Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

^ El Rey network

This week’s edition of WWE NXT has already aired in Australia and a vignette hyping the debut of the wrestler known as Kevin Steen was shown.

The date 12/11/14 appears on the screen as it faded to black. December 11, 2014 is of course the date of the NXT Takeover special on the WWE Network.
Can y'all imagine how great it'd be if during the 95-00 era we had the NTWT?..WWF, WCW, and ECW all having weekly shows + the 2 ppv's a month + weekend shows?..

Case, there was actually on the internets called the R.S.P.W. newsgroups that I used to be all up on when I finally got AOL installed on an IBM Aptiva in 96. First got a college email address in 95 and newsgroups were where it was at during that time. Marc Mero actually was on during his last few months in WCW and announced there he would be going to the WWF. I'm pretty sure if you do a google search, you'll see alot of unexplored wrestling information.

Actually, here you go: http://www.rspw.org/

Giving me memories of being in the computer labs when I still rocked a pager looking at some of the articles there.

I've been lurking the boards, busy with work, coaching, wedding planning, having a baby, I need a vacation just from thinking, hahahaha.

Need to give Lucha Underground a 2nd chance, the first episode didnt wow me, but maybe because I was expecting it to be mostly AAA branded, like high spot galore and wrestlers just going in and out of the ring, but from the positive reviews from my NT brethren, then I'll have to catch up while I'm at work.

Dont forget about myself and @22stylez, because we are Strong StylezView media item 1268985
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