Wrestling Thread Nov 7-13 | 11/13 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles, Jarrett vs Hardy

I think everyone wishing for the Cena heel turn just needs to see Hogan/Michaels. They tagged together, won, and afterwards Michaels kicked Hogan in the head.

I think something simple like that where Cena takes out Rock at SS and at WM, they are buddy buddy when Cena jobs to him.

Case closed.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

I think everyone wishing for the Cena heel turn just needs to see Hogan/Michaels. They tagged together, won, and afterwards Michaels kicked Hogan in the head.

I think something simple like that where Cena takes out Rock at SS and at WM, they are buddy buddy when Cena jobs to him.

Case closed.
Yep. Handshake goes to raise the Rock's hand.....Attitude Adjustment. Cans thrown in ring...The Five Knuckle Shuffle of all ages cornily stopping extra long for the you can't see me part. Throws up a middle finger instead of that hustle loyalty respect symbol....Word Life is back. Basic Thugenomics.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Peep Game

WWE Network = Massive Bomb

Honestly, I think they have a better chance of succeeding this way.  It is HARD to start a new television channel.  Look how hard it was for the NFL Network to get traction, and they have probably 100x the fanbase of WWE.  This gives WWE a low risk avenue to start the network, and if it does take off (which I doubt it will), then they can try and pitch it to actual cable/satellite providers.
If WWE was just going to put on classic wrestling shows, documentaries, and specials 24/7, I think it could work.  But really, who wants to see any WWE original programming?  We've seen how awful their movies are.
Ahhhh, that does make a lot more sense. I don't think they can afford to lose huge chunks of money if they were trying to start from scratch, so that really is a better idea.
Original WWE programming
 Tough Enough is great for unintentional laughs, but a network full of original WWE shows would be cringe-inducing.

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

I think everyone wishing for the Cena heel turn just needs to see Hogan/Michaels. They tagged together, won, and afterwards Michaels kicked Hogan in the head.

I think something simple like that where Cena takes out Rock at SS and at WM, they are buddy buddy when Cena jobs to him.

Case closed.

Has anything leaked about what is going with Rock/Cena after Mania. is Rock doing SS and then rolls back thru for the Mania push then is done? Would there be a rematch regardless of who wins?
so glad I downloaded Raw...and got to skip 99% of it cause it was garbage...last match was beyond predictable...there has been a solid Raw in ages.

Next week...Kevin Nash...woopdity doo...

HHH will prob be back and attack him something like that...sets up a match at SS

Laurenitis special referee something stupid like that...then Vince ends up interfering etc
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

I think everyone wishing for the Cena heel turn just needs to see Hogan/Michaels. They tagged together, won, and afterwards Michaels kicked Hogan in the head.

I think something simple like that where Cena takes out Rock at SS and at WM, they are buddy buddy when Cena jobs to him.

Case closed.
Yep. Handshake goes to raise the Rock's hand.....Attitude Adjustment. Cans thrown in ring...The Five Knuckle Shuffle of all ages cornily stopping extra long for the you can't see me part. Throws up a middle finger instead of that hustle loyalty respect symbol....Word Life is back. Basic Thugenomics.

That would be dooooope. Goin back to rhymin for the lulz.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Evan Bourne??? No wonder they jobbed twice.
damn, when he first came back from injury he was lookin like
he was cast in 300, but I did not believe at all that he was actually doing anything.

Spoiler [+]

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by KingJay718

WWE has suspended Evan Bourne (a/k/a Matthew Korklan) for 30 days due to a Wellness Policy violation. You can read the official announcement at WWE.com.

His tan was definitely on steroids last night.

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

WWE doesn't want to be On-Demand content, they already have that. They want to be 24/7/365 network.

i dunno if they still do but netflix streamed the starz channel 24/7 with times of programming. so wwe could have used that now that starz will no longer be there
I'm gonna guess that one of the heels in the 5 man team for SS will "injure" Bourne and take him out while Kingston can team up with the face team for the 5 on 5.

On another note, I was watching the Chaos package WWE had before Trips and Punk teamed up and I found it interesting that they used the font of the NWO for the word Chaos. Maybe i'm just reaching but who knows, with the article they had on WWE.com about NWO possibly returning and other little hints I could see them returning with Nash now "signed" back.

Having the NWO come back after Rock/Cena at SS can fill some of the gap heading into WM28 and with 5/6 titles being held by heels I can see a good stable there.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

I think everyone wishing for the Cena heel turn just needs to stop thinking hes turning heel because hes not. 

Case closed.

fixed for you. cena will never ever never ever never ever ever ever turn heel...
So apparently the Bourne suspension (and possibly even Young and Heath Slater) has nothing to do with steroids/HGH.
It may be weed
, or what they are calling "cracking down on synthetic marijuana usage."
 At all of you even considering Cena turning heel

Hes one of make a wish's top wish granters.. strike one

Heel cena will not sell merchandise... strike 2

wwes current target audience would loathe heel cena.. strike 3

On that note
at you guys expecting major changes in the wwe

The wwe's target audience considers that raw a good one

It's simple people

Why cater to the small amount of "internet fans"

When theres an open market of people who love the product

Its sad yet true
Anybody else in here question the legitimacy of the 619

I always hated the setup it seems dumb to me

Why would you as a professional wrestler lay prone on the second rope 

Knowing your facing Rey Mysterio

Knowing that his signature move almost 100% of the time requires you to be in that position

I know wrestling is about suspension of disbelief but cmon
I've always hated Mysterio matches because it's just a waiting game until he hits you with the drop toe hold of doom.
Kinda like how I used to loathe Mark Henry matches before his monster push. It was a waiting game until he succumbed to his kryptonite...running into the dreaded, vacant turnbuckle!
Originally Posted by toine2983

On another note I present the
Top Ten Wrestling Don'ts.

@ some of the comments.

Don't piss off Teddy Long or you'll go one on one with the Undertakah!!!!

Don't bend over in pain if Booker T kicks you in the stomach.

Don’t complain about you’re real life female couple getting the AX, cuase you’ll be jobbing to everyone ( McIntyre + Morrison)

Don't catch a chair thrown by RVD.

Don't let Jeff Jarrett near your wife.

Don't play the Booker T drinking game, you'll die.

Don't let Jeff Hardy main event a PPV.

Don't employ Matt Hardy.


Not getting it guys. Go back and watch the Shawn/Hogan feud. That is how the WWE will/should set this up. Cena will not be a Heel but play the role of one for this matchup. He will talk about his fans and the WWE Universe. Rock will not be a Heel and does not need to mention anything about the WWE Universe to get over let alone try to. But I do think we have a pretty good feeling that Cena will job to the Rock. (Especially if this is the last time we see Rock wrestle). The only way I can see Cena winning is if they try to use the Rock as a way to get Cena over (Highly unlikely but seeing the WWE currently, I would not put it by them).

The only difference between this and that storyline is that there are at least 2 to 3 PPV in between SS. It will be interesting to see how they set things up. Maybe a little Shawn/Taker Elimination Chamber screw job for Cena?????? Thats why I do not know how great it is to have the Rock do this even if it is at MSG. Unless the Rock will be back Part time from there up to WM, I think setting something up at the rumble would of made more sense.

I just think Cena being out of the title picture this long makes things predictable in a sense that if he enters the rumble, he is not winning (unless there are changes) as an example. I think a lot of the issues with the WWE currently is due to the fact that they are taking the time to make this storyline happen and just throwing things at us cause they know this is their cash cow with this match.
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