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Kurasawa Pinup Poster - WCW Magazine [November 1995]

A export from New Japan Pro Wrestling that is probably mostly remembered in WCW during his time in Col. Robert Parker’s Stud Stable. Over on MLWradio.com, Kevin Sullivan is currently going through a month-by-month breakdown of what was going on in World Championship Wrestling, starting in September 1995 when Nitro made its debut. Sullivan has revealed some interesting details regarding his time as the head booker of the promotion along with what it was like being the guy behind negotiating with NJPW.

While Sullivan felt that WCW should have booked NJPW guys strongly and at the level of their main event guys to build trust with Japan (especially during the WCW vs NJPW Starrcade of that year), Eric Bischoff looked at the cross-promotion as an easy payday for WCW. Regardless, Kurasawa wasn’t even shown to even be at the level of other NJPW guys like Liger and Chono but ended up finding further success whenever he returned to Japan in 1996.

View media item 1252920
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Kurasawa Pinup Poster - WCW Magazine [November 1995]

A export from New Japan Pro Wrestling that is probably mostly remembered in WCW during his time in Col. Robert Parker’s Stud Stable. Over on MLWradio.com, Kevin Sullivan is currently going through a month-by-month breakdown of what was going on in World Championship Wrestling, starting in September 1995 when Nitro made its debut. Sullivan has revealed some interesting details regarding his time as the head booker of the promotion along with what it was like being the guy behind negotiating with NJPW.

While Sullivan felt that WCW should have booked NJPW guys strongly and at the level of their main event guys to build trust with Japan (especially during the WCW vs NJPW Starrcade of that year), Eric Bischoff looked at the cross-promotion as an easy payday for WCW. Regardless, Kurasawa wasn’t even shown to even be at the level of other NJPW guys like Liger and Chono but ended up finding further success whenever he returned to Japan in 1996.

View media item 1252920

I looked these podcasts up but
only found the most recent. I love listening or reading into stuff like this. so good look.

behind the scenes stuff always fascinated me.
JD since I did a crappy job with my questionnaire if my elf needs me to amend it just let me know and I'll send you a more thorough one.
JD since I did a crappy job with my questionnaire if my elf needs me to amend it just let me know and I'll send you a more thorough one.

Lol.. Your issue wasn't that you were high.. The issue was that you haven't smoked enough... Can't Stop, won't stop...

Also, if my secret santa would like to ask me anything.. The questions can be directed at @Casekicks ... Unfortunately, he only accepts letters with a 3 cent sticker... Because that's how much it cost to send a letter back in his day...
I wish I had you so I could take you up on that offer and embrace the savage lifestyle :lol:

Gonna watch some more of that Generico dvd.

Generico vs Cima up now.

Yo I feel dumb for just realizing now BOLA stands for battle of LA :lol:
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Maybe one day :lol:

I really like these small crowds you get at these indie venues in some random basement or gymnasium. It's a more intimate experience. Such a different kind of passion all around. More hunger more zeal.
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I could see it. It's like the crowd has a personal bond with the wrestlers. It's pretty cool. They're loving this Generico/Cima match from BOLA 2006 some cool spots lots of nice kick outs.

Generico vs Pac now.
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I forgot when... But there's a match between Steen and Generico... And there's a little kid, Def under 10,surtibg on his dad's shoulders... And the entire match, these 2 are interacting with the kid the entire match... The kid got chants saying he's awesome... The kid hit Steen at one point... Generico win the match and title, and has the kid come in the ring to celebrate.. You can see the dad crying at how happy/proud/whatever he is... And then Steen attacks Generico and the kid gets scarred and stampers away..

It was such an amazing moment... Makes me like PWG forever and ever... Excalibur, the announcer, said the day was both the best and worst dad ever...
That's so awesome :lol: it's the little stuff like that that makes me appreciate indie wrestling. It's just a bunch of people having fun showing their love for the sport. I gotta see if I could find that match.

Cool finish to this match. Generico hits Pac with a top rope brain buster on the turnbuckle :x

The one thing that really got me intrigued by PWG was the you deserved it chants when Generico wrestled his last match and got signed. That was awesome man.
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Also, if my secret santa would like to ask me anything.. The questions can be directed at @Casekicks ... Unfortunately, he only accepts letters with a 3 cent sticker... Because that's how much it cost to send a letter back in his day...

I also respond to Morse Code and smoke signals..But, as always, Pony Express is the preferred way of communication..

I forgot when... But there's a match between Steen and Generico... And there's a little kid, Def under 10,surtibg on his dad's shoulders... And the entire match, these 2 are interacting with the kid the entire match... The kid got chants saying he's awesome... The kid hit Steen at one point... Generico win the match and title, and has the kid come in the ring to celebrate.. You can see the dad crying at how happy/proud/whatever he is... And then Steen attacks Generico and the kid gets scarred and stampers away..

It was such an amazing moment... Makes me like PWG forever and ever... Excalibur, the announcer, said the day was both the best and worst dad ever...

Link to this match?
Case... Look at the first 3 words I said about it..


I forgot to mention the little kid... He was wearing a generico mask... He looked just like a mini generico...
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