Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

ring work Rock wasn't anything tremendous, but i feel like he told a great story in his prime. his charisma, his selling (sometimes overselling a little like after stunners), he always put on a great show. but he wasn't a purist by any means. i've always been entertained by rocky.
I've never saw a rock match and said holy ****. it's his work out of
the ring that made him who he is. and the timing of his character matching up with Austin so well.

but i could name 100 guys who were better in ring workers than him. but hey that's only 20% of what you
need to be a wwe wrestler.
If you can go to that ROH show or any for that matter, j would highly suggest it. Fairly priced, GREAT atmosphere and awesome wrestling. What more could you ask for
I've never saw a rock match and said holy ****. it's his work out of
the ring that made him who he is. and the timing of his character matching up with Austin so well.

but i could name 100 guys who were better in ring workers than him. but hey that's only 20% of what you
need to be a wwe wrestler.
yeah if I could use an example from Hollywood, no pun intended, he's more like Will Smith (movie star) than Daniel Day-Lewis (actor).

If you can go to that ROH show or any for that matter, j would highly suggest it. Fairly priced, GREAT atmosphere and awesome wrestling. What more could you ask for
I'm thinking about maybe going to the show in NY. gotta see if I get my money right before then though.
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I honestly can't name 10 rocky matches that i've enjoyed
like I said the rock is one of the greatest guys on the mic. I think that goes without argument. but in ring he can deff carry his own weight. but he's no hart, punk, or even goldust in my opinion
if Vince McMahon called you right now and said, " hey pal it's me vinny Mac. we need major help. how would you like to come in and have full control on all creative. hire who you want and write any storyline you want pg or rated r. it's up to you."

what do you do ? how do you handle it? what storylines and which wrestlers would you push and future endeavor?
I personally think Rock is a tad overrated when it comes to his match quality..I think a lot of people let his mic work influence their feelings about his ring work..I definitely think he's a very good wrestler..I can name a couple dozen people that were better technically and better at story telling..But overall the Rock deserves to be mentioned as one of the all time greats when you combine his mic work, technical ability, and his story telling ability..At the end of the day I'd still rather watch a Flair/Austin/Punk/Anderson/Douglas/Taz match
mic work and charisma was definitely what made the rock but his matches were whatever...
I personally think Rock is a tad overrated when it comes to his match quality..I think a lot of people let his mic work influence their feelings about his ring work..I definitely think he's a very good wrestler..I can name a couple dozen people that were better technically and better at story telling..But overall the Rock deserves to be mentioned as one of the all time greats when you combine his mic work, technical ability, and his story telling ability..At the end of the day I'd still rather watch a Flair/Austin/Punk/Anderson/Douglas/Taz match

I agree 300%
I honestly can't name 10 rocky matches that i've enjoyed

Rock vs Austin (WM 19)
Rock & Foley vs Evolution (WM XX)
Rock vs Brock (Summerslam 2002)
Rock vs Mankind vs Shamrock (Hmmmm....Breakdown 98?)
Rock & Mick Foley vs New Age Outlaws (SD, early 2000 I think)
Rock vs HHH (Ladder Match, SS 98?)
Rock vs Taker vs Angle (SD 2002 episode)
Rock vs Austin (WM 2001)
Rock vs HHH (Backlash 2000)
Rock vs Angle (No Way Out 2001)

I'd add the Rock vs Jericho match from 2002 as well
if Vince McMahon called you right now and said, " hey pal it's me vinny Mac. we need major help. how would you like to come in and have full control on all creative. hire who you want and write any storyline you want pg or rated r. it's up to you."

what do you do ? how do you handle it? what storylines and which wrestlers would you push and future endeavor?
I'd rehire Punk and book him to win the Rumble and face Brock at 31. Think there's too much of a dynamic there with Heyman to not capitalize on.

I'd bring the Hardy's back to bolster the tag division, bring in the Young Bucks and Dudleys. Call up Itami and Balor and have them tag. Bring back Angle to be a GM or work just a few matches.

I'd push Ziggler as a legit IC champion. I'd give Cesaro a legit push. I'd take Kane off TV, at least wrestling wise, he could still be a corporate shill if he wants. I'd give Steen, Zayn, Neville, pushes. I'd have Breeze join Miz and Mizdow. I'd either repackage Fandango or just push him as a serious mid carder.

I'd bring over a bunch of NJPW guys, the Bullet Club, etc. and run an invasion type angle.

I'd let guys wrestle their natural style instead of forcing them to water things down. I don't want them putting on 300 mph spotfests, but I let them be who they are in the ring.

