+* up my CAW. 

So when you start the RTWM with Jacob whatever make a copy of your caw(if yo wanna use it) before anything.
Got another one..

Trunks (0,255,146)
Trunk Des. 1 (0,255,50)
Trunk Des. 2 (39,69,209)
Kickpad (0,255,146)
Kickpad Des. 1 (0,255,43)
Kickpad Des. 2  (39,69,209)

If you haven't used the navy blue/orange attire do so...  IMO It looks amazing in-game.
Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving.
wifey dragged me out black friday shopping.
I. Will. NEVER. Go. To. Walmart. Again. (for BF)

just now getting in and then we are getting back up at 5 am to do more shopping.

will be playing wwe '12 until then.
Essential I just created that attire for Punk yesterday.

What's the formula for his blue/orange attire?

Gotten a bit more use to the new control scheme and I am really loving WWE 12.

Had a great 10+ minute match between ADR (me) and Santino (CPU). I was dominating most of the match, as should be expected and using the new limb targeting system to weaken Santino's arm for the Cross Armbreaker. I had more than enough opportunities to win the match but I wanted to weaken Santino's arm to red because I was going for a trophy. So I pick Santino up to inflict more damage and this fool hit me with a small package and got the win.

I was like:


Another thing I like about the game is how the AI has improved. In SvR 11 I played on at least hard difficulty and I won more than I loss. First time playing WWE 12 I put it on Hard and got my *%$ handed to me. Bumped the difficulty down to Normal and loss to Santino (refer to my story above). Now that I've gotten adjusted to the controls I'll move the difficulty back up to Hard and see how I fare.
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