Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Kane better not be about to wash Ziggler again... :smh: Can Cesaro get some Authority love type push...?
I just can't shake the fact that when I see Sasha I immediately think of Lil Mama..
And now I think of the audio disaster known as Lip Gloss/Bow Wow in drag/Jay-Z and Alicia Keys looking like..."Why the **** is this dusty ***** on our stage?!?!"
The commentary team is really keeping it hip with their Charlie Chaplin and Marx Brothers references.

JBL should have a hot iron dropped on his neck every time he mentions twerking.
Roman Reigns has been taking acting classes. Apparently with a high level guy named Howard Fine. At least he knows he is sub par on the promo status. Not even mad.
Didn't even notice the Blue Flag on the mic during Xavier Woods promo... :wow: (that's a blue bandanna associated with the Crip Gang for those not affiliated with the street cat lingo.)
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