Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Franklin Bennett is a comedy character much like Santina. his words mean nothing. Don't make me expose you to them folks that don't know you Franklin
Franklin Bennett is a comedy character much like Santina. his words mean nothing. Don't make me expose you to them folks that don't know you Franklin
FRANKLIN GUAPO BENNETT makes the fans cheer and your girl stare,charisma through the roof.but its not about the guaps words,its about the guaps actions.and the only thing getting exposed is your inferiority in the ring B 
Does anyone thing Barrett may join the Authority when he comes back? Since H was using him as a muscle before he got hurt
90% of NXT wouldn't last on the main roster. and I think it's sad to say because there are a ton of talented guys. I hope I'm wrong though
Well shouldn't it be that way? I mean 90% of the D-League aren't NBA material. Not a knock on the D-League at all
overall rock > hhh

but in 2014 hhh > rock

and its not even close.

let cult of personality hit and ill shriek like a little girl. [emoji]128546[/emoji]
-The Brock Lesnar situation with WWE continues to become an interesting story as his contract gets closer to winding down. There is a lot of talk that Lesnar’s price tag might not be enough to justify using him for shows outside of WWE Royal Rumble and WrestleMania.

The WWE Battleground event in July did 31,000 buys on pay-per-view in North America without Lesnar on the show. By comparison, the WWE Night of Champions show in September did 30,000 buys in North America with a Lesnar vs. John Cena main event. Additionally, the worldwide numbers in recent months for shows without Lesnar actually sold more than those with him as part of the card.

The key factor with Lesnar is his price tag. The original plan, which could still be in the works, is for Lesnar to finally lose at WrestleMania 31 to Roman Reigns, making Reigns’ the new face of the company. Part of the issue with that is the concern that it won’t be as meaningful if everyone knows it’s Lesnar’s final match.

There was an expectation at one point in time that WWE would sign Lesnar to a new deal and possibly give him a big babyface run. While it could still happen, it really seems to boil down to whether or not WWE considers his price tag something that’s worth it financially in the end.

As far as Lesnar’s next match, the plan was for him to beat John Cena in January so that the win by Reigns at WrestleMania would look even more impressive. However, if WWE decides that they can’t afford to re-sign Lesnar, then the plans for the Lesnar-Cena match could be changed. The alternative as things stand now would appear to be Cena beating Lesnar, setting up a Cena vs. Reigns match at WrestleMania, which Reigns would win. They could also put the title on Seth Rollins and have Reigns beat him at WrestleMania, however the feeling is that wouldn’t be as meaningful as Reigns beating Lesnar or Cena.
Punk being Vince's guy would make much more sense than Rocky.
Oftentimes I agree with you but not this instance. Punk walked out on Vince's company, but I guess they'd play an angle where Punk left due to "The Authority..." And all of their shenanigans. Plus it's well documented how much Vince loves The Rock. Finally The Rock never really left on bad terms either, that part would just be odd as far as Vince endorsing the guy that quit the company like he did.
90% of NXT wouldn't last on the main roster. and I think it's sad to say because there are a ton of talented guys. I hope I'm wrong though
Well shouldn't it be that way? I mean 90% of the D-League aren't NBA material. Not a knock on the D-League at all
but the sole purpose is to get them to the main roster which I don't think they are going to do well. I just can't see it. it's not that they aren't talented enough. it's just as long as Vince is there I don't see them giving those guys main event time.
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My bro in law bought WWE 2k15 for the PS3. It's pretty much the same as last year and I have some gripes besides that. How in the hell is Sheamus ranked 93 overall...but RKO is 90 as well as Stone Cold being a 90. They better go somewhere with those BS rankings. Also Miz, Dolph both ranked 84... I dunno about this.
Punk being Vince's guy would make much more sense than Rocky.
Oftentimes I agree with you but not this instance. Punk walked out on Vince's company, but I guess they'd play an angle where Punk left due to "The Authority..." And all of their shenanigans. Plus it's well documented how much Vince loves The Rock. Finally The Rock never really left on bad terms either, that part would just be odd as far as Vince endorsing the guy that quit the company like he did.
Very good points. It would be the shock factor swerve type thing if they did it. Could spin it as Phil left because he couldn't stand dealing with the Authority and Hunter. Could be similar to Austin joining Vince. I just want Punk back for one last run man :lol:
My bro in law bought WWE 2k15 for the PS3. It's pretty much the same as last year and I have some gripes besides that. How in the hell is Sheamus ranked 93 overall...but RKO is 90 as well as Stone Cold being a 90. They better go somewhere with those BS rankings. Also Miz, Dolph both ranked 84... I dunno about this.
My bro in law bought WWE 2k15 for the PS3. It's pretty much the same as last year and I have some gripes besides that. How in the hell is Sheamus ranked 93 overall...but RKO is 90 as well as Stone Cold being a 90. They better go somewhere with those BS rankings. Also Miz, Dolph both ranked 84... I dunno about this.
deal with it FELLA 
WWE 2K rosters never made sense. The whole damn roster is over an 85. NO separation between jobbers and stars. It is pretty sad.
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