Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Dam they stuck paige with the scrubs for Sunday sheesshhh
Paige, Summer, Cameron, layla
Nattie, Emma, Naomi, Alicia

They can't even put 5 girls on each team :lol:
They could have easily put Charlotte on natties team and banks on team paige to promote the nxt championship match in 2 weeks. But naaa makes too much sense
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amazes me how they let this card be so thin and pathetic with the show being free but then again i guess that's their excuse, it's free.
amazes me how they let this card be so thin and pathetic with the show being free but then again i guess that's their excuse, it's free.

They've got to have a big angle planned for the show... That's the only thing I can think of that would justify this mess of a card... Either Brock destroying both teams or an NXT invasion... I can't think of anything else...

You know what, **** WWE... I'm so sick of they're product... I haven't done anything besides skim the product of summerslam, and I feel as though I have missed nothing... Nothing excites me about WWE... Why the **** do I care about a bunny and a 5 year to late Russell Brand knockoff... Why should I care about anything on going?... Like any of us think Cena is going to be fired and never seen again.... Is it time for the yearly Cena/fired angle...

I just don't give a **** about WWE outside of NXT...

Post some Japanese womens wrestling matches.

You can pull up stuff from here: http://web.archive.org/web/20121004...hvalleydriver.com/Bestof90s/joshiresults.html

A lot of that stuff is on the Tube of the You's

Some recent stuff
Meiko Satomura vs. Kana 4/29/10

Yuzuki Aikawa vs. Ayumi Kurihara 5/15/11

Yuzuki Aikawa vs. Yoshiko 7/24/11

Meiko Satomura & Kagetsu vs. Nanae Takahashi & Yoshiko - 10/27/11

Ayumi Kurihara vs. Hailey Hatred 1/15/12

Natsuki*Taiyo vs. Kyoko Kimura 8/5/12

Nanae Takahashi vs. Yoshiko 8/5/12

Aja Kong & Meiko Satomura vs. Kagetsu & Yoshiko 12/15/12

Io Shirai vs. Yoshiko 6/2/13

Io Shirai vs. Kyoko Kimura 8/17/13

Kana vs. Arisa Nakajima 8/18/13

Io Shirai vs. Arisa Nakjima 12/29/13

Io Shirai vs. Natsuki*Taiyo 1/26/14

Io Shirai vs. Takumi Iroha 6/1/14

Io Shirai vs. Yoshiko 8/10/14

If you don't find them on youtube then they are likely on dailymotion. There is probably more around, but I can't recall at the moment and I don't watch everything.
I feel the same way Savage. Been getting more enjoyment catching up on the indies and overseas stuff I've been ignorant to than the current product.
Honestly, I have been loving that we only really talk about WWE on RAW, Smackdown, and PPV nights. The rest of the week, folks are talking about other stuff.

If it isn't PWG Pierce
NXT Brena

Folks discussing New Japan and the occasional ROH

Lucha Underground over the last few weeks. Man it is a GOOD time to be a wrestling fan.

Speaking of Lucha Underground, Pentagon Jr. vs. Fenix from week 4 was so damn good man.

I am loving Cueo (sp) vs. Drago too. This Drago dude's mask reminds me of Muta's new mask. Striker said it, I agree.

Drago and Fenix have really imrpessed. So damn good talent man.


Honestly, I have been loving that we only really talk about WWE on RAW, Smackdown, and PPV nights. The rest of the week, folks are talking about other stuff.

If it isn't PWG Pierce
NXT Brena

Folks discussing New Japan and the occasional ROH

Lucha Underground over the last few weeks. Man it is a GOOD time to be a wrestling fan.


Can y'all imagine how great it'd be if during the 95-00 era we had the NTWT?..WWF, WCW, and ECW all having weekly shows + the 2 ppv's a month + weekend shows?..

Wonder if he does the Stardust gimmick at home?
Yea it would be the same as it is today if we were around during the time all 3 companies were alive.

MeanGene: Screaming everytime Goldust appears

Brenda: Giving live reports from the WCW Power Plant

All of the Dolph Fans would be on who's nuts?

I would be on my Cruiserweight promotion
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