Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

I'm using this week's check basically to get my elf, fam, and 1-2 others gifts, and will pretty much wait to get my own stuff :lol:

I get paid in a week and I'm going to finish up my elf's gifts then..I was going to give them a pair of shoes, but I think I might get him 2 or 3 more small to medium priced gifts instead..
I get paid in a week and I'm going to finish up my elf's gifts then..I was going to give them a pair of shoes, but I think I might get him 2 or 3 more small to medium priced gifts instead..

Na I'll take the used jordans. Just clean em up before you ship em to me. Thanks

Hope my elf like huaraches. If he don't, oh well don't care
Don't buy Brenda **** until J Get THAT hulu PW

:lol: na b all my card info in there and ish not giving out that password. Make a fake email addy and get that free 2 weeks.

Really though what you trying to watch on there? Only thing worth while is old nxt. You trying to watch that ecw reboot? 60 min raw replays? Smackdown replays?
Watched AJ Styles vs Togi Makabe from G1

Cool match. I really love the passion and excitement in the announcer's voice. Even though I don't know what he's saying, his energy is palpable. Same goes for watching WWE reruns on mun2. It's so much more exciting and enjoyable when the announcers have that passion in their voice unlike when Cole and the current crew call matches. I honestly rather listen to the Spanish broadcast than those assclowns. JR had that excitement, Joey Styles as well. Cole, King and JBL are just so awkward and cheesy that they detract from matches more than they contribute to them.
im starting to see why people line enzo and cass, i mean they arent really that good but they're entertaining, cass on the mic on tonights episode was piss poor
Case, there was actually on the internets called the R.S.P.W. newsgroups that I used to be all up on when I finally got AOL installed on an IBM Aptiva in 96. First got a college email address in 95 and newsgroups were where it was at during that time. Marc Mero actually was on during his last few months in WCW and announced there he would be going to the WWF. I'm pretty sure if you do a google search, you'll see alot of unexplored wrestling information.

Actually, here you go: http://www.rspw.org/

Giving me memories of being in the computer labs when I still rocked a pager looking at some of the articles there.

I've been lurking the boards, busy with work, coaching, wedding planning, having a baby, I need a vacation just from thinking, hahahaha.

Need to give Lucha Underground a 2nd chance, the first episode didnt wow me, but maybe because I was expecting it to be mostly AAA branded, like high spot galore and wrestlers just going in and out of the ring, but from the positive reviews from my NT brethren, then I'll have to catch up while I'm at work.

Dont forget about myself and 22stylez 22stylez , because we are Strong StylezView media item 1268985

:pimp: :smokin
View media item 1270128

:smh: :smh: :smh:
Brie gotta have that good good for this


How do you get your tag team partners to help you out? I pedigree nash and my partners just stand on the outside and the pin gets broken up every time.

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I'm not a fan of the guy and his stale character but I certainly didn't want him to disappear from our TV screens due to an injury. Sheamus is legitimately hurt it would seem as a result of the World's Strongest Slam through the table. He had surgery for an arm stinger, he was also having issues with his neck and spine. :smh:
There has to be a big swerve on Sunday night, right? There isn't really any intrigue to the card and I think completely screwed up the Bray/Ambrose buildup.
There has to be a big swerve on Sunday night, right? There isn't really any intrigue to the card and I think completely screwed up the Bray/Ambrose buildup.
have Jeans wash Catsaro for the first 3 weeks of that feud ruined the feud overall. There's no buildup or purpose to it. Just two weirdos grappling over who's crazier.
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