Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

How do you delete community creations that you downloaded?
When you highlight it in the menu that shows all the stuff you downloaded there should be an option to delete it.

At least that's how you did it on last-gen.
Just read the "A New Day" stable is set to debut at Survivor Series... :wow:
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i hope they swerve and make them a serious no nonsense stable and not a church choir like it appears.
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in last year's game i downloaded the new CAW in the slot of the guy I didn't want anymore.

That's what I just tried and it didn't work. Tried to replace my Seth CAW with a Balor and when I went to use Balor, Rollins came out instead with Balor's name. :lol:

When you highlight it in the menu that shows all the stuff you downloaded there should be an option to delete it.

At least that's how you did it on last-gen.

I'll try this when I get back on.
Couple things about that 10 Matches That Became Real Fights link

- Saturn was so out of line. Just went completely berserk and over the top, especially for a dark match. Forgot he had the NWO Hogan look around that time.
- I remember when Brock purposely botched that Powerbomb, I didn't beat an eye. I'm sure plenty of other wrestlers wanted to do that to him over the years.
- That Richards chair shot to JBL :x :x that may have been worse than Jeff Hardy's to Lesnar, and Rock's to Shamrock

i hope they swerve and make them a serious no nonsense stable and not a church choir like it appears.

My exact reaction reading this

I got my car back today so I have time tomorrow I might ship out my elf's gift. Gonna look and see if I could cop that new iPhone finally as well.
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I got my car back today so I have time tomorrow I might ship out my elf's gift. Gonna look and see if I could cop that new iPhone finally as well.

I'm using this week's check basically to get my elf, fam, and 1-2 others gifts, and will pretty much wait to get my own stuff :lol:
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