Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

I agree I think the IWC ruined wrestling. but great promoters (suppose to be King Vince) adapt and figure out how to work it into a money maker.

I'll say it 10000 times Vince is past his prime. and needs to go asap.

I think about it all the time. everyone praises Vince for being this genius sometimes I question it. I mean when he took wrestling and took it national all he did was adapted to the change in the times. he then went around and raided everyone's rosters and offered more money.
The Pick-Up Artist is a cool little Molly Ringwald movie starring Robert Downey Jr. It's a little cheesy, but I enjoyed it.
Lulz. If you like the two of them and see it on TV one day, check it out. It's a cute little movie.

Back to wrestling. I think ego and politics plays too much of a factor in today's product. And I think that's the main culprit. They need to put that stuff aside and focus on what's best for business, what's gonna please fans the most, and what's gonna attract new fans. Yeah King Cena draws like a ************, but most of us are tired of him and eventually he's gonna retire. Give us a more balanced show that utilizes all of the talent on the roster instead of pleasing egos and butt buddies.
Lulz. If you like the two of them and see it on TV one day, check it out. It's a cute little movie.

Back to wrestling. I think ego and politics plays too much of a factor in today's product. And I think that's the main culprit. They need to put that stuff aside and focus on what's best for business, what's gonna please fans the most, and what's gonna attract new fans. Yeah King Cena draws like a ************, but most of us are tired of him and eventually he's gonna retire. Give us a more balanced show that utilizes all of the talent on the roster instead of pleasing egos and butt buddies.

and not punish your talented performers that speak their mind but let others do (orton) :smh:
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If I was booking I'd have the IC belt be more prestigious..

I'd get Punk back and make him the #1 heel and have him win the title..

That way I could set up DBrizzle's return to culminate with the WM win..

Have Bryan and Phil feud throughout the year.

.I'd bring in at least 6 new tag teams and make sure the titles were defended on every ppv..

I'd bring back the TV title and have it defended every Monday night with a 10 minute time limit..

I'd scrap the US title and either replace it with the Cruiserweight belt or have no new belt to replace it..

Cena would be off tv for at least 6 months..When he comes back he's a full blown heel..And he wouldn't be a smarmy heel like Hogan was with the NWO..He'd be a legit vicious heel and he'd recruit 2 or 3 young guys to be his "minions"..

I'd put Big E & Kofi with 1 or 2 new black wrestlers in a baby face stable that gradually turns to heels..

ShameUs would be a bad*ss heel..Ziggles would be booked as a strong IC champ (but I'd have him tone down some of his moves)..

I'd have a NXT tourney each year with the winner getting a WHC title shot and the runner up getting a IC or TV title shot..

No more models would be hired..Only women that have Indy experience would be hired..I'd make the Divas title turn into the Women's World Championship and defended regularly..

I'd have a "tale of the tape" before each match to give it a more serious feel..

I'd do away with Survivor Series and replace it with Fall Brawl..And of course there would be a War Games at each Fall Brawl..

I'd have a complete redesign of all title belts..

I'd fire Cole and King..Put JBL on a 2nd tier show..I'd bring in Joey Styles to announce Raw with a new co-commentator..

I'd have managers and valets comeback to wrestling..And they'd play a bigger role like they did in the 80s and 90's..

And last but certainly not least NO MORE TWITTER!!!!!
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Lulz. If you like the two of them and see it on TV one day, check it out. It's a cute little movie.

Back to wrestling. I think ego and politics plays too much of a factor in today's product. And I think that's the main culprit. They need to put that stuff aside and focus on what's best for business, what's gonna please fans the most, and what's gonna attract new fans. Yeah King Cena draws like a ************, but most of us are tired of him and eventually he's gonna retire. Give us a more balanced show that utilizes all of the talent on the roster instead of pleasing egos and butt buddies.

and not punish your talented performers that speak their mind but let others do (orton) :smh:
100% agree guys should only be punished if they embarrass the company (say something horrendous to the press or commit crimes, etc.) or if they are reckless in the ring.

