Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Ordered some stuff for my elf. Bunch of stuff I see that I would get for me :lol:

wouldn't mind an el Generico mask :nerd:
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Too broke to do a legit SS. I told myself I would do one next year after I graduate in the spring and hopefully land a job.

But I have no problem throwing in an item to the package for @jdcurt2  for organizing it. Or helping any one who gets shafted. 
Too broke to do a legit SS. I told myself I would do one next year after I graduate in the spring and hopefully land a job.

But I have no problem throwing in an item to the package for @jdcurt2
 for organizing it. Or helping any one who gets shafted. 
Broke Bullet Society :smh:

My elf is the only person I'm buying gifts for unless I get a girlfriend in the next two months. Probably get my parents something small.
It wouldn't be anything expensive I'll tell you that much :lol: I refuse to buy a broad jewelry or anything major unless we're engaged or been together a minute.
Aight a variety box of Ferrero Roche pre gift wrapped straight out Walgreens with the bag and everything is acceptable
Hey guys

Raw in person was 

I had ok seats. It was in the 100s but right next to the titantron so I couldnt see when they appeared but we got to see most of them walking to the back. They were free tickets so im far from complaining. We were around a good group of ppl so it was 

They announced before going live that cena wasnt appearing today. Several kids cried :frown:

Did yall see that Xavier Woods promo?? They aired it during a break

Rusev winning the dark match 
. So many kids were crying around me

Here are some pics
What about a **** in the box?

It would be something subtle that has some kind of meaning between us or special to her. **** let me get this girl first and then we'll worry :lol:
What is about Cena that kids love? Srs question.

I would have hated dude if he was big in my youth. Just a corny character.
ihust1e ihust1e how was the crowd in person compared to how it came off on TV? They seemed pretty drained by the US Title match.

And yeah we saw the Woods promo. :pimp:
@deepsea post some new jack shoot vids. Dude is funny as hell b. I would love to see austin, jericho or colt interview Steiner. Would be :lol: for dayzzzzz
Smackdown spoilers are :lol: and :x

One reaction is for cesaro and the other for Adam rose.

Can you guess which reaction is for what???
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