WWE Money in the Bank PPV 7/15 - Punk v Bryan w/ AJ as Ref, Two MITB Matches | Pred. Contest p22

Find 1 divas match better than that knockouts match from the past 3-5 years. Brooke sells injuries better than Cena too.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

did i say tessmacher? i meant layla
Originally Posted by gunnascott

Now the biggest dissapointment in wrestling history Mrrrrrrrrrrr Anderrrrrssssssooonnnnn

Nope. It's Brock Lesnar. He was the next big thing.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by gunnascott

Now the biggest dissapointment in wrestling history Mrrrrrrrrrrr Anderrrrrssssssooonnnnn

Nope. It's Brock Lesnar. He was the next big thing.

No my dude Lesnar was a King of the Ring, beat Undertaker clean in a Hell in a Cell(nobody beats Undertaker clean hardly), headlined a Wrestlemania, and beat the Rock at Summerslam. For a guy that was only there for 18 months that's a lot.Anderson on the other hand has had multiple opportunties to be the man. Mr. Money in the Bank(injury), The illegitmate son of Mcmahon(suspended), The biggest Face of the Immortal storyline(couldn't step up to the plate), and the fact that he's injury prone makes him the biggest failure arguably of all time.
Originally Posted by gunnascott

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by gunnascott

Now the biggest dissapointment in wrestling history Mrrrrrrrrrrr Anderrrrrssssssooonnnnn

Nope. It's Brock Lesnar. He was the next big thing.

No my dude Lesnar was a King of the Ring, beat Undertaker clean in a Hell in a Cell(nobody beats Undertaker clean hardly), headlined a Wrestlemania, and beat the Rock at Summerslam. For a guy that was only there for 18 months that's a lot.Anderson on the other hand has had multiple opportunties to be the man. Mr. Money in the Bank(injury), The illegitmate son of Mcmahon(suspended), The biggest Face of the Immortal storyline(couldn't step up to the plate), and the fact that he's injury prone makes him the biggest failure arguably of all time.

Look at what Brock was and what he accomplished. Think about where he was headed. Take a long thought
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by gunnascott

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Nope. It's Brock Lesnar. He was the next big thing.

No my dude Lesnar was a King of the Ring, beat Undertaker clean in a Hell in a Cell(nobody beats Undertaker clean hardly), headlined a Wrestlemania, and beat the Rock at Summerslam. For a guy that was only there for 18 months that's a lot.Anderson on the other hand has had multiple opportunties to be the man. Mr. Money in the Bank(injury), The illegitmate son of Mcmahon(suspended), The biggest Face of the Immortal storyline(couldn't step up to the plate), and the fact that he's injury prone makes him the biggest failure arguably of all time.

Look at what Brock was and what he accomplished. Think about where he was headed. Take a long thought

But at least he accomplished something. Lesnar was given the ball and ran with. Lesnars impact for his short time he was there can't be take away. They tried(WWE and TNA) to give Anderson the ball multiple times and he dropped it every time. In other words if Lesnar would have never came back to wrestling people would still talk about how good he was. Anderson on the other hand will be forgotten 2 days after his retirement.
They ended impact the exact same way they ended it when the Aces and Eights first debuted. 
Stayed to drink after my softball game, so I'm just starting up Impact now.  Really looking forward to the show.  Hoping it lives up to expectations.  I'll talk to myself for the next two hours.
I really like TNA's opening video packages recapping Aries' win at the PPV and the BFG Series.  It makes them seem like a big deal and really important.  WWE used to do stuff like this.  Now they just have Michael Cole tell us the PPV the night before the biggest night in WWE history.
WOW Bully and Joseph Park Esquire kicking off the show!!!
Christy's got a nice outfit tonight....
Awesome.  Perfectly worked match.  And the blood bringing out the Blackhole Slam was brilliant.  
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Very good match between Joe and RVD.  I love how Joe is living or dying by trying to get the submission.  It's a good story.
Claire Lynch smoking?  Isn't she pregnant?
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