Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Indeed...also probably not gonna be in here much Monday with the squad about to smash on the Panthers....
hopefully some funny business happens in London and the Cowgirls take another L...

They're making me work Monday night

I will be diddy bopping everywhere for like a week if the Cowgirls lose tho
Got my new Network logo earlier. I really liked it when I first saw it in person, but it's just too gaudy for me and I may have to just hunt down a white WWF IC Title. I'll let it sit for awhile though, maybe it'll grow on me.
Dope setup.

I actually prefer the new WWE World title compared to Rock's version.

Man I want a championship belt so bad.
A wise man once said, ("We all dead, **** it")
Just spit it disgusting youngin', and hold your nuts while you're gunnin'
Got my new Network logo earlier. I really liked it when I first saw it in person, but it's just too gaudy for me and I may have to just hunt down a white WWF IC Title. I'll let it sit for awhile though, maybe it'll grow on me.
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To have that giant logo on the top shelf while the greatest belt of all time is on the bottom is a level of disrespect that I just can fathom..

Case... Look at the first 3 words I said about it..


I forgot to mention the little kid... He was wearing a generico mask... He looked just like a mini generico...

Doesn't mean you don't know more info that'd make it easier for us, or you, to look up..

Case doesn't have his reading glasses on.

Hey now, they're not reading glasses..They're everyday glasses and they're for farsightedness..

I did my research... It was bola 2011...amazing card...

Steen vs Fit Finlay
Bucks vs kings of Wrestling
Generico VA claudio
Generico vs Steen with the kid in the generico mask

I want reps... That was a pain in my ***...

Where's the link at mister "I know everything about PWG and I gots all da links"?

You'll get that rep when you post that link...

Truer words have never been spoken by a dead baby..
If you want a good damn link... Do what I do... Go find it...

And for the record.... On totem poles... The bottom head is the most important...
Looks like nattie likes it a lot. Probably wishes tyson would lick her like that instead of their cat.
Paige Stoya, Naomi Fire and Layla Benton...sheeeesh, if I was still living the flick life, I'd be cueing up bookmarks and going to town.
When I imagine what Paige would look like naked, I tell myself it would look pink like Stoya.
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Emma's got some decent chesticles


as close to mickie/trish we'll get i think

speaking of chesticles



Dat jiggle overload in these gifs got me like

Paige licking Nattie's face coupled with Nattie's facial expression lethal combo.
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