WWE Over The Limit PPV 5/18 8pm et- PUNK V BRYAN. Cena v Laurinaitis, Sheamus/Orton/Del Rio/Jericho

Originally Posted by YardFather

Got damn I missed the Bryan vs Punk match, I'll have to catch a replay.

Got to get up for work at 3. Definitely not sticking around for this match.

I feel you. I'm going back to work in an hour after being there from 6pm - 9am yesterday. 
Originally Posted by gunnascott

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Shouldnt they have treated Brock like they do Ryback? In terms of not ever losing...

Can't have two undefeated monsters at the same damn time

Don't even get me started.  And Brock will be 0-2 after he loses to HHH at Summerfest.
Dude just lost the biggest match of all time at WM.
got his +!%@ split last month.
and now look at him running out here jumping around and +!%@.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Dude just lost the biggest match of all time at WM.
got his +!%@ split last month.
and now look at him running out here jumping around and +!%@.
He'll cry in the car
Originally Posted by Mister916

Originally Posted by gunnascott

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Shouldnt they have treated Brock like they do Ryback? In terms of not ever losing...
Can't have two undefeated monsters at the same damn time
Brodus and Ryback?

And Lord Tensai.
Clearly can't have Brock in an elite group like this.
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