Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Got my efl. Don't know who he is.

Because of this fact, he shall expect to receive several Disco Inferno shirts and a used Macho Man WWF ice cream stick.
We should have restricted the ss to regulars. It's more fun if the dude post at least every week

Edit: jd should have...
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And what's this about a Zayn match? He on the roster? :nerd:

I'm so behind in life. My job has been a SCSA/Mr. McMahon/Corporation storyline for the better part of a month :smh:
I read my questionnaire before and realized I filled it out blazed as hell. My apologies to my Santa :lol:

Been looking for this DVD for the past 15 minutes. Still can't find it. Must've disappeared with my Phil Brooks t-shirts :smh:

And what's this about a Zayn match? He on the roster?
this week's Main Event. Looks like they're getting ready to promote him.
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They need to drop the i from Sami..Just don't sound right calling a grown man Sami..
finally found this ******* DVD was tucked behind a LOTR box set :smh:

probably only gonna watch the first match Generico vs Steen 2004. looks like they're in someone's basement.
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Shelly & Sabin are the youngest of those 4 mentioned (31 & 32). Would love to see them brought in unless they have to be on NXT for 3 years to cleanse them of their natural appeal

blue thunder bomb needs to close out a match one day. give me a reason to believe it's not a 2 count each time.

Love the Blue Thunder Bomb. I think Swagger used that in his debut. Btw, where is Swagger? Feels like I haven't seen him in a month :lol:

Nattie is a thot

this ref is a future hall of famer


View media item 1249067
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This match is really dope. Steen has some funny banter with the crowd and ref. Generico and him have great chemistry in this one. Very good match from 10 years ago. Great finish.
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Shelly & Sabin are the youngest of those 4 mentioned (31 & 32). Would love to see them brought in unless they have to be on NXT for 3 years to cleanse them of their natural appeal
Love the Blue Thunder Bomb. I think Swagger used that in his debut. Btw, where is Swagger? Feels like I haven't seen him in a month :lol:
View media item 1249067

Nah Thwagga has always used a variation of the Doctor Bomb.

And ya rly :pimp:
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Phillip Hunn is about to become my new best friend

Kings on a tear right now. :pimp: :pimp:

NTWT fed tonight? :nerd:

This weekend young Deekford
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I also filled my questionaire out high. so if anyone who got it wants to ask a few follow ups don't be shy
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The Tyson/Sami match from Main Event was good.

Those two have good chemistry.

Also, I guess Nattie was cold down by ringside.
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