Oh so y'all just gonna ignore me saying it's gonna be Bryan vs Undertaker with Bryan ending the streak huh

WWE has us right where they want us. We all wanted and thought Bryan would win the rumble and win it in wrestle mania that's been done before . Wwe wants to do something bigger and by Bryan beating undertaker at mania it is much bigger than him actually winning the unified belts.
The sound that Austin makes when he heaves the tank at 36 seconds has me literally CRYING right now :lol:

Apathy. Pure, complete, unadulterated apathy.

Tuning in only for AJ purposes tomorrow.

:lol: :lol: at that Austin sound effect tho. So random lol.
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Oh so y'all just gonna ignore me saying it's gonna be Bryan vs Undertaker with Bryan ending the streak huh

WWE has us right where they want us. We all wanted and thought Bryan would win the rumble and win it in wrestle mania that's been done before . Wwe wants to do something bigger and by Bryan beating undertaker at mania it is much bigger than him actually winning the unified belts.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Why would they throw away 21 years of mania wins just so they can sell t-shirts and merchandise that say 21-1.

What WWE did last night was smart for what they wanted to do with THEIR PLANS. Sheamus gets a rumble spot over d Bry. Crowd is hot over it and it puts sheamus over as a heel setting up for mania.

Tista can kick rocks. I'm tired of the dude acting like he was a mega star. He was the 3rd wheel to Orton and Cena.
road dogg and billy gunn are back and are tag champs? is this a joke? arent they like 60? :lol:

Most likely transitional champs for the Usos. They need all the former "star" power they can have on the card at Mania.

Mania has become a showcase of past legends rather than the best in the world at the time. It's a joke
There it is right there. They had were fighting for their lively hood and went left field with Austin. At the end of the day, guys like Rock/Austin don't walk into the locker room every other day. We've been spoiled with all these mega stars from the past, but they haven't found that star power in a long time.

Bryan it just seems like Vince has a legitimate grudge against. What else would explain all of this?

The thing is they have the best talent pool to come along in 10 years right now. You have legit Wrestlers that can talk the talk and walk the walk. There hasn't been this much pure talent on the card since 2000, maybe even 2002. They have no incentive to build stars and just want to make as much money as possible in the short run. I get it, it's a business, but at what point does greed stop being the motive and passion returns. Even in business, you have to build and restructure for the future. Reigns is the best thing the future holds right now, but honestly I'm just waiting to see how they stink that up.

If they weren't fighting for their life and the "Curtain Call", Austin 3:16 would've been buried for Ole Beethoven's Symphony HHH. God I wish there was a Locker Room leader to tape up his fists and ride for Bryan like Taker did for Austin back in the day too.

Legit wrestlers who can talk the talk?? You didn't watched those pre-Rumble promos did you :lol: :lol: ?
Very letdown that D-Bry lost his match and was not in the rumble.

I had lots of fun tho, 5 of us got together and we drew numbers for the Rumble, 6 each.

Here is who I ended up with:

Damien Sandow
Kevin Nash
The Great Pale White
El Toro
Antonio Cesaro

It was lots of fun, also i loved the 6 min of chairshots to Big Slow from the Beast.
Oh yea, somebody already mentioned it, but they're right. As soon as they head to a non-smark city, all these reactions will be forgotten about. Batista will get cheered again, the Shield will get boo'd, Mystetio will get cheered, Dolph will get politely cheered or not even be on the show, and so on. It's all about the money will these company and nothing else. No sense of urgency cause of no competition. Pretty sad. I think the worst thing was HHH, Steph, and Vince weren't even on the screen, but their fingerprints were all over the show with every decision made. The last 3 guys in the Rumble were all HHH pet projects (no slight to Reigns though, I'm a fan and dude will be a star), so it's like HHH was stroking himself backstage.

Also, the Orton/Cena match..,they tried to do Austin/Rock from WM 19, but they're not Rock and Austin, and they had none of the drama, even though that WM match is considered the "worst" in that series (though my favorite). I'm glad that crowd did what they did.
lol when everyone was chanting randy savage. There was a guy dressed up as macho man few rows in front of us who got up sounding just like him and doing his little spin move. funny stuff
Pittsburgh isn't known as a "smark" crowd though. Maybe Vince will see that these are the 99% being upset now instead of the 1% IWC fans.

Who am I kidding though. Vince probably is in the back getting topped off by Trish Stratus again
We need a billionaire Daniel Bryan fan to short this company's stock.

On the real, it's sad the brass chooses favoritism over what's best for business. Batista is a bum. Can't go in the ring can't cut a promo, but whatever that ninja turtle looking dude has the look.

The goat face won't be held down forever.
The funny thing is that Bryan can most likely take Batista in real life. Size means nothing. See Jericho and Goldberg
I would've loved to been that fan Batista jawed too. I woulda straight told him to hit me. Hell I care about a beating.

He seems like a fugazi. Flipping the crowd off :stoneface:
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I would've loved to been that fan Batista jawed too. I woulda straight told him to hit me. Hell I care about a beating.

He seems like a fugazi. Flipping the crowd off :stoneface:


And this is the dude that the face that they want going for the title at Mania?

Dudes a joke. He thinks he's on the rocks level because he's in a movie. He thinks he's better than Brock Lesnar because he's an "animal".

Dude can kick rocks, I hope he jobs to Orton at Mania
If they really want a good match, they should do a triple threat match with Orton/tista/d Bry just like WM XX and benoit
Me too. Randy deserves to go over. He's been doing this night in and night out for years.

Triple threat would be ideal with Bryan winning to take the angle full circle.
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If Tista/Orton is going to be at Wrestlemania, what is going to happen at Elimination Chamber? Have Bryan win to set up triple threat at Wrestlemania?
If Tista/Orton is going to be at Wrestlemania, what is going to happen at Elimination Chamber? Have Bryan win to set up triple threat at Wrestlemania?

There's a very good chance they do D -Bry and Cena vs the Wyatt's
I still get chills down my spine thinking that they were doing Daniel Bryan chants during the title match. And during batistas celebration.
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