I'd hire the Black Machismo Jay Lethal and let him be a good mid carder. I'd turn Sheamus heel and have him join the authority. I'd hire Austin Aries and push him upper mid card, maybe give him the brief case once for a small run.
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I think the rock has put on very good matches. but I agree that his mic skills and charisma make him seem like a better in ring wrestler.
Rock vs Austin (WM 19)
Rock & Foley vs Evolution (WM XX)
Rock vs Brock (Summerslam 2002)
Rock vs Mankind vs Shamrock (Hmmmm....Breakdown 98?)
Rock & Mick Foley vs New Age Outlaws (SD, early 2000 I think)
Rock vs HHH (Ladder Match, SS 98?)
Rock vs Taker vs Angle (SD 2002 episode)
Rock vs Austin (WM 2001)
Rock vs HHH (Backlash 2000)
Rock vs Angle (No Way Out 2001)

I'd add the Rock vs Jericho match from 2002 as well

my personal favorite.

i'm honestly impressed you can name televised matches :smile:
My laptop is giving me problems right now. Might have to postpone the fed for the time being.
if Vince McMahon called you right now and said, " hey pal it's me vinny Mac. we need major help. how would you like to come in and have full control on all creative. hire who you want and write any storyline you want pg or rated r. it's up to you."

what do you do ? how do you handle it? what storylines and which wrestlers would you push and future endeavor?
I'd rehire Punk and book him to win the Rumble and face Brock at 31. Think there's too much of a dynamic there with Heyman to not capitalize on.

I'd bring the Hardy's back to bolster the tag division, bring in the Young Bucks and Dudleys. Call up Itami and Balor and have them tag. Bring back Angle to be a GM or work just a few matches.

I'd push Ziggler as a legit IC champion. I'd give Cesaro a legit push. I'd take Kane off TV, at least wrestling wise, he could still be a corporate shill if he wants. I'd give Steen, Zayn, Neville, pushes. I'd have Breeze join Miz and Mizdow. I'd either repackage Fandango or just push him as a serious mid carder.

I'd bring over a bunch of NJPW guys, the Bullet Club, etc. and run an invasion type angle.

I'd let guys wrestle their natural style instead of forcing them to water things down. I don't want them putting on 300 mph spotfests, but I let them be who they are in the ring.

I'd hire the Black Machismo Jay Lethal and let him be a good mid carder. I'd turn Sheamus heel and have him join the authority.

I think focusing on the tag division can immediatly help the rest of the card. strong tag division helps the flow of a show s cuhore and also at the se time creates new stars.

I also would bring in stables. not like gang war era, but when you have a stable chances are a star or two will evolve from it. just look at the history of wrestling. you put 4 guys into a group together and write them the right and push them the right way a star will become of it.

I would end the bull **** comedy angles too I know it fits sometimes but in all reality it takes time away from other things that should happen.

I would do away with tweeners too. it seems like there isn't any heels anymore at all. everyone seems to be in between. no one draws heat like they did before.

also I think 90% of the angles should intertwine.
Can't post a full response to your question John since I'm playing COD.

But I would rehire Punk and have a legit Bryan vs Punk feud. Battle of the king of the indies. Battle of two dudes who were "held down"

I would have ziggler be a legit IC champion by having lengthy, meanin feuds. Have the IC title close out a PPV, especially now that Brock is gone with the WWEHC.
intertwining storylines would be ideal. too many guys go out there with no purpose. so many matches are put together for no reason. like Jeans and Cesaro, logically, there's 0 reason for them to be working as much as they have the past few shows, other than Vince sending a message. give everyone a purpose and a goal and things should improve.

100% agree about stables, i think they're awesome and its a good way to use talent that is otherwise uninvolved.

Give me Brock vs Phil at 31, have Summer of Punk 2 and then close it out with Bryan's return. Have them two feud :pimp:
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Rock's wrestling skill isn't like Bret but Rocky could put on entertaining matches tho.
Who's that in your avy?
I would do away with tweeners too. it seems like there isn't any heels anymore at all. everyone seems to be in between. no one draws heat like they did before.
This is tough. For example, in my opinion, Rollins has been a great true heel and has definitely drawn heat. However nowadays, with the IWC and whatnot, there are so many smarks that follow these new guys from the get-go and will cheer them no matter what role they play. And to look it at it the other way around, to those same fans, a guy like Cena is basically the biggest heel that there could possibly be.
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i like tweeners honestly but i could see the need for more true heels. Edge was a tremendous heel in his prime. So proud of his progression from 17 to his retirement match. dude had a great career.
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