Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

If you get your puppy from a Pet Store or from a breeder they usually give you a voucher that's good for anywhere from 50% up to 100%..It's usually at a vet that they have set up a deal with in order to get you to go to that particular vet clinic..When I bought my Jack Russell Terrier about 12 yrs ago from one of those mall pet stores, they gave me a coupon to get him fixed for free..Just a thought..
cool ill have to look into it and see whats up,thanks guys for the feed back appreciate it 
Just copped my wm31 tickets. Section 112 row 13. Should be :pimp:. Awaiting hard copy tickets next month. Me and my friend are gonna dress up. Either as reigns and ambrose or miz and mizdow. :lol:
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how does 2k botch this game as much as it has? those graphics look like crap. they killed the old gen model. what a pathetic performance.
Speaking of Sasha, she has been getting coached well. Clearly she has someone in her ear about how to play that heel role. I can't say much more about how much she has improved man. Seriously might be my MIP over the last year in WWE. Male or Female. Her and Charlotte, but Charlotte wouldn't get it from me because she is just getting more playing time now. Everyone expected her to be this good based on her genes and athletic ability. Sasha is the goods man.

@casekicks - You listen to those Sullivan shows man?

Who is going to ROH in BMORE Sat?
-We noted a few weeks back that Ryback was well-received after making his return from injury and that his attitude had improved. Apparently things continue to improve for The Big Guy internally.

Vince McMahon and Triple H are both reportedly very happy with Ryback’s return and the fan reaction to him. WWE officials still closely watch for the dreaded Goldberg chants, which actually caused Vince to sour on Ryback in the past. Now that he’s back, officials are looking to put Ryback in some more competitive matches with the idea that if he starts destroying everyone again, the Goldberg chants may catch back on.

It was said by a source that Ryback has gone “out of his way” to be a good team player and work on the attitude issues that stopped his push in the past.
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