Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Watching no mercy 2000. Anyone ever been to wwf New York? :lol:

Was there in 2000, got to ask a question to Lillian Garcia and have a pic with her as well. Always wanted to go when there when they had PPV's but it got packed.

My top 5 WWF/E women: Trish, Elizabeth, Tammy Stytch , Lita, Ivory (I'm down with the milfs/cougars).
I want a Dodge Challenger all black with Da Hemi for Christmas thanks Santa.
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Dear NT secret santa, I want Eva Marie blindfolded and hog tied for Christmas. That is all...
Smackdown moved to Thursday's starting in January. I'd honestly watch but smackdown is just strongly booked as a secondary show. Bunch of replays of raw and no real place to book or fuel fueds.
-WWE recently sent out a survey asking fans if they would support a return of cruiserweight wrestling to the company. WWE asked if the cruiserweights should have their own show on the WWE Network, or be used on other shows like RAW, Smackdown and NXT as a special attraction of sorts.

Deepsea somewhere having a "legit nut. Not a fap nut"... :lol:
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-WWE recently sent out a survey asking fans if they would support a return of cruiserweight wrestling to the company. WWE asked if the cruiserweights should have their own show on the WWE Network, or be used on other shows like RAW, Smackdown and NXT as a special attraction of sorts.

Deepsea somewhere having a "legit nut. Not a fap nut"... :lol:
Where the hell is this survey? I didn't see it...........
Anyone catch the Stone Cold vs. McMahon two-part Rivals series on the network?

Thought it was pretty cool how it ended with Vince inducting Austin into HOF and telling Austin: "I love you, son."
some ntwt,as some of you may know i didnt fill out a ss survey,although i wanted to,i just started a new job and what not and owe some money and have obligations (dont wanna get too personal) and i didnt want to half *** any gifts or be cheap so i decided not to jip someone who might get me some great stuff.i think its a cool thing that you guys do this and next year ill be on it.sorry guys.althought im seeing a lot of people posting in here thats ive NEVER seen before lol its all love though

i went to wwf new york a couple times one for a smackdown and one for a ppv forgot which one but it was my 13th bday had a blast watching on the big screen with the crazy fans,food was decent and i got a rock elbow bad i was hype,still tight i lost it till this day,cuz i would still be rocking that.place had potential.

i think a cruiserweight division is cool,but not if its gonna suck with lack of good story lines and what not.also feel like they would def be thrown on the backburner esepcially if they get theyre own show which people probably wouldnt watch then it would get cancled and they would blame the cruiserweights,lol idk if done right could be dope.but then all ya favorite nxt dudes would probably be relegated to just the cw belt so idk
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