Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Got 3 of my elf's gifts cued in Amazon, will buy the other in a couple days, add other stuff, then wait like Sting in the rafters to send it :smokin
Did a little quick reading DC there's some thoughts out there about a sacrifice idk how much stock I put in it. I think dude knew his health was in bad shape and he was just holding out to have that one last moment.
I just want to say that Kevin Sullivan's trip down memory lane with MSL about WCW Nitro is so damn entertaining. Very consistent podcast. Listened to the first 5 and not a dull moment man. I am biased since I loved WCW so much.

They had a great talk about the current WWE product. They spoke on how NOBODY is a real competitor to Brock since he punished Cena and Undertaker so the only logical thing to do is bring in outside talent, Rock. But what is that in terms of the long term picture?

They also spoke on how Reigns fits into the picture. Sullivan suggested making him into an attraction, only allow him to work at PPV's to make him more of a bigger deal when it is time for him to wrestle Brock. But MSL doesn't know if he trusts Reigns will be ready to be THAT DUDE by WrestleMania. But yea man, if you.......you know. PM me

PM me a link so I can listen while I'm at the doctor tomorrow..

I will never understand the hype and crazy resell price of this shoe :smh:

Dumbest shoe of the past 10 yrs..Lame shoe from a lame rapper..

It seems the reason Eva Marie hasn't been on tv lately is because she went and got a boob job..She claims to have on sustained and injury and is just not starting he rehab to get back in the ring..But this pic of her makes me think otherwise..

****... that's not a good look

way too big for her frame
Eva should just do flicks at this point, she's got the look for it now :lol:


This dude is a lame. :stoneface:
It seems the reason Eva Marie hasn't been on tv lately is because she went and got a boob job..She claims to have on sustained and injury and is just not starting he rehab to get back in the ring..But this pic of her makes me think otherwise..

The E needs to venture in the adult movie industry. That's the only way I see any value in keeping her.
It seems the reason Eva Marie hasn't been on tv lately is because she went and got a boob job..She claims to have on sustained and injury and is just not starting he rehab to get back in the ring..But this pic of her makes me think otherwise..

The E needs to venture in the adult movie industry. That's the only way I see any value in keeping her.
Man, with a bunch of info/gameplay vids about current gen 2k15 coming out this week, I think I might just get the PS3 version this year or skip it entirely and wait for 2k16

The graphics are amazing, and the inclusion of stamina really adds a new level of detail to gameplay. Also the idea of taking an unknown up the ranks of WWE in MyCareer mode seems like it would be fun as hell, but 2k15 is gutted as hell in terms of features/modes a la NHL 15 for current gen consoles.

Things removed in 2k15

- Create a diva

- Create a title

- Create an arena

- Create a finisher

- Custom entrances

- Superstar threads

Edit a Superstar is great new feature, but even that has it limitations. Editing a superstar takes up a CAW slot and since there are only 25 CAW slots in game it discourages using the feature in the first place.

Also it seems like match types were silently removed from the game as well.

Via Caws.ws
Some people on GameFaqs got the game and I compiled the list of matches that has been removed.

There's no more:

Triple Threat Ladder, TLC, Iron Man, Cage matches
Fatal Four Ladder, TLC, Iron Man, Cage matches

Tonardo Tag Teams

Tag Team TLC, Ladder, Cage, Table

Handicap matches
1vs1 ladder match
Special Referee

Also these has been removed as well:

Match Creator

Can no longer turn off no DQ or no counts outs

Pics of the menu taken from GFaqs:







Unless, there's a day 1 patch that adds all the missing match types or if they're are hidden in a special option or something, I think it's safe to assume that's all the match types we're gonna get.
While last gen 2k15 had some features removed as well (like using custom music
) it wasn't gutted to the degree that current gen has been.
I can't believe they got rid of the Triple Threat and Fatal Four ladder matches. That used to be my favorite match to play with my buddies. Not even worth me buying this game if it won't have that.
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