Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Why don't they create stables again? They had the shield a three man group now the authority. So why not utilize guys like reuseuv, sheamus and Cesaro and put them as a stable. Then you can also have kofi, big e, Titus and Xavier woods as a stable. That way they can utilize thief talent and potentially let guys get over.
Why don't they create stables again? They had the shield a three man group now the authority. So why not utilize guys like reuseuv, sheamus and Cesaro and put them as a stable. Then you can also have kofi, big e, Titus and Xavier woods as a stable. That way they can utilize thief talent and potentially let guys get over.
because that makes too much sense.
Paige in that black attire hat

Catching up on SD, and Cesaro shouldn't be jobbing to Ryback in 5 minutes. That could be an actual feud, or featured match on Raw/SD. That should've been Fandango or Khali getting washed like that

He's in the "dog house".

Uuuuggggh, forgot about that, even though he said what we've all been saying for years. Man that sucks

Watched that Emma vs Carmella match. Carmella's submission finisher is :pimp: Why do so many divas have submission finishers now :lol:? I think it's pretty cool though
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HBK vs Owen


Owen vs 1-2-3 Kid. Vince & Macho Man on commentary :lol: :pimp:

Rock/Kane/Shane/Test vs DX
watching smackdown now i like this dean vs bray feud.bray acutally making sense and deans mannerisms are on point
Just watched some Power Struggle.... Nakamura/Shibata was disappointing compared to their G1 match. Ishii comes through again with the match of the night and another MOTYC
harper vs dolph should be good.hopefully bring some "prestige" back to the ic title picture 

honestly im not too mad about the direction of the company as of late.the only thing i have a problem with is cena,i swear its soooo much better without him 
they've got the means to usher in a new golden era but they keep their heads up their *****. too much egotism and hubris. do what's best for business, stop burying guys that have talent and let us enjoy an awesome product.
they've got the means to usher in a new golden era but they keep their heads up their *****. too much egotism and hubris. do what's best for business, stop burying guys that have talent and let us enjoy an awesome product.

Politics. Somebody or a few vets are in Vince's ear
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I'll actually have a little more time on my hands tomorrow, so probably then.
I'll actually have a little more time on my hands tomorrow, so probably then.
Indeed...also probably not gonna be in here much Monday with the squad about to smash on the Panthers.... :smokin :pimp: :nthat: hopefully some funny business happens in London and the Cowgirls take another L... :lol:
Indeed...also probably not gonna be in here much Monday with the squad about to smash on the Panthers.... :smokin :pimp: :nthat: hopefully some funny business happens in London and the Cowgirls take another L... :lol:

They're making me work Monday night :smh: :stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:

I will be diddy bopping everywhere for like a week if the Cowgirls lose tho :pimp:
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