Wrestling Thread Nov 24- Dec 7 | 12/1 Will Vince Address Punk Live on Austin's Podcast After Raw?

I'ma save that AOW podcast for work Friday. That'll be my serious wrestling podcast then I'll follow up with my non-serious wrestling one.
Natalie Guercio? Love that little ratchet. Would do everything imaginable to her.

Watched Liger vs Takahashi from 2013. Decent little short match. Some nice spots to the outside. Love the announcers man. No clue what they're saying but the passion and energy in the voice is dope.
Natalie Guercio? Love that little ratchet. Would do everything imaginable to her.

Watched Liger vs Takahashi from 2013. Decent little short match. Some nice spots to the outside. Love the announcers man. No clue what they're saying but the passion and energy in the voice is dope.

Man I can't wait till next pay. I'ma be on this NJPW World thing.
I swear Cabana has the ill voice for QVC.

You're gonna love it D Fly. Just use it through Chrome so you translate it.
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And they don't start talking about wresting until 20 min in smh.

This is why I'm selective with my podcasts. This is why cheap heat is becoming corny. I just wanna hear about wrestling that's it. That's why the LAW will always be the best
And they don't start talking about wresting until 20 min in smh.

This is why I'm selective with my podcasts. This is why cheap heat is becoming corny. I just wanna hear about wrestling that's it. That's why the LAW will always be the best

I don't mind if the conversation is entertaining like when konnan goes off on random ish but this is boring b. Just friends talking about inside jokes.
How the hell Cabana's dumbass not know about Purple Rain or Morris Day and The Time..
Really Punk, you didn't think this podcast was gonna be a big deal?..Such a damn liar..
Got this podcast on as I watch Wichita St vs Utah. Let's go Mormons.

They really don't talk about wrestling for like the first 30 minutes :lol:
Punk hasn't watched wrestling in 3 years. Except his wife's stuff. Seems like he lost his smile. He wants people to chant AJ's name at her instead of Punk's name.
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