That's how you know all these lurkers coming out the woodwork since they're reiterating myths that have been debunked over and over again in this thread. It's like the New Years Resolution dudes at the gym :lol:  I hope they stay

Sorry for not being up to date on my wwe news
Count me in. Been out of wrestling for awhile. but i'm going with Batista for the rumble.
I wouldn't be surprised if we see a repeat of Bret in 1994 ie. Bryan gets a post match beatdown by the Wyatts, then defies all odds and wins the Rumble.
I just don't see how they can go with anyone other than Bryan or Batista for the RR winner..There's not really anyone else that makes sense..Punk would be the only other person who could win and I'd be alright with it, since it'd finally give him his chance to Main Event @ Mania..
I guess I'll enter. I've always skimmed through the ntwt talk so I'm not quite sure how it goes exactly. We're just given a number and hope the wrestler representing that number wins, correct?
Watching the Mae Young tribute right now..You can't hear it on Raw, but pretty much the entire arena got up and was chanting "Thank You Mae" for the whole thing..My wife leaned over and asked if she made it to 100..I told her no and it made me feel kinda sad..
They need to let him use the five gimmick
I think it's too late now sadly.

At this current stage of his career, I really don't see anyone that would that would be willing to do the five count to put Big E even more over. I thought maybe Axel would've done it by now, but nope.
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