Dude gets props from me for the Detective Conan reference.

Whether the whole Bryan situation is a work or a shoot, WWE would eventually have to give in to the fans and give us what we want. The only thing I'm worried about is the timing. They should really pick their spot carefully, as they are now treading a very thin line with us fans with regards to to D Bry.
Batista is a lame.

Things could have set up greatly for the Road to WM last night, but it was more of a roadblock that's pretty damn hard to break through.
Still can't believe i got JBL for the Rumble man. I hope were doing awards for shortest elimination. Were out of paper towels in my apartment and I could really use that autographed miz photo
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Batista coming back doing what he has been doing/saying is almost as bad as Toni Kukoc saying he would average 30 if he played in the NBA today. Dude you weren't an A player in your prime. You are coming back as if someone owes you anything. legit mad at the fans? Dude get over yourself.
Not as disappointed as some people bc that's what I had for my predictions but it's still a little irritating to see them do this.
As a DC native I'm very much looking for to the Monday night RAW before Wrestlemania which will be in DC. The crowd should be totally behind Batista. I'll be there.
I'm pretty peeved I spent $60 on this last night and it was the first time I've come back in a while

I was so pumped after that first match; Bray and DB put on one hell of a performance but then they just bury DB some more and he doesn't get in the Rumble

Hey Vince/HHH,

This is exactly why I am just a VERY causal wrestling fan now

Someone needs to get ahold of a mic during a WWE telecast cussing Vince/HHH out telling them how we feel. They need to hear it man.

Y'all bail me out and pay for the injuries I'll get from getting stomped out and I'll try it when they come down here.
In hindsight............. If WWF at the time wasnt getting their butts whipped in the ratings, Austin 3:16 probably would have never took off..................


Probably woulda been the Ringmaster forever and stuck in feuds with Savio Vega. :x :lol:
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But seeing my dad Ziggler yesterday made up for everything 
-Cena cuts a corny promo on the Wyatt's
-WWE ignores the Daniel Bryan chants from last night
-Batista is portrayed as a superhuman for winning the rumble after 4 years absence. Dude will get cheered.
Not surprised or even THAT mad at what happened. It was so predictable.

I do hope that WWE recognizes the appeal that D-Bryan has and how much star power he is. 4W brought up the point that he isn't a ratings draw, which he isn't. However, if the company got behind him and REALLY pushed him, would that change? Who knows, but I do hope that for their own sake, they figure it out and fast. Cena and Orton are aging, Batista is 45, and CM Punk is damn near ready to wrap it up. Might be '94 all over again before we know it.
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