Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

preordered wwe 2k15 for ps4. we doin a ps4 league? I think someone called suicide seth and i got RKO. pretty excited for it. I'll be using ALL of my 25 slots for NXT/indy wrestlers to fill up my NXT roster.

anyone have the ps3/360 version? how is the 2k server? I know that will prevent me from downloading CAWs
When I eventually get a PS4 I got dibs on the Big Guy

are the brodcasting smackdown right away on the network? or did u mean when it becomes available on the network.

Got the rest of the day off. came into work at 6am still drunk for about an hour :lol: :smh:

will catch smackdown since i DVRed it. I'll catch the triple threat match. anything else worth watching on smackdown or should i just skip the rest.

When it's available on the Network.

Man I still gotta go to work :smh: and I'ma be out in that 20 degree weather all night :x :x :x
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the bad guy hasn't held a world title right? if so heres my list...

1. JBL

2. Regal/Arn Anderson

3. Hart Foundation (bret and anvil)

4. Trish

5. Scott Hall
When I eventually get a PS4 I got dibs on the Big Guy
When it's available on the Network.

Man I still gotta go to work :smh: and I'ma be out in that 20 degree weather all night :x :x :x

you're not allowed or have time to be on your phone huh? If so NTWT will keep ya busy :smile:
Yeah. Nothing happens, just that I'd have to call out a few hours before work. I don't really wanna miss any hours though.
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Bringing back the random NTWT survey:

Based on a combination of in-ring work, promo skill, and title runs who is:

1. The most overrated wrestler?
2. The most underrated wrestler?
3. The best tag team of all time?
4. The best female wrestler of all time?
5. The best wrestler to never have won a version of the world title? (WWWF, AWA, NWA, WWF, WCW, ECW, and WWE are all recognized world titles)

1) Hulk Hogan. Never saw his matches in Japan, and though I hear that his movies was neutered once he got to the US, it seems like he truly forgot how to wrestle, like Rosa Mendez. And though he has 1000 charisma points, I never thought his promos were nearly as good as the reactions he got for them.

2) HHH, only because him being married to Stephanie, being an exec, and practically booking himself to beat everybody for a good length of time puts a ceiling over his actual ringwork, and respect with the fans. And the fact that he was never the man in his own right.

3) Hmmmmm.....probably the Road Warriors. Could've had better WWE runs, but I can't really think of any other team that brought what they did as an overall package.
Wish I could erase Animal/Heidenreich teaming though.

4) Have to keep this US related since I've only recently seen Japanese women's wrestling, but I think I may have to say Trish, though not convincingly. I don't know what other women I've seen start straight from the bottom with no wrestling skills at all, then become pretty good in the ring. Combine that with her popularity and the fact that you can tell she legit liked wrestling and wanted to get better, that's who I have to pick. That latter part earns points from me, which is way I'm a big fan of Paige, AJ, Naomi and a lot of NXT women, and completely loathe Cameron and Eva Marie. They like what wrestling can do for them instead of the actual sport of it. Yes I wrote that much about women.

5) My first instance is to say Owen Hart, but I feel like he gets a good amount of respect as far as his wrestling skills go, so I'll go with Scott Hall. He had everything you could think of to be a fixture at the top of the card, but I guess he was never trusted with his personal issues.

Rosa pics not appreciated, but who is that in the middle in the white dress? :nerd:

You know that's that ***** Kelly Kelly.

Been in bed all day, haven't been feeling too good today.

Anything interesting going on?

Get well Brother DFly.

As for anything, there was a very good triple threat IC title match on Smackdown between Ziggy, Nattie's Husband and Cesaro Sad Batman.

:rofl: i really hate that that has to be Cesaro :smh: Why couldn't Curtis Axel have talked **** about Orton and Cena??
Bringing back the random NTWT survey:

Based on a combination of in-ring work, promo skill, and title runs who is:

1. The most overrated wrestler?
2. The most underrated wrestler?
3. The best tag team of all time?
4. The best female wrestler of all time?
5. The best wrestler to never have won a version of the world title? (WWWF, AWA, NWA, WWF, WCW, ECW, and WWE are all recognized world titles)
1. Eh, not really sure. I can list a bunch of heavyweights that I never cared about but I believe anyone that got hyped up had good enough reason to be hyped up. Can't say Hogan, yea he wasn't technical but he wasn't supposed to be. When he had too, see his match with Muta in NJPW, he could, but he didn't have to.

2. I would have to say Brian Pillman or Barry Windham. I wish there was a way that newer fans of the sport can be exposed to these two dudes.

3. Road Warriors man. Not even up for discussion in my opinion. I LIKE the Steiners more, but I have to go with Road Warriors man.

4. Minami Toyoya. None of these American bimbos come close at all man.

5. I don't know.
Rule number 5... Push limits... Both hers' and your's... Doing something for the first time, or to a new level, is a very intimate feeling... It only increases trust, loyalty, and lust... It makes her want you...
See, I kinda hate using my "good dates" on someone unless they prove they are worth it. But you know rarely do folks really show that they are worth it.
1) Hulk Hogan. Never saw his matches in Japan, and though I hear that his movies was neutered once he got to the US, it seems like he truly forgot how to wrestle, like Rosa Mendez. And though he has 1000 charisma points, I never thought his promos were nearly as good as the reactions he got for them.
Here you go with this "rumor" again
You know that's that ***** Kelly Kelly.
All those other men were practice
So...here's what I'm thinking about the PPV...

WWE, Vince, everyone has been marketing this month as being the free month for the Network. So...if you think about it shouldn't this be the balls to the wall - try to put on the best ppv of the year - and reel in new subscribers ppv...

in reality, what will be probably get...

a sub par ppv with nothing to talk about afterwards and the reason behind the scenes will be - well it was free so no one should complain anyway...
Bringing back the random NTWT survey:

Based on a combination of in-ring work, promo skill, and title runs who is:

1. The most overrated wrestler?
2. The most underrated wrestler?
3. The best tag team of all time?
4. The best female wrestler of all time?
5. The best wrestler to never have won a version of the world title? (WWWF, AWA, NWA, WWF, WCW, ECW, and WWE are all recognized world titles)

1. John Cena- WWE is booking Cena like he's the G.O.A.T

2. Owen Hart

3. The Road Warrior

4. Trish / Lita / Mickie / Sable

Owen Hart
Jake the Snake
Mr.Perfect( the alias should've been WWF champion)
Andre The Giant

Questions was really tough to answer so no answer is cement in stone.. :rofl:

Except greatest tag team..
The Most Popular Wrestler Of All-Time Bar None: The Incredible Hulk Hogan

even easier to answer than the road warrior question for all!
Bringing back the random NTWT survey:

Based on a combination of in-ring work, promo skill, and title runs who is:

1. The most overrated wrestler?
2. The most underrated wrestler?
3. The best tag team of all time?
4. The best female wrestler of all time?
5. The best wrestler to never have won a version of the world title? (WWWF, AWA, NWA, WWF, WCW, ECW, and WWE are all recognized world titles)

1 - lex luger
2 - jamie noble
3 - the hardy boyz
4 - Lita
5 - razor ramon
1. John Cena- WWE is booking Cena like he's the G.O.A.T

2. Owen Hart

3. The Road Warrior

4. Trish / Lita / Mickie / Sable

Owen Hart
Jake the Snake
Mr.Perfect( the alias should've been WWF champion)
Andre The Giant

Questions was really tough to answer so no answer is cement in stone.. :rofl:

Except greatest tag team..
Perfect was an AWA world champ at one point tho.
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