I'd still hire models but have them be valets not wrestlers.
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- I would have Punk come back and win the Rumble to face and beat Brock at WM31. Then I'd have Seth cash in on him and have them start a feud going forward. If Bryan ever gets healthy, have Punk then turn back into a complete heel and go at it with him.
- Turn Bray into an Undertaker-esque character in which he doesn't wrestle a ton of matches on Raw/SD and don't force his promos down our throat. His matches should all be big time and actually mean something.
- Bolster the tag division. We currently only have like 4 tag teams. 2 of which actually matter. Instead of having all of the singles competitors doing random pointless matches or no matches at all, pair them together and give them a run as a tag team. I'm sure there are a ton of good tag teams you could come up with. Bring up Itami/Balor and The Ascension.
- Bring up Zayn, Steen & Neville(give him a manager) as singles competitors and book them strong like they did with The Shield. The Shield were booked strong out of the gate, and look at where they are a year later. All 3 are pretty much main eventers or close. I wouldn't even mind if they made some sort of NXT/Indy guys stable.
- Make the IC Belt actually matter. If guys aren't in the WWE Championship picture, they should all be trying to go after the IC Belt.
- Have Orton and Cena slow down a bit and work a smaller schedule.
- No more Kane/Show/Henry
I'm down to have a good discussion.

Let's discuss out good of an in ring wrestler the rock is. Was he that good? Who is he comparable to? We always talk about this dudes unparalleled charisma and mic work but where does his in ring work rank

Rock is a brawler..
I compare him to Austin / HHH..
hahaha every single person mentioned bringing back punk. he's gone get over it. losers.

jk like i said before he's gonna come back when Brock leaves and Vince is begging for something new and punks gonna say I'll sign a contract but I want a blank check.
In a perfect world-

Top Heels
CM Punk
Bray Wyatt
Seth Rollins
Dolph Ziggler
Kevin Steen
Wade Barrett

Top Faces
Daniel Bryan
Roman Reigns
Dean Ambrose
Sami Zayn
Adrian Neville
-- Morgan Stanley purchased 1,676,799 shares of WWE stock earlier this week at a cost of $20,708,467

I don't know what this means but that's a nice chunk of
-- Morgan Stanley purchased 1,676,799 shares of WWE stock earlier this week at a cost of $20,708,467

I don't know what this means but that's a nice chunk of
Very interesting. They might think the Network numbers will increase with the six month commitment removed, or they might be looking for a potential takeover. I think the former is more likely, I don't see WWE being taken over.
And another thing is I'd fire every single write currently on staff..They'd be replaced with Heyman, J.R., Foley, Jericho and 1 old timer (Flair/Dusty/Sullivan)
I honestly can't name 10 rocky matches that i've enjoyed

Rock vs Austin - Wrestlemania 17
Rock vs Undertaker vs Angle - Vengeance 2002
Rock vs Mankind (I Quit)- Royal Rumble 1999
Rock vs Hogan - Wrestlemania X-8
Rock vs HHH (Ladder)- Summerslam 1998
Rock vs Cena - Wrestlemania 28
Survivor Series 2001 WWF vs. the Alliance (Elimination Match)
Rock vs Austin- WrestleMania 19
Rock vs Austin- WrestleMania 15
Rock & Sock vs Evolution- Wrestlemania 20
And another thing is I'd fire every single write currently on staff..They'd be replaced with Heyman, J.R., Foley, Jericho and 1 old timer (Flair/Dusty/Sullivan)

this this this. JR as a talent scout. if you
look back he brokered a ton of deals for a ton of talent who were superstars.

this company isn't going to change until Vince is gone or wcw part 2 opens.

Stop hanging out with @Casekicks ... You are the oldest young person ever... Can't take a genius to figure out how he's injecting you with his oldness... I see those blue diamonds on your trunks....

I took pity upon you and gave you the location of what you seek... And you have the nerve to start talking bout how "back in my day, us young whipper snappers didn't need that new fangled technology, I'm too good for that"...

Well let me tell you something you are good enough for... And that's an *** kicking brought to you by the Modern Savage Celticspride...Son, you'll be calling me Adrian Peterson after I whip you All Day....
Anyone else notice that since Vince doesn't have any real competition and any real feds to steal talent from, his product isn't as good?..And he doesn't seem like quite the genius anymore like people have always said he was?..I honestly wish that Bischoff would've been able to buy WCW and Heyman would've been able to get a new tv when the TNN contract expired..I bet wrestling would be in it's most profitable and funnest period ever..Just having Heyman able to have a national cable deal and the ability to book the way he wants would be incredible..
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