Wrestling Thread Nov 3-23 | 11/23 Survivor Series - MAJOR Surprises Planned | Team Cena v Team Autho

Lucha Underground episode 3 is good so far... That mini vs regular size match was fun... I just have no desire to ever see Chavo again....
Just found a site with all 3 eps. of Lucha Underground..Going to start watching and see what all the fuss is about..
Bringing back the random NTWT survey:

Based on a combination of in-ring work, promo skill, and title runs who is:

1. The most overrated wrestler?
2. The most underrated wrestler?
3. The best tag team of all time?
4. The best female wrestler of all time?
5. The best wrestler to never have won a version of the world title? (WWWF, AWA, NWA, WWF, WCW, ECW, and WWE are all recognized world titles)

1. Triple H
2. Arn Anderson
3. Road Warriors/LOD
4. Mickie James(flame suit on or nah?)
5. Owen Hart
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Easily Dusty..Hogan was big in the NE (aka New York), but Dusty was big throughout the entire country..

more like hogan was big in most parts of the country while dusty was big in florida
dusty rhodes wasn't marketed at anything like the level of hogan
I got a survey for y'all...
Is there anybody here to see...deepseadubya?
Just kidding
1. Sting
2. Arn Anderson
3. Steiner Brothers
4. Awesome Kong
5. Jake Roberts
Bringing back the random NTWT survey:

Based on a combination of in-ring work, promo skill, and title runs who is:

1. The most overrated wrestler?
2. The most underrated wrestler?
3. The best tag team of all time?
4. The best female wrestler of all time?
5. The best wrestler to never have won a version of the world title? (WWWF, AWA, NWA, WWF, WCW, ECW, and WWE are all recognized world titles)

1. Austin or Flair
2. Hogan
3. Road Warriors
4. Fab Moolah
5. Snuka or Regal or Patterson
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Hogan... Hogan and/or Austin will always be the answer to this and most popular....

Easily Dusty..Hogan was big in the NE (aka New York), but Dusty was big throughout the entire country..

I think it's tough to answer this. I would always say Hogan but dudes rioted over Dusty. When Flair, ole, and arn broke his leg instead the steel cage, fans were trying to keep them in and attack them. **** was CRAZY
Case I couldn't find any of the matches from the DVD online but on this bookmark I added a bunch of Generico matches from Youtube and DailyMotion
Just scroll down to Ole.

Haven't really seen these but I'm sure it's a decent starting point.

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